Friday, September 19, 2014

When dreams die (slam poem oiriginal old)

when dreams die
the heavens cry,
why, og why?
when dreams die
the sun will sigh, 
oh goodbye...
when dreams die 
and yoiu don't know why
can you say good bye?
some say that dream'n
isn't cool
and that you're a fool
and just wasting your time
and thats how dreams die.
but you know
that dreams grow
so now go...
keep the dream alive.
grow like a tree
in your dream
and you'll see
it will grow tall even if it starts small
we all start at a crawl.
but learn to fly 
and dreams won't die
they'll stay alive.
but fear will lie
and say if you fly
you'll fall and die.
thats how dreams die.
So you'll never know
until you go,
so let it grow.
start at the bottom 
and work your way up
then jump from the top.
If it's tall 
you'll fear the fall
but remember to fly...
thats how dreams stay alive.

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