Wednesday, March 29, 2017


so as a facebook trend i asked people what colors they associated with me....  i expected 4 main colors, what i expected people to say (yellow or pink due to my perky personality) and the colors i associate with myself (green and purple)

here's the count:

  1. pastel colors (someone actually said this) - 4
  2. Green (one person said pale green so it counts for 1 and 2) - 4
  3. purple - 5
  4. powder blue/light blue (this also goes towards pastel) - 2
  5. Orange - 2
  6. Yellow - 2
  7. Magenta (pink purple) - 1

interesting :)

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Jobs for the future

Ones I'm interested in:

  •> apply tonight!!...year round
  • ---> apply for all!! tonight!!


Sunday, March 19, 2017

how am i doing? - estimaing grad

Six Homework grades (15%); Four Papers (35%); Mid-Term (15%); Final (15%); Oral Report and Paper, Class Discussion and Party (20%). Scale for final course grades: A = 94-100 percent;; A- = 90-93; B+ = 87-89; B = 83-86; B- = 80-82; C+ = 77-79; C = 73-76; C- = 70-72; D+ = 67-69; D = 63-66; D- = 60-62; F is below 60 percent.

four papers
boas - 88
bennedict - 88
piddocke - 75
???? - lets guess and say 75
average: 80.2 = 35% of grade 

six HW grades
? - lets guess and say 80?
**but she drops the lowest grade!
 estimate average to be...  90 = 15%

Mid term
78 = 15%

? lets guess 78 = 15%

spoken - 88
written - 90
party - 50
76 = 20%


extra credit:
turn in portfolio, get +5 on final test grade
replace homework grade with a 100? (i think) ---> 91.6

even with all of this my best grade would be an 81 --> B-

but... if i do better than a 50 at the breakfast... maybe a 70? --> 82

Meaning I need to revise my Piddocke.... make it an 82?

With all of that... i would need to make a 90 on my Final to get an 85

Labyrinth ball

Friday April 25 and Saturday 26

506 South Grand Avenue Los Angeles,
California 90071 USA

Pre-show starts at 7:00 PM
Tea rooms (looks like this a restaurant but i don't see prices, plus you have to reserve your time. ALSO gives you access to other ballrooms!! for actual ballroom dancing!? idk i feel like this would be cool...or uncomfortable.)

VIP tickets (include everything and access to special bars and such, the best seats, visits from characters....worth it)
: $355

standard: early bird - 115
not early bird: 125

if i add preshows to both nights with standard: $200  
if i add one tea room experience: $245

hotel (twin beds)
In the biltmore:
Mention the Code 1708MASQUE or say you are attending the Labyrinth Masquerade for special discounts and offers.
average price: 180 per night
total after taxes and fees: $420 

not biltmore: (cheaper to have 1 big bed and share... but i looked at the two bedroom rooms)

  • CITY CENTER HOTEL: 100$ a night = 200$ - 11 minute walk to the biltmore
  • STILL WELL: 135 a night = $270 - 7 minute walk to biltmore
  • LA HOTEL DOWNTOWN: $170 a night = 340 - 6 minute walk 

Planes (raleigh -> LA)
estimated amount 400$ round trip (Delta) --> DO IT THROUGH EXPEDIA!? if you book a hotel too get, refund for flight!?


VIP tickets:355
hotel: 420
Flight: 400

This trip could cost 1175$...
 if by myself. If with a friend then the hotel room would be split and i would be paying 965 + extras

extra money needed for:
actual meals
taxi fare to and from airport and hotel

lets say... 1300.

wow/ thats not even including the dress.

OR if we go cheapest rout:
tickets: 200
hotel: (eh... lets do medium) 270
ticket: 400
870..... plus extras.... $970

OR mix
VIP : 355
cheapest hotel : 200$
flight: 400
+ extras


plus the dress 79 - 150
and mask: 10 - 200


if i do this, then i would have to take that extra student loan... or dip into my savings.


but i want to go.... and i don't think mom would let me go by myself... meaning i ave to find someone crazy enough to come with me.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

might as well blog

I figure i migh as well blog since i'm not getting any sleep.

all i can do is think about all the things i could have said to lauren.

some would have insighted more anger, but voiced more concerns and issues i had.
some would have diffused anger.

but none would have changed the outcome.

