Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Discussion Board that I wanted to share: Genesis and Human Potential

 The story I will use is the classic story of the garden of Eden, however it is specifically the end of that myth that I want to examine through Sod (esoteric) perspective. After Adam and Eve have eaten the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, God speaks to someone about why they should be cast out into the world.  

Then the Lord said "See, the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil; and now he might reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever" - therefore the lord sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from which he was taken." - GEN 3:22-23

The annotations at the bottom summarizes this as "The Lord God's fear of humans becoming godlike...The term 'us' probably refers to the heavenly court." This is the second time that The Lord God has used the term "us" - the first was when he said "Let us make human kind in our image" (GEN1:26).  Now... the annotations are a very literal/Peshat interpretation. I however want to dig a bit deeper, pas the moral of "right and wrong because God said so", and into the deeper spiritual meaning. 

As a pagan I believe in multiple gods and there are hints every so often that The Lord God is not the only God in heaven - just the only one humans are supposed to worship. Even the annotation cannot discredit this - both times in Genesis where The Lord God said "us" the notes could only say that he probably refers to the heavenly court. However - we know that angels making up the heavenly court do not resemble humans at all and are terrifying to behold (hence the constant "do not be afraid" greeting when they come bearing messages). So it stands to reason that the other gods that The Lord God is speaking with exist. However, this is still once again a literal view. 

I want to go a step deeper and focus on is the fear that The Lord God has of humans becoming godlike, and the connection to the two magical trees in the garden. We know of Two trees that humans were not supposed to eat from, The Tree of Knowledge (of right and wrong) and the Tree of life (immortality). God is so afraid of Eve and Adam becoming equal to him that he lies to keep them ignorant and submissive (GEN 3:2-4), then out of fear of their potential power he banishes them before they have a chance to fulfill that potential. For me personally, this speaks to the esoteric knowledge and power found in nature.

These trees represent a path to reaching godhead (def: divine nature or essence). Humans are already halfway there after Eve took from the tree of knowledge - symbolizing that humans are naturally halfway capable of reaching our own divinity simply through the exploration of knowledge and understanding what is good and what is evil. This is a common thread amongst various religious and spiritual denominations - such as Buddhism and Taoism that we've explored and their emphasis on the good and wise way to live. (Whether one can attain godhead through only good is up for debate.) 

The other half of our work to reach godhead is not so easily reached.

Since Eve and Adam were cast out of the garden (which I would say represents the spiritual plane/otherworld) and are forced to toil in the earth (the physical plane/mortal world) there is much to keep them from pursuing godhead, if in fact they are even aware that it was a possibility. Many people do not seem to realize it is a possibility or if they dare to realize it seem to think it is a sin to aim for. For humans to fulfill their potential spiritually, to transmute their divine soul from simply human to that of a god, they must find a way back to "Eden". There are too many theories and methods to attempt this to cover - one might say that doing this is successfully rejoining the Tao or reaching Nirvana.

I would look to the story for the answer - if we already have the capacity to get halfway through connection and knowledge given by nature (the tree) then perhaps it is through connection and following nature that we will find our way back to Eden, giving us a chance to "become like one of us" as The Lord God put it. 

Monday, February 17, 2025

Symposium week official plans

 Okay so symposium week is officially 

Mon Feb 24-wed 26th 8am-9pm 

Then there is a mixer the night of the 23rd

And a morning coffee and bagel meeting with Dr wheelers class from last semester on the 22nd. 

So I could either leave 

Saturday the 21st at like… 6am and arrive for the coffee social. Get to say hi to everyone and give hugs. 

Then I might sight see for a bit, see what everyone else is doing. See if anyone wants to play your guide… if not, google is a thing! I’ll especially see what Mike has planned, since I’ll be crashing at his house. 

Play most of Saturday and Sunday by ear - maybe make it to a chapel in person on campus?

Monday - Tuesday 8am on campus till 9am

Wednesday 8am and then I’ll probably leave around 4/5 and get home about 9/10 and then work on Thursday. 

Naturally I’ll do my homework while there and bring my laptop to check work emails. Can help pass any free time 

Eternal Flame - Interfaith Church: A Community for shared ritual, spiritual care, and spiritual direction.

 Here are my thoughts.... This would be once I have a brick and mortar location. Until then I would be limited to an online presence and public meeting locations such as library study rooms and parks. 

