Thursday, April 30, 2015

What's bothering me

Why is listening to someone else's issues so much easier than voicing my own? I've asked for advice from others so, I'm just going to copy and paste what I typed out. 

"It's just like... I'm an energetic person.. And everytime I come over (which is a lot) there is always low energy. And when they smoke weed (a lot) the low energy turns non existent. I'm super playful... But she hates being tickled. Idk, it's just... We are comfortable and happy together, but I need energy! I just don't know how to talk to her about it"

"I feel exhausted, like... All the weed they smoke drains my energy. If I don't get to be energetic and playful, I just don't... Feel like me."

"I don't mind weed, at all. But the amount that they smoke all the time is ridiculous... Like.. It's a daily shared activity and it has a weird reaction with me. I don't smoke it but I breathe it in second hand and it makes me tired. Drains my energy. Which is already low since they have low energy"

Uh. Okay.

In short: need more playful energy, need more energy period... A little less weed... At least when I'm around, and maybe leaving the apartment every now and then?

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