if you can't read that let me type it up for you anything in bold and italics is my commentary:
-sexual orientation: a sexual orientation is whether you feel a sexual attraction to another person or not, and who tou are sexually attracted to. Sexual attraction is the desire to have sexual relations with another person and/or vivid sexual fantasies of said person. Sexual attraction should not be confused with aesthetic attraction (thinking someone looks good but not feeling sexual toward them).
- heterosexual: being sexually attracted to a different sex and/or gender
- homosexual: being sexually attracted to the same sex and/or gender (i am a homosexual)
- bisexual: being attracted to more than one sex and/or gender
- pansexual: being sexually attracted to people regardless of sex and.or gender
- Asexual: does not experience sexual attraction (but can experience aesthetic attraction)
- demisexual: only experiences sexual attraction after a strong emotional bond has been established.
- greysexual: only occasionally experiences sexual attraction.
- romantic orientation: a romantic orientation is whether you experience romantic attraction to another person or not, and to who you experience romantic attraction with. romantic attraction si the desire to be close/intimate with another person but is not necessarily sexual . (THIS EXPLAINS JAKE.)
- heteromantic: romantically attracted to a different sex and/or gender
- homoromantic: romantically attracted to the same sex and/or gender
- biromantic: being romantically attracted to more than one sex and/or gender
- panromantic: romantically attracted to people regardless of sex and.or gender (me)
- Aromantic: does not experience romantic attraction
- demiromantic: only experiences romantic attraction after a strong emotional bond has been established.
- greyromantic only occasionally experiences romantic attraction
so.... i am homosexual but panromantic.
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