Tuesday, January 14, 2014

thanks mom.

i am so tired of this.

Mom thinks i'm trying to start shit between her and mary.

they aren't speaking to each other. because my mom is petty.

Now she is accusing me of saying things that i have NOT said. such as telling mary mom is avoiding her and making us call so she didn't have to talk to her.

now r its about Dicks sporting goods card that woolard gave us. i wasn't aware it was on cara's list. Mary thinks its wrong that it goes straight to cara and bypasses me and racheal. it didn't bother me.

i tell mary that we are going to use them for cara's shoes.
mary asks what shoes.
i tell her Cara's track shoes, she wants to join track next year.
mary asks my mom when she needs them by because she would pay for them.

now my mom is being petty AGAIN and thinks that i want them all to myself. i don't.
now she sent my sister to give them to me. i don't want to be in this petty game of hers.
i don't want to deal with this drama.

i don't want any fucking part of this!

i'm not trying to start shit.
i am not the one who told mary that we didn't want to be in the middle of her and mommas issues.
i am not thew one who said momma was avoiding her and making us talk to her instead.

i do NOT appreciate being accused of playing games.

fuck you. i'm not the one playing games. that is mom and mary. not me. i will not be drug into this.

now i don't necessarily like that these cards aren't going to be used for an entire year, when both rach and i could use them. but i don't want them all to myself. I do feel like its a bit of a waste, because there is no way those cards would be kept safe unti l a year from now, they would be long lost.

but now i don't want anything to do with them.
i'll repeat mom's words to me
"shove them up your ass".

right back at you.

i dont' want to be around cara. shes a brat.
i don't want to be around my mom. she's a mind game playing petty brat.
i don't want to be around mary. she's mind game playing also.
all three of them manipulate, over dramatisize... at least mary actually listens to somthign i say, although she then turns it around and twists it and ends up causing fights with me and my mom.

and i'm getting accused of playing games.

i feel like i'm just a pon and i'm tired of it.
i want to leave!

but i have no money.
no licence.
so i'm stuck.

typing agrily in my stupid blog.
that no one reads

fuck everything.

why can't i just be left alone?
why can't the grown ups actually grow up!?

just leave me out of it.

and don't you dare accuse me of playing fucking games! does she know how hypocritical that is!!!?

mary does it because she feels mom is cutting her out of our lives. which by her behavior  she is.

mom does it because she is so fucking insecure.

and we (the children) really do get caught in  the middle.

i just want to be left alone.
just leave me alone.

and i was in a good mood. HA. see how long that gets to last?


  1. Sometimes I feel it's good to release what is on one's mind, I know I've done it from time to time, and somehow it makes me feel better.

    You're welcome to follow my blog at http://theopenvase.blogspot.com/
