Friday, September 13, 2024


 taking inventory of whats here and whats still coming

  • Thrift Books Class 1
    • Edwin H. Friedmann. A Failure of Nerve: Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix - 7
    • Michael Fishbane, Sacred Attunement: A Jewish Theology. - 21
    • Wesley J. Wildman, God Is … - 27
    • Dan Cohn-Sherbok (editor), Holocaust Theology: A Reader - 5
    • James H. Cone, The Spirituals and the Blues, Second Revised Edition - 8
    • Audre Lorde. Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches - 15
  • Abe Books 
    • James Baldwin. The Fire Next Time - $8
    • Christian Wiman. My Bright Abyss: Meditation of a Modern Believer - 6
    • Catherine Keller, On the Mystery: Discerning Divinity in Process - 5
    • Sallie McFague, Models of God: Theology for an Ecological, Nuclear Age - 4
    • Elie Wiesel, Night, Translated by Marion Wiesel - 4
    • Kathryn B. Alexander, Beauty: A Theological Aesthetics of Nature - 23
    • William Franke (editor), On What Cannot Be Said: Apophatic Discourses in Philosophy, Literature, and the Arts, Volume 1: Classic Formulations - 47
  • Chegg 
    • John D. Caputo, What to Believe? Twelve Brief Lessons in Radical Theology - 180 days for $15


two of the books I have to read out of before have not arrived......

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