Something like this would be a DREAM


Business Card/Sign Idea:

Eternal Flame: Interfaith Church

*Flame Logo*

A Community for shared ritual, spiritual care, and spiritual direction


Quotes that Contribute to Mission:

  • "Spiritual, or pastoral, care should not be circumscribed to "faith" traditions"... unless that faith  as it was understood in medieval times: "faith refers to a concept of trust in someone", not belief in a higher power. (Lartey & Moon, 5)
  • Self awareness is as crucial to spirituality as God-awareness (Lartey & Moon, 22)
  • What is spiritual about us is our ability to relate, and to speak of spirituality therefore is to refer to the characteristic ways in which we relate across various dimensions of our being and different forces of existence. (Lartey & Moon 21)
  • Spirituality refers to the human capacity for relationships with self, others, and God... (Lartey & Moon 22)
  • Spiritual care practices need, among other things, to be directed at nurturing and enhancing our deepest sense of the divine or of transcendence in our human experience. (Lartey and Moon 23)
  • ...relationship with God is strengthened or developed within the group. (L&M 25)
  • Spirituality very clearly has to do with the way in which we encounter the created world. (L&M 27)
  • Spiritual care giving has to do with caring for what is spiritual about us as human beings. Spiritual care then is concerned with facilitating healthy relationships - with God, with self, with others, and with the environment. (L&M, 27)
    • Put this on the back of business cards

Services: Shared Ritual and Spiritual Direction

  • Weekly Interfaith rituals on Monday Nights (6pm start)
    • Hospitality hour done via potluck style
  • Solitary Worship (free)
    • Multiple altars available for personal devotion each with candles to light, prayer request boxes, and offering stations 
  • Rituals and Ceremonies offered ($ income)
    • Home Cleanses 
    • Weddings/Handfastings/Secular Commitment Ceremonies 
    • Initiations/Coming of age (Spiritual or Secular [birthdays, proms, divorces, etc.)
  • One on One Spiritual direction by appointment ($: Sliding Scale income)
    • Possibilities:
      • Just conversation and care plan 
      • Guided Meditation
      • Ritual
      • Divination readings
      • Custom Spell craft
      • Custom Spell work 
  • Group Spiritual Direction Workshops ($ income)
    • Basics of Witchcraft
    • Candle Magic
    • Divination  
    • Guided meditation and Journeying
    • Ecstatic Dance
    • Joining of Voices (drum circles, night of songs [themed], jam sessions)
  • Group Programs Weekly 
    • If I can find one to rent to: AA/NA group ($ income, free to members)
    • Interfaith Youth Program ($ income: price per kid per day, includes a snack)
    • Interfaith Devotional: Men & Masc Identifying - "Men's Circle" (free)
    • Interfaith Devotional: Women & Fem Identifying - "Women's Circle" (free)
    • Interfaith Devotional: Community (free)
  • Retreats ($ income per person and level of activity planning)
    • Youth Retreats with overnight stay
    • Daytime Youth Retreats 
    • Silent Retreats with overnight stay
    • Daytime Silent Retreats 
    • Devotional Retreat 
      • Interfaith 
      • Singularly Religious (Christian, Buddhist, Taoist, Muslim, Hindu, Etc) 
  • Room Rentals - Outside of Retreats, no planned activity ($ income)
    • Per room for devotional reflection + Meals
    • Per room for devotional reflection - no meals 
Services: Community
  • Monthly Drag Brunch ($ income)
    • Themed (Family Friendly) - 3 performers; 2 act each
    • Brunch: FREE WATER
      • $15 show, no food - 1 mimosa
      • $10 show only, no food or drink
      • $25 show, meal, and mimosa 
      • $20 show and meal
    • Followed by Drag Story hour  - additional $10 
    • Performers keep their tips & I pay each a cut of the door evenly. 
  • Monthly Drag Night: ($ income)
    • Sacrilege: Religious Catharsis/ Healing Religious Trauma
    • 18+ 
    • $10
  • Community Voices: 
    • Local artists perform, could be music, poetry, writing, art 
    • free..... donations welcome. 
  • Retreats  - Secular ($ income)
    • Trust Building Retreat (Groups or Couples)
    • Devotional Retreats [self love/trust building/romantic/healing relationships]
  • Group Activities
    • Weekly Game night ($ space rental)
      • Community Dungeons and Dragons - 3 times a month
      • Family Game night  - Uno, board games, etc - once a month
  • Volunteering (free)
    • Food Pantry
    • Soup Kitchen
    • Habitat for Humanity
    • Environmental Cleaning 
Interfaith Ritual Layout

