Monday, February 17, 2020


okay so i have run into demonic energy at least 4 times in my life.
3 times in dreams. (two times I sassed my way into earning its respect even though it could have squashed me like a bug - 1 time it got me and sucked me into a black void.) 
1 time while awake.....last night. 

Last night a "friend" messaged me and asked about black fire in his left side of his body. I saw black flames in my mind and immediately felt the presence of something demonic in my room. I ignored it for the most part but I was getting ready for sleep. Every time I closed my eyes, even to blink, I saw it. 

It had a heavy, sticky, ink-like energy and I could tell it did not intend to hurt me and had something it wanted to tell me. However it had such a negative energy that i knew better than to try to op[en myself up so it could talk to me. Instead I started saying things like "all who intend harm are no longer welcome here" "only love may linger". I called on Brigid too. After talking with EM (one of the best psychics i have ever met) and her sending Odin and Valkyries, as well as calling on my host and ancestors for protection, the presence was removed. I cleansed the room and went to sleep, sleeping peacefully. 

But the entire time it was there i had a song called "dark road" in my head, which talks about if youre in hell or on a scary dark road, just plow through it and you will be fine. In a way i took tat as the demon didn't intend to actually hurt ot cause pain, but I also felt like it wanted to use me and feed. so. sent it on its way. 

But now there is a chance I pissed it off, insulted it, and it may come back or seek to right what it took as a wrong. So. There's that.  

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