Thursday, August 11, 2016

crush on a bardtender??

So i may have a budding crush on a someone. who also happens to be a bartender. Although i am nervous the age gap (she is 26, i turn 21 in 4 months...) may be a deal breaker for her, she seems content to hangout with me; she has even voiced her intent to go to traleigh and party with me for my 21st.

she is super talented with the guitar and her style of singing is a mix between ounk and folk music. very unique.

she seems really cool and i definitely want to hang out with her somemore.
although i do have doubts...

either way i see it, its a win win situation. If things go well, then i may have a possible love interest. if things go south? i end up with a bad ass new friend.

but like i said its a budding crush. i'm not head over heels yet.

some fun facts? our astrological signs are SUPER compatible. super super.
tarot seemed to have a positive spin on it too. When i asked about if i should perue her or not, i got the card "the lovers".

when i asked about my immediate future in terms of love this is what i got.... i honestly don't' know if it will be in regards to the pretty bartender or not.

the first 6 cards are descriptive.
1. (Me) the hierophant - tradition, structure; i should behave the way i traditionally do/be myself
                                   - when in love act as someone in your place should, traditionally act 
2.(her) the chariot - force of personality, ability to reconcile problems
                            - don't let somone pressure you to rush into anything
3. (Above/me) queen of cups - dreamy woman, full of imagination and nurturing
                                           -  good omen, don't get swept up, maintain balance.
4. (Left/her) queen of wands - power of observation and leadership, growth, development, passion
                                           -you'll meetsomeon soon, light haired. good omen.
5. (Below/me)5 of pentacles -spiritually impoverished, disenfranchised; i'm not 100% sure of myself 
                                          -This card can be very much a card of feeling left out in the cold. It's important to remember that there is never only one person that we can be with and have a soul-level, happy, meaningful relationship. When love is right, you don't have to do back flips to make it work. Broaden your horizons and try hard to think positively. You are not an unlovable troll. = ESSENTIALLY i am insecure and will be dounful and feel left out. 
6. (Right/her) 4 of wands - harmony and fulfillment; she is self assured and in harmony with herself
                                      -If you're looking for love, it shows that special events (wedding, bar and bat mitzvahs, commitment ceremonies, etc.) are a good place to meet someone special now. If you get invited to something like this, and are single, make a point to GO.

** this descrition sounds about right for the bartender, but idk.

The journey:
7. Reversed fool - a warning not to jump into anything because the person (me) is doubtful... and i think i know why... *sex*, but that i should open myself up?
8. 8 of wands- when i'm ready for a commitment she may not be, i need to wait until she comes to me. OR according to Corie a good surprise will come? 
9. Reversed knight of swords  - "a signal to keep your eyes open and to try to look below the surface when you meet new prospective partners. Just because someone may try overly hard to impress you when you first meet doesn't mean that they're a loser. In an ongoing love relationship, something may be bothering your partner. If you sense this, ask."/ Corie says it means a fight... ending when somone gives up????
10. 9 of pentacles - "an excellent omen with regard to love, also. If you're currently committed, you can expect the relationship to raise to new heights of intimacy and joy. If you're unattached and looking, this card tells you that someone new who has what it takes to be a new, meaningful, deep love, could be headed your way". / Corie says that i will have to put my foot down about who i want this person to be in my life...essentially set boundaries. but it has a negative connotation. 

idk, so 've called for a third opinion. we will see what she says.


  1. Go for it. I don't know if you realize this but you're very attractive 10/10 and any girl would be luck to get a chance with you.

  2. lol thanks!! i've done furthure readings, and i don't think it will be me with the bartender, BUT it does say (thank you empress) that i will seem more attractive for a while. And that love is headed my way soon, it will be a lighter haired woman, and it will be a long lasting committed relationship.
