Sunday: All religious texts assignments due. REST DAY (anime, movie night, social), Spirit Work
Monday: Home work out & Schoolwork
Tuesday: School work
Wednesday: chores, GYM & Darts
Thursday: Class & School work
Friday: School work, MC&J if can
Saturday: school work finish, social
Intro t religious texts - asynchronous - RT
- Her syllabus and Modules do NOT line up at all.........
Intro into pastoral & spiritual care - thursdays at 5:45 = PC
Current list of assignments that I have to wait for the blue professor to respond to before I can actually carry over
Semester 2 :
Week before 1st day:
Sunday: 1/5
Monday: 1/6
GYMclasses become available; make edits to the plan based on canvas module details
Tuesday: 1/7
Wednesday: 1/8
Thursday: 1/9
Friday: 1/10
Zack's birthday
Week 1
Saturday: 1/11
Shamanism retreat 1: 10am-6pm
Sunday: 1/12
Service for Paper: Episcopalian - - 9:30 MKE- Write paper
Spirit work (do a reading, read from a witchy book, bath ritual, shaman journey, etc)
Monday: 1/13
Sacred Text Inventory dueEck, “Dialogue and Method: Reconstructing the Study of Religion” (21 pages)Olson, "The Art of Reading Sacred Texts (10 pages)Complete WorksheetReflection 1
Tuesday: 1/14
Discussion Board 2(pick a chapter chapters 1– 4) of Kujawa-Holbrook, Injustice and the Care of SoulsChapter 4 - buddhist approach (15 pages)
Wednesday: 1/15
- Darts
Thursday: 1/16
PC CLASSDoehring, The Practice of Pastoral Care, Introduction (13 pages)Video Lecture: 40 minDiscussion board2 Discussion board responses due for Week 1.
Friday: 1/17
Text Reflection & Discussion boardWrite Episcopalian paper - religious texts in context
Saturday: 1/18
Weekly reading reflection 1 due - Basic textsDisucssion board 2 due - basic texts 2
Sunday: 1/19
Spirit work (do a reading, read from a witchy book, bath ritual, shaman journey, etc)Meeting with Pat
Week 2
Monday: 1/20
Complete Social Identities Worksheet (Canvas)The Dhammapada (Carter and Palihawadana), Introduction & Chapter 1-13 (pp. xi-33)Contribute to the editing of the Group Discussion..Reflection 2 - Buddhist
Tuesday: 1/21
Wimberly, Recalling Our Own Stories, chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Wednesday: 1/22
GYM - 5:30Darts - 6:30THERAPY - 1
Thursday: 1/23
- PC No Class
Walker Barnes, Sacred Self Care, Week 1 (pages 1-36) (e-book, Library)25 minute lecture40 minute videoDiscussion 3
Friday: 1/24
Barker, “Hell Yeah Self Care” (Canvas)- Weaver, et al., “Mental Health Issues Amongst Clergy and Others” (Canvas)
Saturday: 1/25
Weekly text reflection 2 due - BudhismDiscussion board 3
Sunday: 1/26
- Spirit work (do a reading, read from a witchy book, bath ritual, shaman journey, etc)
Week 3
Monday: 1/27
- Lao Tzu, Tao te Ching, trans. Feng & English (all)
- 8 min lecture
- 20 min video
- Outline Childrens book -- moved to next week?
this week just says "Dhammapada Excerpts"...without saying which excerpts to read... so I'll just finish it. - she emailed back Chapter 14, Chapter 19, 20, 25, 26Reflection 3 - Buddhism
Tuesday: 1/28
- Chen The Social Concern of Daoism, chapter from The Humanist Spirit of Daoism (25 pages)
- Discussion 4
Kamma, No-Self, and Social Construction: The Middle Way Between Determinism and Free Will (25 pages)Discussion4Brooks, “The Art of Presence” (Canvas)
Wednesday: 1/29
- Darts
Thursday: 1/30
PC Class -- dang she took all 3 hours!Write short paper on pastoral care experience (okay that took 2.5 hours.. unexpected)Spiritual Care exorcise reflection2 Discussion board responses due for last week
Friday: 1/31
Psychiatrist appointment -- REFILL MEDS- Mental Recharge night because brain dead
Saturday: 2/1
Imbolc Ritual!!
