Thursday, August 15, 2024

Hypothetical Roommate

 My one bedroom apartment here is the same size as my 2 bed apartment back in NC... The living room is the size of a second bedroom and the dining area is the same size as a small living room. 

$525 towards rent and internet - then split utilities down the middle. 

I would add them as a legal resident to the lease - legally. The deposit and everything would stay in my name. 



  • "Two" Bedroom 1 bath  - seeking roommate 
  • $525 a month for your half + 1/2 of monthly utilities

Hello, my 1 bed apartment is big enough for 2 people so I am seeking a roommate. 

Open to: 

  • Cis Women, Queer & Trans Folk, and *hesitantly* cis man.
  • Professionals, Grad students, *hesitantly* undergrads 
  • Must not be allergic to animals
  • Prefer no pets (might be open to a cat)
  • Prefer no weed smokers, but if respectful of boundaries it’s not a deal breaker

For your use:

  • 11 x 13ft private living area separated by Privacy Screen room divider (former living room)
    • unfurnished - although I do have a small lamp for you to use (no overhead light)
  • Closet space with shelving (through the Livingroom)
  • 2 cabinets in the kitchen for whatever you wish (likewise I only have 2 cabinets)
  • 1 side of the walk in pantry for whatever you wish
  • 2 shelves on the living room book shelf (I use 2 for books, 1 for nerd decor)
  • 3 bathroom drawers and half the vanity in the shared bathroom. 
  • Under the faucet shower holder for toiletries and the built in soap holder (I will have my own hanging on the back) 
Communal: You are welcome to decorate your space however you want; but the living room has a nature theme and the bathroom has a ocean theme. Contribute to that however you wish :) 
  • Kitchen
    • Over the stove cabinets
    • under the sink cabinets
    • Cutlery 
    • Fridge - we will have to figure that out
    • Freezer: you can have it or it can be communal, we can discuss. 
    • I have a shrine to Brigid in the kitchen - if possible I would like her to stay there. 
  • Living room (former dining room)
    • I have a daybed instead of a couch - it has more room and acts as a guest bed
    • TV - I have hulu, amazon, crunchyroll (technically my friend's) & Netflix
      • If I am using the TV and you want to use it, just let me know. 9/10 I can go watch something in my room, or I'll watch whatever you put on. 
    • I have a very old wii... but no modern gaming system
    • Shitton of movies & a DVD/blue-ray player
    • Coat closet
    • Out of respect, the living room will not be used once you go to bed. We can set quiet hours. However you want to do it. 
  • Patio
    • You have primary access to the patio. NO SMOKING of any kind inside - please use the patio (I will always ask before entering your space to use it)
      • Please keep any weed in air tight containers (I can't stand the smell; would honestly prefer it not be kept inside - we can get you storage for the patio if you smoke)
      • I have asthma so I can be sensitive to smoke
  • AC
    • The AC unit it in your space, however it is communal. The privacy screen should have ventilation space but please leave the screen open when no one is home alone for air flow
  • Bathroom
    • As stated before, we will be sharing the vanity. We each have 3 drawers and a side of the sink, but under the sink is communal. I will try to keep to my side. 
    • We will have to share a towel rack 
    • The bathtub has a side shelf we will have to share as well
  • Amenities
    • We may have to share the gym fob and pool band (Gym is open till 10. There are 2 pools open till 8 I think) - If we can add you to the lease you might get your own.  
Chores can be divided equally, which can be discussed. 

About me as a roommate:
  • I am social, if I see you I will talk to you. When I'm not social, I will hide in my room. If my door is open, I'm open to socialize! If the privacy screen is closed, other than to offer to hang out I will leave you alone. (If you need quiet time and I'm in the living room just tell me - i'll go to my room)
  • I have 2 cats and a dog, they roam free and I lock them in with me at night (the cats will probably get past your screen, sorry.)
    • My dog is an alert dog but she is not overly vocal (Once she is used to you).
    •  My cats are talkative. 
    • all are friendly and will cuddle you if you let them
    • They are allowed on the "couch" - I am firm about this. 
  • I try to keep communal areas clean out of respect; If I slack off just point it out gently. 
  • I like burning candles and wax warmers
  • I PREFER to do family style when it comes to food, making a meal and eating together, sharing groceries, etc. We don't have to, but it is always my preference and will make sharing the fridge a lot easier. 
  • I work full time and am also doing grad school online, so when I am in class I do need it to be quieter. I will be in my room however so as long as the TV isn't blaring it should be fine. 
  • My home is my comfy place. I dress comfy - sometimes that means scantily.  If you allow me, then that means sometimes without pants. I will respect your comfort level. 
  • I sometimes bust into song. Its just something I do haha
  • I am pagan, spiritual, and very open about it - you can be open about whatever you believe as well. We don't have to discuss at all but I would love to talk about that kind of stuff, I am respectful and just love hearing about peoples lives, beliefs, etc. 
    • I openly do witchcraft in the home. FYI
  • I’m honestly just a nerdy silly goose who likes for my home to be safe and relaxing. I get along with people who are similar in that way
I am big on the 3 C's: Courtesy, Compassion, and Communication. Be nice to each other, be courteous of the other person, and always communicate - then we should have no problems. 

If you are bringing someone over - please always communicate that. My dog is friendly but reactive and although I am social, I need to know if someone will be there so I can mentally prepare. (I have a touch of the 'tism. I need to be forewarned) 

If you think you may be a good match reach out to me! 

**If you end up liking this set up we can keep it. If when the lease ends you want to keep being roommates but want an official room we can switch to a 2 bedroom haha

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