Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Pagan goes to hell - good joke :)

for those who can't read it:

A pagan dies and to his surprise he finds himself standing before some pearly gates. the pagan says: "where am i?"
peter says "You're at the gates of heaven"
the pagan says "But i don't believe in heaven"
Peter frowns at him. "you're one of those pagans aren't you?"
"yes. i believe i'm in the wrong place. i'm supposed to go to summeland"

peter says "Sorry. We took over summerland and its temporarily closed for remodeling"

"what do i do now?

Peter says "well, since we don't allow pagans in heaven, you have to go to hell.sorry. just take the path that goes downward and to the left."

the pagan walks down to hell, where the gates are standing open. he walks in and finds beautiful meadows, happy animals, and clear streams of water.

he walks on in and begins exploring. After a few minutes a courtly gentleman walks up to him and bows politely. "Hello, i'm Satan. you must be the guy St. Peter phoned me about. Are you pagan?"

"yes i am, whats going to happen now?"

Satan says, "well, the fishing is pretty good if you enjoy that kind of thing. there is a refreshment stand down the road. and i believe the pagan meeting grounds are just over the next hill."

Suddenly a hole opens up in the sky and a yawning chasm opens directly underneath it. the stench of sulfur fills the air. hundreds of screaming tortured souls drop into the flaming pit which immediately closes with a thud.

the pagan, hardly believing what he saw, asks Satan "what was THAT?"

Satan just rolls his eyes and says "oh just ignore them. they're Christians. they wouldn't have it any other way."

Earth Warrior

Omnia's new CD is out!!!! :DDDDDDDDD

and there is a guy who has ALL the songs in order in a playlist on youtube!! :D





Monday, July 28, 2014

Original Faerie Short Story/Possible Epilogue

There is a patch of woods in the back of my neighborhood that have always fascinated me. whenever i would go on walks i would always pass them, looking intently into its beautiful green arches of vines and trees and wonder at all the beauty. Over time i began to get the courage to talk as i walked past them, because as anyone who would know me, i believe in faeries...and i just knew that faeries reside in those woods.

sometimes they would let me know they were listening... a dragon fly would come out to greet me, or birds would be singing; once a firefly actually followed me as i walked by. Most times however the woods were still and silent. It was that silence that always daunted me. so i stopped talking to them.  sometimes i would sing, but i always made sure to show my love and respect; usually by blowing a kiss to them, or giving a slight bow.

It was in the middle of a sunset that i walked by those woods the other day, and decided to talk to them again. As per usual i said how much i admired them, the beauty of their world, all the green and its life. I told them about the songs and poems i wrote, though i had already told them this before.  And finally i stopped. I looked into those woods, saw how deep they looked, how vivid green and alive they were, and i just stood. I sighed, knelt, and decided to let them have it.

"Look. i'm human. I can't change that. I can't see you and i can't hear you and its all my fault. But i mean no harm. I just... as crazy as it sounds i feel homesick and when i walk by or think about you guys, the fae, i feel a little closer to the home that i miss but don't actually know." My cheeks flamed red. being disrespectful to the fae is the quickest way to piss them off... so i added with my head lowered a bit, "not that i'd deserve to be part of your world or that i come from it. i don't mean to assume anything, its just the way i feel."  before i could add anything i heard something behind me and my heart stopped. It sank like a stone when i heard a voice say, "Who are you talking to?"

I turned to see a boy, about my age, so a young man would be more accurate. He had his head cocked to the side and an eyebrow raised. I bit my lip and decided, what the hell?

"The faeries that live in these woods." I said matter-of-factly. He smiled, scratched his head and raised the other eyebrow.

"Come again?" he said, i could hear a laugh coming in his voice. I bit my lip and then stood. Who was he to laugh at me? Sure, it might seem weird, but maybe if i defended them in front of this boy they would actually respond to me?

"Faeries. the fair people. little people. elves. gnomes. trolls. wood spirits." i said putting my hands on my hips and adding sass to my voice to cover up my embarrassment.

His smile turned from this-chick-is-crazy to this-chick-is-funny. "I know what the fae are. But what would you know of them? What makes you think there are here or would pay you any mind?"

