Friday, August 2, 2024

worst case scenario

 you know what? Student housing loan split by 12 months is about $820 a month. 

If shit hits the fan and I realize that I can't keep this job and go to school full time. Once this lease ends.... I restart. I sell my desk and all of my computer stuff. I sell my cat tree. I sell my bed and frame, all of my drawers. sell my table and chairs. pretty much sell EVERYTHING except my clothes, my books, my laptop, my movies (which I would condense into a CD binder). I would condense most of my things into like.... 4 storage bins. 

Take out extra student loans to pay off any personal loans. 

Buy a camper - the mortgage on it will be at like half rent. Find someone willing to let me set it up on their land (Star, Rachael, Jeramie and Mary Claire etc.) and live out of that off of my student loans and part time work. I am happy to have a comfortable nest egg here in my apartment.... but I could do with even less. If I needed to. If I could make a studio apartment work, I can make an RV work.

IF I can find a roommate... I could "upgrade"  to a 2 bed, 2 bath unit at my current apartment. They increase the rent every year so I know its going to go up in price so we would each end up paying $800each (i'd even be willing to do $820/ $780 to have the master bedroom). But utilities, food, and internet would be split down the middle.  This would be my preference, and I guess I'll just have to find a damn roommate (who is okay with having a day bed as a couch)

Could alternatively sell Majority of my stuff, put the rest in storage (like a tiny one), and rent a room somewhere that would allow 3 pets... 

Bruh. I might have to move back to freaking NC since the only people I know would be cool with that are there. Maybe Rachael (work) will be open to renegotiating living with her... 

Jesus christ idk what I'm going to do. 

at the very least - $820 in rent can be paid with student loans. idk what kind of part time job (or maybe full time job thats just less stressful?) would pay me enough to stay afloat. 

I have to stay in this job. But idk how i'm going to manage my time. I'm going to have to return to micro managing my time. 


I'm hoping by the end of this lease My debt will be significantly reduced. 

  1. I'll still need like $380 for my car insurance and payment. 
  2. my misc subscriptions add up to like.. $40. I'll keep them. (Might have to unsubscribe to audible. Will talk to rach about KU)
  3. 100 for debt because I know I'll still have some
  4. Health insurance would probably be a lot lower so we'll say $100?
  5. Still paying off the personal loan as well so $300
  6. $100 for my freaking Roth IRA. 
  7. phone will be paid every year in december on credit card because thats freaking $500
  8. $300 groceries. Will try to keep it lower and reach out to food banks. 
  9. $200 gas a month because idk what it will look like. 
  10. $50 savings.

Okay I get $5000 each semester. goes towards rent. 
so thats $1000 each month. thats $400 at 28% APR, $2.5K at 22% APR, $4.1K at 18% APR, and my personal loan is 9K at %15 APR. It would make more sense to pay off my CC debt first because higher APR. I already budget for $280 to go towards the personal loan. Put the full $1000 towards the CC each month, add an extra $100 to the personal loan that would have gone to credit. 

Overall I pay 
$1100 in rent & fees
$280 in personal loan
$130 estimated for CC.

$1100 towards CC (- > 7 months
$400 towards PL --> $2600 in 6 months

thats 6,400 after the 6 months. 
- 1500 for 3 months (4.5K)
1.9K left in personal loan after this lease ends. so... Next Summer. Which I can put on the CC and close out the personal loan, to be split up into smaller payments each month. 

Alternatively could pay rent normally and do big deposits on the credit... but by paying rent off that allows me to move money around month to month if i need to. First things first. I need to move my 28% APR to my 18% APR... and hide my 22% APR card. 

Honestly... I'm half tempted to label my freaking cards once I get them down. 
1. Groceries and Gas (SAMS card)
2. Emergencies (22% APR)
3. Misc. (18% misc) to be hidden once I hit $1000. 

I can't close them - it will tank my credit. 

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