and i reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally want to have another heart to heart with him like i did a few weeks ago. in the last heart to heart we had, he said that his opinion of me hasn't changed in 3 years. i really want to know what he meant by that. like seriously, it is driving me crazy.
but, i'm not going to ask him until i'm ready to let him know how i feel. (i think he doesn't actually know xD) but if i wait too long he will forget what he was thinking.... it already been like...2-3 weeks.
now every time i talk to him i want to ask him... "you said that your opinion of me hasn't changed in 3 yeas.. what did you mean by that?"
lol, and if he answers that he meant us being friends again, i'll know to keep my mouth shut. if he answrs that he still has feelins for me, smile, and say... "so... i have a lot to say and can't actually say it.... let me show you my blog. " yay~~~~~ being a chicken shit.
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