I blushed at this, turning to face the woods again.
"I know plenty...i think... and i know they don't pay me any mind. doesn't mean i have to ignore them even if they ignore me."

His face turned amused and kind of lets-indulge-the-child... "So why bother?"

"Because... i don't know. talking to them makes me happy. whats it to you? don't you have any hobbys others might think is weird?" I said defensively, i just wanted him to leave. Instead he shrugged, walked over to the edge of the woods, and sat down.

"tell me about them, then. If they are your weird hobby" something about the way he said the last part made me hesitate.  He was challenging me... fine. I marched over to him sat down and looke dhim full in the eye.

"what do you want to know?" i said, ready to take on this stranger.
"what do they look like?" he said. I smiled. easy.
"Depends. the fae come in all shapes and forms and sizes. some may look humanoid, some don't. Some can be huge but appear to be small, or vice versa. an ugly male could appear as a gloriously beautiful maid. They can show themselves as whatever form they choose; if they use glamour."

"What is that?" he said, a hint of actual curiosity twinged his mocking tone.
"Glamour...consider it kind of like faerie magic. it alters what something looks, smells,feels,and taste like.  they could make a rotted apple smell,look,and taste like a warm fresh pie...and wait till after you take a bite to show you what you've just done." he seemed to be amused by my image, i know i would find it funny if i were a faerie.

"You could be a faerie." i said in a thoughtful tone. I pretended to look him over suspiciously. Why not have fun with this? if he wanted to get me started on my obsession- his own fault! "For all i know you could be three feet tall and have a face covered with knots." i grinned, surprisingly he matched it with one of his own.

"What is their society like?" He said, and seemed to challenge me again with hid tone. It was like a fun game only... he seemed to think i would say the wrong thing.. does he know faerie lore?

"Thhats a bit harder. See...there are court fae...and then there are... oh..i can't think of the word....oh! Solitary fae. Court fae, according to my research fall into 2 main courts. Seelie, the 'good faeries'," i made sure to put quotations around "good faeries", " and the Unseelie court. the 'bad'faeries. Now, not all faeries in these courts are good or bad, same as all people are not good or bad. the seelie tend to be more benevolent towards people, but that does not mean that they are to be trusted, the opposite for the usleelie, thoguh not all will automatically aim to hurt or kill a human. Though i don't recomend going near any of the court fae... just a bad idea. The court fae are generally depicted as the more humanoid in appearance. You're elves and nymphs ans such. " I said, looking at him expecting him to laugh the entire time i give my long winded explanation.

Instead he said, "and the other kind?"

"Um... 'solitary fae'... they generally don't mess with the court faeries... um, they are the kind that seem to interact with the humans more often. they are the kind of faeries that will help around the house or play pranks and make your stuff disappear. they don't particularly follow either court, but can be just as dangerous as the court fea." I said... but then i felt the need to add more.

"however... i feel that this version of fae society is too human. Maybe the court fea do have a hierarchy, but i feel like majority of faeries? they just live. Although society is not just a human thing, wolves have ranks and such, i feel like its not as complicated as human society. I don't think they suffer from the same ambition and greed that we do. at least not as severely... then again maybe the court fae do. I don't know... i think they have been made into a more human-like society than what they actually are." I was glad to see an impressed expression on his face.

"What?" i said, a little defensive, ready for him to call me crazy. He shook his head and smiled.
"You really do believe in them don't you? You've given this serious thought." oh. as i thought, he was in awe of how stupid i must be.

"I do have doubts. they almost never respond to me, at least i never notice when they do until after ward in which its mostly me just hoping. But...its almost like  i have to believe. i can't dismiss them. its rude." I said shrugging. I didn't want this cute stranger to think i was too nuts.

He stood up and stretched, offering me his hand and saying, "This cement is killing my rear end, want to move?" taking his hand i said, "Theres a little grassy hill just down that way." What i didn't tell him was that i thouhg it moght be a faerie knoll. a little hill covered in grass and clovers set apart from the road by a large ditch and small clearing of flowers. I liked to walk past it on my walks and actually would usually blow it a kiss.

