- Origins -
- quote website... then say that the paper will focus on celtic origins
- http://www.timelessmyths.com/celtic/faeries.html
- Which countries are considered celtic?
- for the purpose of this paper the term Faerie will be used to describe any beings from the Celtic Otherworld
- Origin of the word
- Tuatha De Dennan -> Sidhe -> faeries (use link in comparison blog)
- Fallen Angel Theory
- Otto theory
- Characteristics
- Glamour (quote Iron King)
- Iron
- Shape.... go into the wide variety (humanoid like elves, animalish like kelpie...sizes.... irish vs sweedish elves)
- Types
- stereotypical ideology of faeries - "tinkerbell" to "Legolas" to "rock trolls in frozen"
- Element type fairies
- Water - Selkies, merrows, kelpie
- fire -
- wind -
- "earth" - trolls, gnomes, dwarves
- Courts (see if there is variation amung countries on courts.... or if it is just scottish)
- Seelie
- Unseelie
- Wild/Solitary
- House Faeries
- olden times
- modern times
- physical effects
- artitecture/roadays (iceland article: http://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/13/world/europe/building-in-iceland-better-clear-it-with-the-elves-first.html?_r=0 )
- cultural effects -
- books, plays, folk songs
- Heather Dale the fair folk
- Bansidhe/banshee and other still actively used and believed in each country
- Why would it be grouped into religion? - based off of definition of religion (i'll give examples that fit).... re-bring up Otto.
- pagan belief in faeries
- Christian belief in faeries
- ^^^ these two would involve my conversations with people... but they weren't interviews...exactly? just conversations.
- restate what the celtic faeries are
- Why was the belief in them so important
- how is it still important now
*anthropomorphic = human like
to get an idea of abstarct: http://issuu.com/lookout_2014/docs/the_lookout_2
page 37
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