Thursday, June 20, 2024

Manifest Love - Poem

 Today I manifest love. 

I manifest a love that inspires, 

imbas taking over and forging words painted on the page

 or dancing on breath between loving lips.

I manifest a love that dives deep

 discovering the wonders of the mind and the world, 

discourse of the soul and a hunger to know more.

I manifest a love that sees beauty

honoring the journey of my body, the curves and scars that tell my story

and meets it with sincere awe and compassion.

I manifest a love that laughs

Joy spilling over, with easy smiles, and a playfulness

that soothes the inner child each and every day.

I manifest a love that is patient

with a kindness that never ends, spilling over to each and every soul

seeking to understand all with empathy .

I manifest a love that protects

surging forward with a fierce fire that burns away any threat

and a warmth that comforts after the fact .

I manifest a love that grows

over time and through every journey, growing in strength and depth

changing with the seasons and staying steadfast.

I manifest a love that comes to me

eagerly racing forward from the heart of the one who is meant for me

but most importantly, from within myself.  









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