We jumped the ditch and i was amazing he was still wanting to talk to me.  the wierd girl who talked to the air and believed in faeries. Maybe he thought i was cute and quirky? I smiled when he stretched out laying on the kill, the incline giving him a good view of my face while i talked and looked out over the road.

"so what got you into faeries?"he sounded genuinely curious so i smiled.
"Have been since i was small, but its turned into an obsession as i've gotten older." I smiled as i remembered. "I use to watch this show on saturday morning cartoons...Yu-Gi-Oh. and he would use this card called the mystic elf. I remember thinking she was just beautiful and i wanted to be just like her. So i would dress up and try to look like her. And then its just gone from there...." I began to think how that may have been because of what really got my obsession going.

"What?" he said sitting up a little bit.
"Honesly?" i took  a breath and said it. "I think i was an elf in a past life." There. I said it. outloud. at the faerie knoll. infront of this stranger. in front of the faeries.

"I hate saying that outloud!" I said turning to hide my face.
"Why?" he said, he sounded a bit thrown back. which was completely understandable.

"why do i think that or why do i hate saying it?" I asked, my voice muffled from my hands covering my face.
"well... its kind of...my faerie obsession sprouts from this belief and this belief sprouts from the obsession. its too hard to explain. but i can tell you it has involved meditations and lots of research. i'm not crazy," I added, giving him a hard look.

He put his hands up in a surrender pose, "I didn't say you were." but his voice and face did. So i told him about a guided meditation i did to "meet my higher self" and how she had been a fae lady. How i went on another that took me to an elven castle that i honestly couldn't have imagined myself. He quielty listened and then asked me why i hated saying it if i was so sure.

"I hate saying it because of how it sounds. plus i don't want to piss an actual faerie off by sounding presumptuous and offending them.  this seemed to surprise him.

"If its what you actually believe then support it. don't back down. If you really believe in them and that you...were..one of them.. then don't hesitate. Why would they get offended? Even if you were completely wrong, imitation is flattery. By wanted to be like them you are complimenting them." He said, taking my hands away from my face.

i looked at him. he was odd. i am weird, but he is odd.
"What about you?" i asked looking him up and down. "What kind of person talks to a girl who talks to trees and then stays to hear her talk about insane stuff."

"A bored person." he said with a shrug and laid back again. I followed suit.
 "And its not insane stuff. From what i can tell, you seem to be  more or less right on what you think. Ecept one thing."
"Oh?" i said and closed my eyes, enjoying the warm day and the coo grass on my back and feet.
"Its not just court fae that are human like - even without glamour solitary fae can as well." I opened my eyes to look at him but...he was gone.


Well i like to say that i smiled and shook my head and took a nap or continued my walk... but no. I'm human. I spazzed.

I jumped up, put on my shoes and looked around. "What the hell???" i said and actually started to walk into the woods. Which....i wasn't allowed to do. Otherwise i would have done it ages ago.

I was going to call out... but he never said his name. Had he been....a... no... why? "A bored person." he had been bored. and.... Solitary... meaning he wasn't exactly the happy-go-lucky-safe faerie but he wasn't a court fae.

"Well shit..." i said leaning against a tree. I knew i should turn around but something said that if i just went a little further... but i stopped. I knew i didn't belong there, i'm human. can't change that. I looked all around me and gave a longing sigh. I turned and started back to the knoll when i felt a pull at my sleeve. I looked and saw it was caught on a briar bush. i unhitched myself but felt another pull. i looked and was caught again.
"huh?" i said and got myself free again. I got to the ditch and right as i was about to jump a dragonfly flew right by my face startling me into a half jump - almost putting me into the ditch. I turned to face the woods and knoll again with a smile and a bow.

"I appreciate that. whoever you are. whoever is listening. Thank you." then i winced as i remembered faeries don't like "thank you".

 "I appreciate it" i amended quickly and mentally kicked myself - gods why am i so awkward?

i walked home still mildly confused and full of excitement and longing.  I didn't get to go for another walk till the next week. The birds were singing which made me smile. i gave my usual bow and kiss and sang as i walked past. As always i gave my longing look into the lush green world i couldn't be part of. But i didn't see anything.

