Saturday, November 1, 2014



okay so i went to a halloween "party" last night.  it was like... 10 people most of who were drinking a LOT and joking around about larking (live action role playing). then a little fire and some singing. it was alright...a bit boring at times, but not bad.

execept will.

he would not let up about me not drinking. several times... asking why i don't drink. did i want a drink. and then at the end, when i finally had enough i ended up getting a challenge. if one of the guys made me a drink that i couldn't taste the alcohol i would drink some, if i could taste the alcohol then they would drink it.

i couldn't taste the alcohol, so i took a few sips and was done.
then will.

kept trying to get me to finish it, kept asking why i wouldn't. he just couldn't understand why i didn't want to get drunk.

pissed. me. the fuck. off.

"why won't you finish it?"
because i don't want to get drunk.
"why don't you want to get drunk?"
because i just don't want to get drunk.

and then FINALLY he backed off. i think he saw that he actually pissed me off when i practically yelled the 'no' at him.

after that i was kinda in a sour mood.

why the fuck can't people just understand i don't drink?
i told him BEFORE we went i didn't drink.
i must have said it like 10 different times that night.
and still he kept on.

it wasn't a bad night... just not my kind of party.

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