Wednesday, October 26, 2022

I’m back baby

 Okay so I’m going to try to get back into blogging. 

I’ve kind of turned my instagram into a blog so I’ll probably post on here what I post on there lol

So there is a lot to catch up on. Some of this may be a repeat but it looks like I’ve been super slack in this. 

I left the call center and got hired as an assistant property manager for a student living complex. Things seemed great at first but then the work environment grew very toxic because of my manager. I had 2 options:

1) stay quiet until she made me quit or she got me fired

2) go to her manager for help.

In the past I would have gone with option 1. But, and this is on growth, I went with option 2. We had a mediation session and things improved. But everyone could tell the peace wouldn’t hold up so my manager got transferred to another location (for multiple reasons). 

I was left as interim manager until the next one arrived. However the day after the new manager was supposed to start, and my 90 day milestone, I was told I had impressed them when I stepped up; they offered me the job. So now I am a property manager. 

As of two weeks ago, I’ve gotten back into therapy. The current goals are to address my lack of self worth and self love, which is an umbrella for a lot of things, a big one being my codependency. I’m also hoping to get some clarity on what I want for my future and what I want my life to be like. 

And now that I’m back in therapy…. I’ll be doing a lot more reflections. Which I love. Because when I’m reflective I’m happier. So, sorry I’ve been gone so long. 

I’ll be blogging more regularly now. 

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