  1. Welcome to all - take a moment to greet one another 
  2. Call in elements (directions not necessary, as different faiths have different directions)
  3. Recite Eternal Flame Poem
  4. Sing a song of welcoming 
  5. Community Celebration: recite words of focus
    1. Ask if there are any birthdays
      1. sing birthday song (the one moira showed me, the sing & repeat)
    2. Any engagements, weddings, Promotions, or Positive News to share and celebrate 
  6. Invitation for Grounding ("light body exercise")
  7. Words for reflection (could be a readings from a sacred text, poem, quote, etc.)
    1. Silent Meditation and Reflection
    2. Community Reflection and discussion & Sharing of other readings
    3. This can be as long or as short as the group wants. This is the bulk of the ritual
  8. Joining of Voices  - Song on theme 
  9. Time for Community Healing : Recite words of focus
    1. Prayer for healing - Invitation to speak out loud the name of anyone we wish healing towards or remain silent and as the divine to bless those on our hearts
    2. If anyone would like to receive love and support from the community please stand or come to the front. If you have extra love to give, please go to someone standing and embrace them. If you are not comfortable doing this now, please feel free to see me after the ritual and I would be happy to remind you that you are not alone and how loved you are. 
  10. Discuss Upcoming Week's schedule or changes to the routine 
    1. Topic or Theme for next Ritual so anyone who wants to bring a quote or reading to share, can
    2. Which devotional Group meeting 
    3. If Any retreats are being offered or Workshops coming up 
    4. Which Volunteering opportunity is planned 
    5. Any cancelations 
  11. Parting of ways
    1. Recite closing words releasing the elements and asking the divine to bless the space and bring prosperity for the following time until we meet again. 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Spiritual Text: Childrens Book

 Each book must:

  • Be 15-20 pages long in length, with 2-5 sentences of carefully crafted content on each page (which can be typed or hand-written)
  •  Contain a clear and overarching storyline that communicates the selected idea
  •  Include original illustrations/artwork to accompany every 1-2 pages of the book (each student must illustrate their children’s book, but can choose to do so via hand-drawing, painting, digital illustration, or even a medium such as collage; no AI generated illustration)
  • Be accompanied by a 1-1.5page (double-spaced) analysis of the book that addresses: who the audience of the story is (age range, community, demographics, etc.); how the story engages an idea or belief found in a religious text we’ve read in this course; how this story contributes something new/necessary to children’s education; why you wrote this story in particular and how your own situatedness influences your interpretation of this text/idea.
    • salamander symbolizes transformation, rebirth, the ability to withstand intense heat or challenges, and the power of inner fire, passion, inner strength,  change
    • Owl Medicine is wisdom, insight, mystery
    • Otter medicine is friendship
    • Hold not a deed of little worth, thinking “this is little to me”. The falling drops of water will in time fill a water-jar. Even so, the wise man becomes full of good, although he gathers it little by little.  - The Dhammapada 122

Presentation: Students will post a 5 minute video presentation to share their children’s book in the corresponding Discussion Thread on Canvas. Presentations should include a reading of the book (pictures included!) and a brief summary of the idea they aimed to convey through the story.

I wrote my childrens book around the basic message of Dhammapada 22:  how to be good can come in little actions over time. To me this verse or lesson speaks of redemption, as many people think after a troubled past that there is no way to be good or to redeem onself. On a personal note both my mom and I are recovered addicts and when you are in recovery somtimes you have to take life one step at a time, one day at a time, or if you're having a particularly bad day, one minute at a time to prevent yourself from slipping back into harmful habits. No act of resistence, no act of improvement, no act of healing, or work of good is too small. Little by little you move forward in the same way a jar is filled with water one drop at a time. 

In my story I focus on other disruptive patterns or habits that might be arising in children, based off how my friends' kids behave. All three of them are starting to develope a sense of independance and stronger ego leading to them developing strong emotions and rising tempers. So I used a reputation for being mean and angry as the "bad" behavior that needs correcting in my story. I played with different options for this, but ultimatley chose to write something all 3 of the kids I am close to would want to read/have read to them. So I aim to have the target age group be between 6-9 years old. 

I have noticed that in the many childrens books I have seen at my friends' houses there are books on kindness, on why its important not to bully, on acceptance, but I havn't seen any on self forgiveness and deciding to do better in the future. There have been plenty of books on why not to bully, but I havn't seen any that tells the bully they can change their ways. So I thought this would be an easy addition to teach on goodness and kindness from another perspective, while also hinting at the way anger should not be displayed. 