I wasn't being treated fairly.

I was playing second fiddle to a toxic person who completely changed how lauren acted.

I was spoken down to in a condecending way.

If i voiced an opinion about something that could paint any of lauren's friends in a bad light - i had no right and was instantly in the wrong.... how dare i have an opinion.

it came down to a key core value that we disareed on.

the Liz thing... we might have eventually worked out...

but aparently i'm the bad guy for being against drug dealers.

thats what broke us. different stances on drugs.

gods above, why am i never good enough?

she seemed so perfect... i didn't know what the catch was.

it was Liz.

and I just wasn't good enough to best that.

i hurt so much.

and she is going and playing the victim in all of this.

i figured blogging would be better in my sleepless state instead of balling my eyes out and asking the gods "why? why was i not good enough? why am i never good enough?"

well the tears are still there.
the questions are still there.
there is no answer.
there is no sleep.

My list of requirements

  1. Must like children.
  2. Not a drug dealer.
  3. Don't pressure me about sex
  4. Let me have my cats. 
  5. Respect my spiritual beliefs. 
It would be great if they liked horror movies. But not mandatory. 

single again

So Lauren and i broke up.

we had a fight over a theoretical situation... and then while working it out i was able to get my hurt feelings aired about the other night and my issue with her and Liz.

but it came out that she and Liz want to push weed...

and since she only has 5-6 years of mobility left due to her hip injury, she wants to live her life like she fucking wants to.
(^ her wording. )

okay. I don't date drug dealers.

good luck.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

To do by Monday

  • Benedict revision 
  • 3 blues poems wb#7
  • Another travel notebook 
  • Write a short story - wieland 
  • Write fiction scene #8 email to him by Sunday night so he will print the copies!! Criteria in email.

Monday, March 13, 2017


I have been in a hybrid episode for four days now.

flashing between depressive emotions, to apathy, to manic..... and in between those i'll be stable for like.... 3 hours. the other hours that i'm awake are a friggin roller coaster.

i'm irritated about certain things about my relationship but don't really know how to go about talking about. (one of which involving Lauren's bff liz)

I'm frustrated that i can't seem to break away from the child logic when it comes to mike (basically Brook's liz)

  1.  I don't like him. Something about him doesn't sit right with me and I just don't like him. Instinctively. Faerie didn't like him, and seeing as she is my instinct... i should listen to her.
  2. I'm scared my status in "the family" will change because of him. 
In sociology the deffinition of Jealousy is feeling a threat to the relationship.... i guess i'm just jealous in both cases. 

but mix those in with my constant mood swings and i'm going to explode. 

NOTHING makes it better.

not alcohol. 
I havn't tried drugs, but nothing i can think of that is accessible will help. (weed will only make it worse)
Food/ sugar doesn't even make it better. 

I feel like a fucking dragon but i don't have the ability to set the world on fire.

if only. 


Sunday, March 5, 2017

planning SENIOR YEAR 2017-18

PIN: 406215

Dr. Mathews notes:

she says i need:
1 fine arts (dance, art, or music) - 3
1 more English - 3
ethnographic methods - 3
15 hrs inn electives (5 classes)
and then she has something underlined but i have no idea what it is so i have to email her.

Time to redo my notes:Whats left .....

ENG 3410 (into to poetry) or 3851 fiction from writer's POV

Feild methods -  senior spring - 3 writing intensive

General ed: 

 - 1 Humanities with fine art
 PHIL 1275 - morals
 PHIL 2272 - sex
 PHIL 2272 - phil of religion
COMM 2410 - public speaking
ART 1910 Art appreciation 

- Possible Electives: 15 (pick 3)
SOCI 1010 Race, Gender, Class
Classic Mythology
Paranormal Class
Human sexuality 
Religion and Sexuality 
Religion and Film
Atlantis and Aliens
Hospitality classes: 2100, 2170, and maybe 2200
invented languages
Race,Gender,Class -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Invented Lang:  TTh 3:30pm - 4:45pm - BATE 01021 Bosse, Solveig
Classical Mythology: MWF 2-2:50 BATE 1032 Wilson-Okamura, Tricia
Criminology: MWF 9:00am - 9:50am - BREW 0B303 Gardner, Tracie Ellen Brown
Grimm fairy tales ONLINE Smith, David L
Race, Gender, Class: MWF 11-11:50 Arunas Juska Bate 1028

