Monday, April 8, 2024

Bardic Practicum 1

  “What do the Druids and Druidry mean to me?”

The druids are our spiritual celtic ancestors. They were the poets, the story tellers, the oracles, the healers, the spiritual leaders and the link between the mundane and the divine. They worked with magic, divination, spirit, and plants. 

To me this manifests through the bardic magic. 

Spells and spirit work through poetry, messages through dance and daydream. 

The term druid has always been heavily associated with nature and plants, and thus I havn't really ever felt a call or connection to it. However, I have felt connected to "Bard" which Ihave learned was a specific type of druid. 

Magic and energy manupilation through music. Messages from the gods or my guides through music. Meanings hidden under the lyrics... hearing the lyrics opening me up to feel the emotion and intention that the gods/guides send through. Manifesting my hopes and desires for myself through the daydreams and stories I write. 

Thats Bardic. 

Charged prayers, spells, in the form of poetry have always been a better way for me to release the energy and intention as opposed to more imitative or contagious forms of waitcraft. 

I started out bardic. I moved away from it in an attempt to assimmilate to the practices around me. 

But I am a Bardic witch; chatoic witch; eclectic pagan. I am working my way up to being an oracle, but I have a very long way to go. I have the potential... but just like in OBOD, I must master the bardic practices first. 

So while I would not call myself a druid, I know that I will find their teachings and practices helpful on my journey. 

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