For my book I chose to go back to my own roots. Although I was cut off of it from a very young age, I was originally raised within the indigenous faith. Still to this day it has influence on my beliefs and ways of thinking, one such example is that stories were often told through animals and their medicine. So, I chose to tell my story in a similar way that indigenous fables were told to me as a child. Salamnder was not an animal I was familair with, so I can't speak to its medicine but its metaphysical meaning (which usually is the same or similar) is that of rebirth, change, overcomming obstacles, passion, and inner strength. They are also heavily associated with the element of fire. I also use the owl, which has many aspects to its medicine including wisdom, insight, and guidance as the teacher in the story. I do want to say that I have not been involved in the indigenous community since I was a child and want to apologize if this comes off as offensive in any way. When I think about teaching and childhood this is where my mind goes, so that is why I chose to tell the story this way. Feel free to email me or message me if you feel this was done in error, as I am always open to learning more. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

I am magic - self empowerment poem

I am Magic, 

My words hold great power, 
I know that I'm worthy of all I desire. 

I am Magic, 
I am one of the fae. 
I feel their presence and hear what they say. 

I am Magic, 
Though human I remain,
To walk amongst them and return love again. 

I am Magic, 
I commune with the gods, 
To pass on their wisdom and even the odds. 

I am Magic, 
I dance with my guides, 
With a shawl of starlight, I need never hide. 

I am Magic, 
I feel this in my soul, 
In this, may doubt never gain hold. 

I am Magic, 
May the wild within be set free, 
By the power of spirit within me, So it will be! 

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Letter about Taoism


In class we are learning about Taoism and its various core values; one sticks out to me more than any other: action/non-action or being/non-being. In our lecture a specialist explores various ways to look at what The Tao, the 6th reinforcing this value:  "Tao is the original state of the thing." You know my thoughts about how our modern culture is not sustainable to the human spirit and goes against our innate natures.  

So we have "tao" - "a way" to reach "The Tao" - "original state".  Action/non-action/being/nonbeing is the way of trying to describe the core value of Taoism that pursuing purposeful action is a way of self-undermining. This has a lot to do with the overarching theme of humility and warns against ambition. This seems radical but think about it... ambition is the root of a lot of suffering. We work hard so that we can survive, but the system is set up to feed the ambitions of the wealthy. Greed & ambition go hand in hand... but if we were allowed to just exist we would be in a utopia. There are too many examples to list. Instead of us chasing ambition to change our lives, Taoism would say to exist and what is meant to be pursued will come to you. If you don't accept the identity thrust on you then you will eventually find who you are in your natural state. Action is born out of non action, being is born out of non-being.  

 Tao Te Ching warns against ambition, taking glory, accruing excessive wealth, using force to form authority... this is clearly about politics. What we have been dealing with today was taking shape in China when the book was written (6th century BC China). This was a feudal era in China, so naturally there was wars and structural changes, caste systems that allowed for corruption and internal power struggles, and a King with total control. The Tao has a lot of critique when it comes to these things... and honestly I wish this was applied more in today's society.  

Miss you always, 


Saturday, February 8, 2025

Spiritual Direction

 Okay so..... I am thinking of changing my major to Spiritual Direction.

Spiritual Direction and Interreligious Chaplaincy have the same class requirements except for 3 classes:

  • Preaching and Your Public Voice --- I have ZERO interest in preaching. Zero. 
  • Intercultural Approaches to Chaplaincy
  • Interreligious Approaches to Chaplaincy
  • 2 Semester of CPE

Spiritual Development:
  • The Art of Discernment
  • Spiritual Direction/Companionship 1
  • Spiritual Direction/Companionship 2
  • Spiritual Direction Practicum --> Maybe get an intership through sacred well?

At the end of the day.... a chaplain is a pastor, just not at a church. 

  • Chaplains are typically sought out in times of crisis, critical incidents, trauma, or when an individual feels that something is not right. The patient does not choose a chaplain; rather, the chaplain is often assigned based on the nature of the situation. In contrast, spiritual directors operate in a realm of personal choice, where clients actively seek their guidance for contemplation, meditation, and self-awareness.
  • The role of the director is to provide a safe, caring environment, as well as to truly ‘be’ with and listen to the directee and to help the directee explore and sit with what God/Divine is offering. The focus of spiritual direction is not teaching or problem solving.

I would have to do the chaplaincy program to get ordained through Sacred Well as a clergy person. 
HOWEVER I could take their ordination program at the deacon level and be considered ordained/backed by a denomination... which means I could still be a chaplain as a back up at a hospital or hospice. 

So.... 4 years seminary and then I'd take their year long course for $200 and get ordained as a pagan deacon. 

In either case its the same time, 90% same classes, and boils down to