Thursday, June 12, 2014

the night before

life goes on.

tonight is the night before life goes on.

i will not be sleeping very well tonight let me tell you.

tomorrow i have to go into work and face the music about tonight. not fun. i also need to look and see what days next week i will be working....and face frannie....

tomorrow i graduate from highschool... i think i'm still not comprehending what that really means.
i'm about to change. my entire life is about to change.

no more seeing my teacher family every day.
no more up at 6:30  bed by 10:30 and over again.

no more set schedule...

granted i will have work (hopefully...)

but its done. its over. the past four years.... seem like a lifetime and yet seem like a blur.

so...dreading the punishment i will face tomorrow morning.... thats gonna be hard...
then lunch with Ashley....seeing my friend Liam in person for the first time....
then its off to graduation....

i think i'm going to be sick...

nope. not going to get very much sleep tonight....

tonight is the night before life moves on.

1 comment:

  1. It'll be ok, hun <3 They'll probably be understanding since you're a student and a great worker. If you need anything, I'm here for you.

    Love always,