Every time i walk by there i now look for him. But he was most likely glamoured so i doubt i would recognize him even if i saw him. Besides... i don't have the sight and can't see faeries unless they allow me. Why would he show himself to me anyway? He was just bored and amusing himself.


It was December 21, the winter solstice, i was out walking with friends when we came by the woods. I said i needed to tie my shoe but that they should walk on. When they were out of earshot i told the woods and fae "happy yule!" and blew a kiss. Right when i caught up to my friends, just at the level of the knoll, i heard someone whisper in my ear "and to you". but no one was there. I stopped and made a 180. No one. no breath cloud. nothing. but i knew.... i knew!! he was there....  i smiled and walked on.  And thought maybe he possibly walked with us.

on our walk back i hung back as the edge of the woods i whispered "if you're ever bored...i'm right up the road." and never heard from him again.



And this only took me an hour and a half to write! :D

after thought

i've had a pretty healthy self image for a while.... but recently over the past few days... i've actually really enjoyed looking in the mirror. i really am a beautiful girl...

i was playing with a green maple leaf and i just liked how it played with the shadows around my eyes and how it looked around my face.

i have pretty eyes...

and even with my hair being damp and greasy from the humidity and needing to be washed... i look really good.

not to sound snobbish or self centered!!! just....its nice.

oh and i think i actually saw faerie movement tonight. couldn't focus on them... but i saw them move. and possibly heard one speak..ish.

4 AM

so...over at Calvin's with Joey and i bleed through my pad....i put on my last one (in my purse) and have to ask the boys if they will take me to the store to buy some pads... that was at 1 AM.

we come back to the house at 4:30 ish.

what did we do for the three hours?

Drive. Talk. Listen to music.

Joey re-taught me how to drive basically and i now can do a three point turn again.

i've somewhat discovered some stuff about calvin through our talks. I think what he really needs is a good push.... he is caught in transition with nowhere to go.

Joey.... might be an otherkin? like me... although i don't like to refer to myself as that because i feel like i'm being presumptuous. me = elf/faerie him = werewolf (not the man by day wold by night kind... refer to previous blog about werewolf)

funny thing. Joey is interested in my way of thinking... spiritual wise. at least it seems so.

Maude declared herself pagan after meeting me. Joey is headed in that direction.  but i swear i'm not out to convert people... idk. makes me think back to one of the things i read about otherkin... "you might be an otherkin if... people tend to discover themselves around you.

NOT that i'm taking ANY credit for other people's self discovery. AT ALL. just a coincidence i noticed.

for joey to read:

1. http://pixieluv4.blogspot.com/2013/08/otherkin-and-me.html
2. http://pixieluv4.blogspot.com/2013/08/yesim-still-going-on-about-this.html
3. http://pixieluv4.blogspot.com/2013/08/againmore.html
4. http://pixieluv4.blogspot.com/2014/03/otherkinyesagain-im-weird-i-know.html


I feel like i can really trust the boys. like...they are so amazing. we may not have the exact same sense of humor, but they are really cool. i love them to pieces <3 and i feel like i'm getting closer to them :3

i miss Ashley... havn't talked to her or seen her pretty much since graduation weekend.  Maude has seemed busy as well. havn't talked to her really. Racheal is gone.

its sad but my social life pretty much revolves around my 2 dorks ;)


its four o clock in the morning....
the conversation was soaring....
but i headed to the bedroom,
cuz i figured i needed a snoooze.

^ if you don't get that then its okay...

(its 5 o clock in the morning, the conversation got boring, you said you were headed to bed soon, so i snuck up to your bedroom....no? okay.)

Thursday, July 24, 2014

warped tour

so warped tour was awesome.


but awesome.

i almost got to meet Mayday Parade, almost.

and because it was 94% humidity = all my energy was sucked out and we left 2 hours early.

but!!! i really want to go back next year.

and i have a list...err.. joey has the list... of a bunch of bands i need to check out. :)

i know a few of them:
chunk! captain chunk!
Real Friends
State Champs
The Maine
Get Scared
Cute is what we aim for
We are the in crowd

and a whole lot more i can't think of off the top of my head.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014



i'm practically foaming at the mouth.

i took over joey's computer :3 say hi joey!!!!

