Thursday, March 14, 2019

Presentation 2 and Online Research Paper notes

Presentation for online class 2 --> and paper

OK so it only needs to be 3 minutes long this time.
i'm still aiming for 4-5 slides

12-15 pages double spaced --> 6-7 pages long singe spaced
---> 5 sources

- Native American views of land vs Western Views of land
 example: Dakota pipeline

slide 1: introduction
- topic

Slide 2: Cultural Points of view
- this is what the natives believe
- this is how the US government, like most western views, believes

Slide 3: Example - Dakota Pipeline
- the scenario
- the protests
- the ruling

Slide 4:
- the outcome/aftermath
- bad for the people --> rape and violence
- bad for the land - oil spills ALREADY
- anything good?

Slide 5: works cited

Sources for Presentation

Sources for paper:
 Native American Belief
- Interview Elisi

Dakota Pipeline

All of the guradian articles.... yessss

 Brave NoiseCat -1
Jimmy Tobias
Lauren Zanolli
Nina Berglund
Associated Press
Julia Carrie Wong -2
Sam Levin -3
Oliver Milman - 4

Rainbow Warriors:
- youtube video
- the encylcopedia of nature and religon --> used for the wiki --

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