Thursday, December 12, 2019

game night oct 11th?

So I first met Viking boy in person Oct. 9th - a wednesday. He brought me candy and soda and just hung out with me while I did homework.

Then He stayed the night on the game night he met my friends... the 11th. Stayed with me until I went to work saturday. All we did was make out.

He stayed the night on the 14th... and we slept together. I think that was the night he asked if I wanted to be his girlfriend? Or was it the 11th? LOOOOOORD.


It was the 11th.

We had been talking for less than a week.
we had seen eachother in person twice.

Thats all it took for him to want to be with me.
Whats shocking is that... both of us don't casually date. So when he asked he was asking about a serious monogamous relationship.

two days.

how was he THAT sure, that quickly?
i wasn't totally sure I wanted to be his girlfriend until like... almost 3 weeks after that.

we even started on totally different pages.... and yet he isn't bothered that my pace is slower than his. He's so patient. 
He's so sure of our relationship...
last night he mentioned "forever"... and i felt like i got dunked in ice water. He wants to be with me "forever" and i'm over here not even sure if he will hit the 3 month trial period.
January 11th will be 3 months.
thats over a month away.

I swear he seems so perfect it makes me scared. But we've also only been together just under 2 months... talking about already forever seems fast.

I thought jimmie was perfect for me... I thought he was "the one".... I fell for him so hard.... Look how that turned out.
I don't want to end up being Dalton's jimmie.

But ive noticed similarities to how i am now and how jimmie was when we started dating. Afraid to commit. Hesitant. Still in pain from a previous relationship. Wanting the pace of things to be slower - or at least going at a slower pace than the other person.

What if i end up hurting him like how jimmie hurt me?
I'm also scared i'm going to get hurt.

I have so much fear.... And I keep waiting for him to grow unhappy at my hesitancy and fear, but i'm only met with patience and understanding.
I feel like i'm being unfair to him and I want to cut it off before he gets hurt. Or I get hurt.

But I also know that ^ that statement right there is my bipolar talking. Straight up.

How much of this anxiety is  my lizard brain and how much of it is genuine concern? (well its genuine either way but how much of it is logical and how much of it is my crazy?"
He thinks i'm perfect for him ... but how can he know? HOW can he be so sure? He doesn't know me that well... I don't know him that well.

I'm freaking out.

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