Sunday: 2/2
- Spirit work (do a reading, read from a witchy book, bath ritual, shaman journey, etc)
- one on one with Jessica 3pm - 5pm
- this actually went pretty cool. Might share the poem that came from it
Week 4:
Monday: 2/3
- home work out
- -Genesis introduction & Ch. 1-12 (New Oxford Annotated Bible [NOAB], pp. 7-30)
- -Exodus introduction & Ch. 1-16 (NOAB, pp. 81-107)
- 1.25 lecture video
The chapters being presented from Chapters Intro, 1 2&3 of Lartey & Moon, Postcolonial Images of Spiritual Care (55 pages)Reflection 4Dao de Jing (Tao te Ching), chapters 1-37--- > chaper 9 childrens book??
Tuesday: 2/4
Discussion 5 & did discussion 4 repliesFriedman, Generation to Generation, chapters 1 (Library, e-book)Alternative Assignment to the traumatic family paper - notes and outline written & submitted to the professor for her thoughts.
Wednesday: 2/5
- Darts
- Friedman, Generation to Generation, chapters 2 (Library, e-book) - finish... stopped at 57/64
Thursday: 2/6
- PC Class
Experimental Space: Self-Reflexive Journal #1Finish whatever the alternative assignment isGalindo, A Family Genogram Workbook - module 52 Discussion board responses due
Friday: 2/7
- OBOD Monthly meet
CHILDRENS BOOK: The Mean Little Salamander - Buddhist principal about redemption. You've done bad in the past but it is the past. Focus on the now and do good, and you will be good. -- Write out the story
Saturday: 2/8
- Shamanism retreat 2: 11am-6pm
- Weekly text reflection 4 due
- Discussion board 5
- Short paper: Experiences of Spiritual Care DUE
Sunday: 2/9
- Religious Texts in Context paper due
- Spirit work (do a reading, read from a witchy book, bath ritual, shaman journey, etc)
Week 5:
Monday: 2/10
- home work out
- Ecclesiastes Introduction & whole book (NOAB pp. 945-959)
- 3 min video
- Short article
- Handout (2 pages)
Previous week's discussion responses2nd hald of Tao Te ChingReflection
Tuesday: 2/11
Doehring, The Practice of Pastoral Care, chapter. 2 & 3. (20 pages)Lartey, In Living Color, chapter 5. (Library, e-book) (32 pages)
Wednesday: 2/12
- Darts
Thursday: 2/13
Experimental Space: Self-Reflexive Journal #2 - Cooper-White, Shared Wisdom, chapter 3. (Library, e-book) ---> unable to access
2 Discussion board responses due
Friday: 2/14
- The chapters being presented from Part 2 (chapters 6 &11) of Kujawa-Holbrook, Injustice and the Care of Souls
Saturday: 2/15
- Spirit work (do a reading, read from a witchy book, bath ritual, shaman journey, etc)
Week 6:
Monday: 2/17
- home work out
-Genesis introduction & Ch. 1-12 (New Oxford Annotated Bible [NOAB], pp. 7-30)-Exodus introduction & Ch. 1-16 (NOAB, pp. 81-107)1.25 lecture videoDiscussion 7Reflection 6
Tuesday: 2/18
Doehring, The Practice of Pastoral Care, chapter 4 & 5. (46 pages)
Wednesday: 2/19
- Darts
Thursday: 2/20
- PC Class
- Experimental Space: Self-Reflexive Journal #3
- (chapters 12–15) of Kujawa-Holbrook, Injustice and the Care of Souls (40 pages)
- Marshall, “Pastoral Care and Sexual Ethics” (Library, e-book & Canvas)
- 2 Discussion board responses due
Friday: 2/21
- (chapters 15–18) of Kujawa-Holbrook, Injustice and the Care of Souls (36 pages)
- Start Chapter 16 Presentation
Saturday: 2/22
- Spirit work (do a reading, read from a witchy book, bath ritual, shaman journey, etc)
Week X: Symposium Week
Monday: 2/24
- symposium week
- Traveling?