(Hello, im excited too, but not as much as this crazy chick ^.)


*foams at the mouth*

Monday, July 14, 2014

because i;m awesome.

got off work at 10:33...get home at 11....

its 12:38 in the morning and what am i doing? debating on watching a documentary about serial killers.... or getting on pintrest.

because i'm awesome.


Tuesday, July 8, 2014


well this night pretty much turned sour...

i got my bill from ECU...

Amount due: 8,097.50
financial aid: 6,993.00
amount due after aid: 1,104.50


i need to call ECU cashier office

and ask:

What all am i paying for?
how can i reduce the charge?
Am i paying for insurance, if so - how the hell do i wave out of it!!!!!?
is my meal plan (Purple 40) not covered by financial aid?

thoth please help me with this!!!

nuevo amigos

so carson and gerald had dinner at my place tonight.... it. was. awesome.

carson wasn't feeling the best but managed to kick everyone's ass at garbage :P

we all absolutley LOVE carson and gerald.. i was a little nervous because i din't realy know him as well (having only met him twice) but it was fabulous!!

and i now can i say i am very happy to have 2 new friends!! :D

i need to remember to get Carson's number tomorrow!

i have to go in at 9:30.... meaning Mary is comming at 9... meaning i need to get up at like.... 7 - 8 ish... uuugh

but at least i get off early too. 3:45 ^.^

carson has the shift i had today....11 - 5

so i will get to see him for most of my day :)

Thursday, July 3, 2014

pirates and goddesses

okay...so i'm starting to think i wouldn't hate staying at ECU ...

the Anthropology professor i met up with, my academic adviser, is a cultural anthropologist who specializes in religious cultural anthropology... EXACTLY LIKE I WANT TO.

he is a "goddess worshiper"....what?....how...amazing....is....THAT!! <3

he prays to a Tibetan Buddhist goddess named Tara... he has seen her in dreams and visions and just... <3 <3 <3 <3

he told me after......

i walked into the anthropology library and instantly a small statue of a cat caught my eye. i walked closer and instantly recognized my matron goddess. "Is that Bast!?" i ask the professor, my heart beating and my eyes almost about to fill with tears. seeing such an older and possibly hand made statue of her moving me. He confirms what i already know. I resisted the strong urge to bow to the statue, i look at him and bite my lip. "May i confide in you?" He nods and i say "I pray to Bast." he smiles....

and he told me about the goddess Tara!

he is so nice and patient and sweet.... i adore him!!!

and if i could ever LEARN THE DAMN SCHOOL.... and not get lost.... i think i'll be fine :)
i know exactly where 2 out of 3 of the buildings i'll be studying in are..... right next to eachother xD

and one of those 2? is the one i had my writing camp in years ago!

i made 2 friends  over the past 2 days. a possible mentor.


yeah this doesn't seem too bad. ;)

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


so dinner with carson and gerald was canceled.... turns out i had work today and came in 3 hours late.

luckily i wasn't in trouble.... one of my higher ups, a manager, was reassuring me that they hadn't even noticed until 3 hours late that i wasn't there. that as long as i didn't steel anything, i wouldn't get in too much trouble. i was "too sweet to get uinto trouble"... and thats comming from the manager that i tought didn't really like me.

still.... i was disapointed...

the dinner has been postponed until a reschedule can be arranged. :P

and there is still so much work to be done with the rooms...

busy busy bee

switching rooms with my little sister...(that means a LOT of PHYSICAL LABOR...and let me tell you... it is HOT as hades!!!!! but.....) I can't wait to make it mine :3

 i'll actually set out a space for my make-shift alter/gods&elements area :3
i can put up some of my art :)
i need to get some more wall decals and put up my inspirational quote stuff :)

plus i'm having my first dinner party tonight... its just me, mom, Carson and Gerald (his exotic boyfriend) but i'm making all the food and such! i'm hoping it goes well! :D



not going to lie...whenever i think dinner party i think of Hannibal...
when my mom said "you're throwing your first dinner party" i thought "hmm... i need someone rude...."