Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Jiggle - A Reflection on Body Weight

Why is it that I am so obsessed with my body weight?

I am considered overweight based on my BMI score, but only by a little.
Why do I see my body as bad?

I have some jiggle in my walk and some super soft jiggly bits on my legs and tummy....
but is that bad?


... I don't have an answer other than I no longer fit conventional beauty standards.

But I am finally developing the body type that I find attractive in women.... ive never really gone for the super slim figured girls when i date women.

I like women with a little jiggle..... my boyfriend likes women with a little jiggle....

so why do I hate my jiggle?

If i can appreciate it and admire it on others, then why not myself?

There are only 4 eyes who need to see my beauty.
My lover's and my own.

If i can look and see other's bodies through the lense of appreciation, then why not my own?

Why do I hate on my tummy?
Why do I hate on the cellulite on my ass and thighs?
Why do i tell myself that I hate the super softness of my inner thighs, just because they jiggle?

i need to learn to appreciate the jiggle that i love on others, on myself.

Aine recommended I stand in front of a mirror naked and speak to every part of my body, telling it how much I loved it and why... at first i thought it was silly... but now i think I might actually do it.

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