Sunday, August 21, 2016


apparently my CREATIVE FICTION WRITING class is all about "literary" or "realistic fiction". I quote:

"stories about characters who are real human beings, set somewhere that human beings have actually been, and with characters who can only do what real human beings can actually do. No genre fiction: horror or cannibalism, fantasy, westerns, romance, science fiction, no super heroes, no zombies, vampires or witches or spells-and-wands magic, no talking animals or plants. Please no gratuitous violence."

that pretty much covers EVERYTHING i write. i'm peeved.  i'm so disappointed. 

so i'm going to make a list of possible things for me to write about that i can look back on or submit to her for approval. 

Spiritual topics:
  • a girl who goes camping, meditates and reaches out to the 4 elements to perform a ritual/spell. THIS SHOULD BE ALLOWED BECAUSE this is an actual religious act and has been experienced by actual people. Myself included although only partially.
  • a girl has a traumatic experience and senses and is comforted by her guardian angel
  • tarot reading story -> everything, even things that seem bad (certain cards) can have a positive ending. 

Mental topics
  • idk...something regarding bipolar? looking back on my suicidal days?explain triggers? 
  • a girl sitting in class and through the psych class realizes that she is a psychopath? 
  • a girl who reads and writes fantasy to escape the hum drum normal life she is stuck in and then has to attend a creative writing class that restricts her from doing the thing she loves. 
sexual topics (not actual sex)

  • write about a homosexual living in the bible belt -> probably been done before.
  • write about an asexual living in loneliness surrounded by sexual people. (its not romance....its LACK of romance) leading her to become depressed and contemplate suicide. 
  • write from a child's pov about a woman breastfeeding in public, and not understanding why the grownups are being so mean or grossed out, in the end making the point, "she just feeding the babay?" -> we sexualize breasts, we're the ones messed up, not the mom. 

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