Thursday, August 7, 2014

Griffindor moment

so tonight...i saved a kitten.

i was running errands with my mom when we stopped at a red light. i hear a kitten crying and looked sight of it. i ask my mom what the noise was and she confirmed: kitten. Then a sinking realization hit was stuck in a storm drain

it took every once of control i had not to jump out the van and rescue it....when the light turned green and my mom began to drive i prayed "Oh Bast" and i couldn't even get the words out my concern for the kitten just flowing.My mom takes a turn and pulls into the gas station parking lot beside the road. 

I rush over to that pip, completely unaware of the busy straffic right next to me, saw the furry little orange baby and not thinking about bugs or snakes i plunged my hand directly to that kitten. Pulled it out and to me in about 4.5 second. no lie. that fast.

long story short: i also found it a home. A cashier at petsmart. awesome right?

I have seen videos of people helping animals...and everyone is like - oh such a act of kindness...we really? its not that...its just being human and acting on love. I didn't save the kitten to be kind, i saved it because it was a helpless baby needing hep. I did it because someone had to and because it was insitnct. I don't think it was a great act... but i am proud and glad i did it. 

thank you Bast for helping me help him!

btw: it was a baby boy orange tabby cat with BEAUTIFUL markings and light blue eyes :3

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