According to Rate my Prpof:
Okimura --> super funny and sweet, should be an easy A
Gardner --> won't be easy but enjoyable
Bosse --> VERY HARD, lots of work, rude and unhelpful
Smith  --> loyt of essays and forums, but shouldn't be hard. recorded lectures long. enjoyable
Arunas --> strong accent, attendance not mandatory but gives daily quizes, those quiz questions are used on exams!

Criminology 9-9:50
Grimms fairy tales online work
Race, gender, class 11-11:50
Classical Mythology 2-2:50

work availability:

MWF: 3:30- 12pm
T/TH: 8am-10pm

I'm in the top 21% of my class
top 23% of my program

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

just gone.

so..... one of my very important papers, and probably one of the hardest i have ever written, is gone.

it took me over three hours to write.
it was perfection.

i saved it on the computer at school, but vaguely remembered that some computers delete all saved files, so i emailed it to my professor.

i go to turn it in online... the computer deleted it. no sweat... i pull up the email..... the file is gone.

all that work.
all those tears.
hours of concentration.

all of my hard work...

just gone.


  1.  Born/nacido el 25 de junio de 1852
  2.  Ć©l tiene una enfermedad de reumatismo temprano en su vida (por eso caminaba con frecuencia)
  3.  en 1883 el ingresa en la escuela de aruitectura de barcelona 
  4.  se graduo en 1878 obtniendo el titulo de arquitero
  5. Died/ muere en barcelona el 10 de junio 1926

  1. windows: vantanas
  2. balcony:balcĆ³n
  3. stairs:escalera
  4. floor: piso, suelo
  5. stories: plantas
  6. chimney:chimenea
  7. elevator:ascensor
  8. concrete:hormigĆ³n
  9. marble:MƔrmol
  10. stained class: vitral
  11. iron:hierro
  12. tile: azulejo
  13. brick:ladrillo
  14. arches:Arcos
  15. columns:Columnas
  16. bench: banco
  17. gargoyle:gƔrgola
  18. fountain:fuente
translate spanish:catalan: enlgish
  1.  mundo: mĆ³n : world
  2.  Escuela: Escoles : School
  3.  despues: despres: after
  4.  Modernismo: Modernisme ; modernism
  5.  fenĆ³meno: fenomen: phenomenon 
HIS WORK: Casa Batillo' - Yo fui asistida por

en el exterior

  • la casa parece se compone de la naturaleza
  • los arcos y pilares son de piedra pero parecen que estĆ”n hechos de hueso....
  • algunos de los pilares de piedra parecen tener piedra flores creciendo fuera de ellos.
  • cada arco en la fachada tiene una ventana, algunas de ellas con vidrieras mĆ”s pequeƱos encima de ellos.
  • a lo largo de la azotea se ve como las escamas y la espina dorsal de un dragĆ³n, aunque lo hecho de azulejos.
  • la fachada parece estar hecho de ladrillo blanco y estĆ” cubierta de flores de cerĆ”mica.
  • La parte de atrĆ”s del edificio, en las diferentes plataformas, son hierro vallas que protegen el exterior de ventanas altas.
  • lo me hace pensar en una casa de hadas...
  • el techo del Ć”tico se compone de arcos y esto me hace pensar en cĆ³mo me imagen del interior de un hongo podrĆ­a mirar.
  • En la otra habitaciĆ³n, el techo se transformĆ³ en torno a una lĆ”mpara de araƱa de hierro, en lo que parece el interior de un Caracol Caracol.
  • Hay una gran cantidad de vidrieras, que se ven hermosas cuando la luz del sol brilla a travĆ©s de ellos.
  • las escaleras de madera bellamente manchadas son sinuosas y refuerzan la idea de casa de mi hada. Mucho interior de la casa, a lo largo de las paredes y mobiliario, es hecho de la madera.Esto tambiĆ©n me hace pensar de hogar de hadas porque las hadas como la naturaleza y los bosques.