Tuesday: 2/25
- symposium week
Doehring, The Practice of Pastoral Care, chapters 7 & 8. (30 pages)
(chapters 19–22) of Kujawa-Holbrook, Injustice and the Care of Souls chapters (42 pages)
Wednesday: 2/26
- symposium week
- Work on opening presentation
Thursday: 2/27
- symposium week
- Work on Chapter 16 Presentation
Friday: 2/28
Saturday: 3/1
- Shamanism retreat 3: 11am-6pm
- Weekly text reflection due 6
- Discssion board 7
- Spirit work (do a reading, read from a witchy book, bath ritual, shaman journey, etc)
Week 7:
Monday: 3/3
- Whatever the TBD reading is....
Tuesday: 3/4
Wednesday: 3/5
- Darts
Thursday: 3/6
- Experimental Space: Self-Reflexive Journal #4
- (23–27) of Kujawa-Holbrook, Injustice and the Care of Souls (60 pages)
- 2 Discussion board responses due
Friday: 3/7
- OBOD Monthly meet
- Scan the childrens book and submit it online
Saturday: 3/8
- Spirit work (do a reading, read from a witchy book, bath ritual, shaman journey, etc)
Week 8:
Monday: 3/10
- home work out
- Quran
- Haleem, “Introduction” (pp. ix-xxxvi) and the following Surahs:
- -Surah 1. The Opening (p. 3)
- -Surah 11. Hud (pp. 136-144)
- -Surah 17. The Night Journey (pp. 175-182)
- -Surah 53. The Star (pp. 347-349)
- -Surah 102-114 (pp. 434-446)
- 23 Minute video
- Reflection 8
- Discussion 9
Tuesday: 3/11
Wednesday: 3/12
- Darts
Thursday: 3/13
- Experimental Space: Self-Reflexive Journal #5
- Doehring, The Practice of Pastoral Care, pages 117-127 & 141-152. (20 pages)
- 2 Discussion board responses due
Friday: 3/14
- McClintock, Trauma-Informed Pastoral Care, Intro–chapter 6 (89 pages)
Saturday: 3/15
Sunday: 3/16
- Spirit work (do a reading, read from a witchy book, bath ritual, shaman journey, etc)
Week 9:
Monday: 3/17
- home work out
From The Study Quran: al-Shams / "The Sun". Read the translation of and commentary upon this sūrah (chapter), that is, pp. 1518-21. 2 minute video 3 page print out Digital book but it is unclear what we are reading to? Discussion 10 Reflection 9
Tuesday: 3/18
- McClintock, Trauma-Informed Pastoral Care, chapters 7–11. (82 pages)
Wednesday: 3/19
- Darts
- Doehring, “Violence,” in The Practice of Pastoral Care(pages 129-141).
Thursday: 3/20
- Experimental Space: Self-Reflexive Journal #6
- 2 Discussion board responses due
Friday: 3/21
- Chapters 11–14 of Lartey & Moon, Postcolonial Images of Spiritual Care (60 pages)
Saturday: 3/22
- Spirit work (do a reading, read from a witchy book, bath ritual, shaman journey, etc)
Week 10:
Monday: 3/24
- home work out
- Discussion
- Reflection
Tuesday: 3/25
- Spiritual Self Assessment paper
Wednesday: 3/26
Thursday: 3/27
- PC Class
- Spiritual self assessment Work on paper
- 2 Discussion board responses due
Friday: 3/28
- Spiritual Self assessment Work on paper
Saturday: 3/29
Sunday: 3/30
- Spirit work (do a reading, read from a witchy book, bath ritual, shaman journey, etc)
Week 11:
Monday: 3/31
- home work out
- Work on socio paper
Tuesday: 4/1
- finish socio paper.
Wednesday: 4/2
- Care Project Presentation --> Auden and the coffee shop conversation around forgiveness of narcissistic abuse, the desire for revenge, not being able to let go even if you want to.
Thursday: 4/3
- PC Class
- Finish Care Project Presentation
- 2 Discussion board responses due
Friday: 4/4
- OBOD Monthly meet
Saturday: 4/5
- Weekly text reflection due
- Discussion board 12
Sociocultural Critical Reading Reflection Paper Due
- Spirit work (do a reading, read from a witchy book, bath ritual, shaman journey, etc)
Week 12:
Monday: 4/7
- home work out
- Write Final Paper
Tuesday: 4/8
- Write Final paper
Wednesday: 4/9
- Finish final paper.
Thursday: 4/10
- 2 Discussion board responses due
Friday: 4/11
- Class Participation Self-Assessment
Saturday: 4/12
***March 22 - Shamanism retreat 4: 10am-6pm
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