Sunday, September 25, 2016

Getting to me

Everywhere I look there is something wrong. People are dieing all around. There is so much pain and suffering... War - both on and off our soil. 

I think it started when the shift into the Aquarius age... Which started in 2012. Ever since then the world seems to be going to shit.

I'm tired of it. I'm tired of seeing it. I'm tired of it happening. 

All the negativity is starting to get to me

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to hear that you're not feeling so great at the moment. One of the things I admire most about you is the fact that you're always finding ways to spread that positive energy you've got. That being said, I know that the weight of the world is enough to wear anyone down. I sincerely hope that you can take this week to get some well-deserved rest and relaxation, despite having work and classes. You're among the kindest people I've met, and helped me when I was suffering a complete mental breakdown, and I can't stand to see you suffering too.

    I sure hope that this doesn't sound too pathetic, but I was raised by my mom pretty much my whole life, and she always taught me that sometimes you just need a good cry to let everything out. It helps me a lot sometimes, but don't tell any of my friends. xD

    Regardless, I hope that you can find a reason to smile today, because you definitely deserve it!
