Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Discussion Board that I wanted to share: Genesis and Human Potential

 The story I will use is the classic story of the garden of Eden, however it is specifically the end of that myth that I want to examine through Sod (esoteric) perspective. After Adam and Eve have eaten the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, God speaks to someone about why they should be cast out into the world.  

Then the Lord said "See, the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil; and now he might reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever" - therefore the lord sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from which he was taken." - GEN 3:22-23

The annotations at the bottom summarizes this as "The Lord God's fear of humans becoming godlike...The term 'us' probably refers to the heavenly court." This is the second time that The Lord God has used the term "us" - the first was when he said "Let us make human kind in our image" (GEN1:26).  Now... the annotations are a very literal/Peshat interpretation. I however want to dig a bit deeper, pas the moral of "right and wrong because God said so", and into the deeper spiritual meaning. 

As a pagan I believe in multiple gods and there are hints every so often that The Lord God is not the only God in heaven - just the only one humans are supposed to worship. Even the annotation cannot discredit this - both times in Genesis where The Lord God said "us" the notes could only say that he probably refers to the heavenly court. However - we know that angels making up the heavenly court do not resemble humans at all and are terrifying to behold (hence the constant "do not be afraid" greeting when they come bearing messages). So it stands to reason that the other gods that The Lord God is speaking with exist. However, this is still once again a literal view. 

I want to go a step deeper and focus on is the fear that The Lord God has of humans becoming godlike, and the connection to the two magical trees in the garden. We know of Two trees that humans were not supposed to eat from, The Tree of Knowledge (of right and wrong) and the Tree of life (immortality). God is so afraid of Eve and Adam becoming equal to him that he lies to keep them ignorant and submissive (GEN 3:2-4), then out of fear of their potential power he banishes them before they have a chance to fulfill that potential. For me personally, this speaks to the esoteric knowledge and power found in nature.

These trees represent a path to reaching godhead (def: divine nature or essence). Humans are already halfway there after Eve took from the tree of knowledge - symbolizing that humans are naturally halfway capable of reaching our own divinity simply through the exploration of knowledge and understanding what is good and what is evil. This is a common thread amongst various religious and spiritual denominations - such as Buddhism and Taoism that we've explored and their emphasis on the good and wise way to live. (Whether one can attain godhead through only good is up for debate.) 

The other half of our work to reach godhead is not so easily reached.

Since Eve and Adam were cast out of the garden (which I would say represents the spiritual plane/otherworld) and are forced to toil in the earth (the physical plane/mortal world) there is much to keep them from pursuing godhead, if in fact they are even aware that it was a possibility. Many people do not seem to realize it is a possibility or if they dare to realize it seem to think it is a sin to aim for. For humans to fulfill their potential spiritually, to transmute their divine soul from simply human to that of a god, they must find a way back to "Eden". There are too many theories and methods to attempt this to cover - one might say that doing this is successfully rejoining the Tao or reaching Nirvana.

I would look to the story for the answer - if we already have the capacity to get halfway through connection and knowledge given by nature (the tree) then perhaps it is through connection and following nature that we will find our way back to Eden, giving us a chance to "become like one of us" as The Lord God put it. 

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