Friday, December 27, 2019

not right

Somethings not right.

I know for a fact that i blocked corie on all social media a year or two ago.

I also know that she and I were dating during the summer... because my sister hung out with us at the pool....

we dated for like... 5 months...

the "incident" happened at the end of our relationship... I wrote an angry blog about it. I wrote several angry blogs about that time in my life....

I don't remember deleting them.
I remember re-reading them right before i blocked her.

I remember being angry about her saying i didn't trust her as a means to guilt me into letting her do things i didn't like or want.

I remember writing down what happened in the incident in extreme detail, enraged.


none of that is there.
I can't find any of the angry posts.
I can't find hardly ANY posts from that time in my life. at all. theres like... maybe 5 of them? but theres no missing gaps in the dates of posts which would suggest posts had been deleted...

theres a post when we started dating on 6/11/15
theres a post less than a month later of the "incident" but its submissive and sad on 7/4/15
then theres a post about our break up 9/28/15

where is everything? Nothing is as I remember it.
Unless there was a second incident closer to the break up?

because it happened. then a week later we broke up.

but the blog suggests there was 2 months in between...  most of which i don't remember and then the one thing i do remember i thought happened before the incident....

nothing is right.
the timeline is all wrong and confused in my head.

I'm freaking out.

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