Friday, March 21, 2014

spirit guide info

"A personal guide, meaning one who works only with you and no one else, provides information which is specific for day to day life. Typically, these are beings who have been in human embodiment before. They usually come to you because they have been in relationship with you before. They may have a vested interest in you or your path.  They can be accurate in matters of relationships, health, diet, finances, work, etc. This is in part because they have been human before, they know what it is like. It is this close intimacy with humanity which makes our personal spirit guides so helpful. Usually they do not specialize in deep philosophical or spiritual matters, and will tell you so if asked. A personal guide of this sort is an individual with their own evolutionary path. They may, at they end of your journey in this body, leave you and go on to work with someone else – or do something entirely different. Their own path may bring them back to incarnate on Earth again, or they may continue on guiding you after this life somewhere other than Earth. Occasionally a personal guide may be temporary, only with you to assist in helping you get through a specific test or trial, and then they move on afterward. Many personal guides will come in at a specific time and remain with you for life as a constant companion.
Masters and Adept spirit guides are characterized by giving information which is uplifting, accurate, and frequently surprising. Their viewpoints are from Soul planes and may contain cosmic implications. They leave you with a feeling of peace, well-being and strength. They may chastise, but always lovingly. They know you intimately. They may be what we call Ascended Masters or may be involved with certain spiritual paths. They usually take on appearances which align with their roles. These beings have a deep understanding of humanity and always respond with compassion.
Angels are also available as spirit guides. Bearers of pure Grace and Light, they come to us with unconditional love. Angels do not have personal identity like we do.  They can bring us gifts such as healing, protection, hope and mercy. Many people have reported experiencing being healed, taught, rescued or inspired by angels. It is often thought that what we call Guardian Angels or personal angels are the thought forms of the Archangels.
Angels have not walked the Earth as human beings, and are not on a karmic or evolutionary path. They do not have free will as humans do. They are in complete surrender to God and God’s Will. They bear patience and love with tremendous power and gentleness.
There are guiding beings who follow a non-human evolution. Some of these would include planetary archetypes like goddesses or warriors, and nature spirits like little people, leprechauns, and fairies.  We also would include dolphins, animal totems, and certain extraterrestrials. As with the other guides,  our relationships with them result in mutual expansion and growth. Their information is intellectually challenging since their reality is different from ours. Satisfactory relationships with them requires of us non-linear thinking.
Sometimes our spirit guides are aspects of Higher Self. My primary guide AhhRa is like that. An aspect of one’s Self means that this is NOT a separate individual, but a part of you. Your guides typically are separate, with their own path and evolutionary journey. This kind of guide does not exist except with you and through you. Their path is yours.  You could think of it as what you will be when you grow up, when you reach the full expression of your individual potential. AhhRa guides me all day, but it is like an inner wisdom. I know she is a part of me, the me that is always centered, capable, in truth and unity, moment by moment. Ultimately, this Self and your personal relationship with God will replace your personal guides."

I have underlined and highlighted things that i think apply to my SG/ what i THINK he could be. 

"How do they communicate with me?
Spirit guides communicate with us in a wide variety of ways. Usually, as in all psychic communication, we use our senses to connect as well as our 6th sense of knowing.

Sight:  Sometimes we will see spirit guides in meditation.  We can see parts of them or all of them and usually they manifest in physical human form.  Sometimes in pictures we may see small white orbs, which can be spirit guides, angels or loved ones on the other side. Spirit guides also communicate messages with things we see every day.  For example, we may see a particular animal over and over again.  There is a lot of information on animal totems and their meanings online.  Seeing these animals may be a message from spirit that can be interpreted by looking up the meaning of that particular animal. Other ways they communicate are through intuitive card decks like Angel Cards or Tarot cards.

Smell: You may smell something familiar that reminds you of a certain time in your life or brings you comfort.  Many people experience a connection to loved ones who have passed away in a similar fashion.

Touch:  Feeling guides is fairly common.  You may just feel a presence with you or get goose bumps. We may feel our guides presence in a meditation or feel a gentle touch when we need to reconnect with reality.  This happens to me a lot when I am on the light rail.  I often space out and feel my guides touch my hand to reconnect me with the moment.

Taste:  This is pretty self-explanatory but not very common.  Sometimes a person can taste something familiar like a food they may have enjoyed or something that reminds them of a time, place or person in their life.  The best example I can give about this is that sometimes I can taste recipes or food to communicate a message to a client.  Mostly, this happens in readings with loved ones on the other side but on occasion it has happened with a living person or situation.

Hear:  Our guides communicate with us like this a lot.  Often the voice we hear is quiet, subtle and sounds like our own.  Guides do not need to be loud or overpowering to get their messages across.  Often, the messages they give us validate something we may already know.  Their voices do not sound like the man behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz but, instead, sounds just like us. We may also hear chimes, bells or other sounds that connect us to our guides. This is the most common way that guides communicate with us.

Know: I cannot really explain this.  Some things you just ‘know’.  That’s your 6th sense."

"Animal Companions come to us as guides and teachers. This could be an animal that you live with and have in your heart intimately, or an animal with whom you experienced a deep, momentary exchange. Just like humans, some animals are more multifaceted or more expansive than others. Every now and then, an animal will come in to your life as a profound teacher of truth. Some times a Master will temporarily “enter” an animal living with a person that needs to be touched, or opened in a way that would not be possible with another human. There is a purity and perfect innocence in the animal heart. Animals live in the now, most of them fully and passionately. They are in  constant alignment with Source, aware of their connection. No wonder many of us drop our defenses, daring to love and be loved without hesitation or reservation, to be nakedly ourselves before this form of the Divine."
^ AKA FAMILIARS..... I KNEW IT!!!!!!!! I've wondered and thought that sometimes my SG was connected to Smokey! idk exactly when or why but i felt that smokey and my SG were connected. LOOK AT THAT!! :D (i have put in italics and highlighted things that i feel connect or go with smokey)

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