Tuesday, May 28, 2019

catch up cards

so... I did a reading sunday 5/26/19 and is was Isa; and she spoke about my eating habits again, and said that i needed to break unhealthy eating habits that i had developed as a coping mechanism.... pretty much: STOP STARVING YOURSELF.

so as far as health goes:
- stop starving yourself
- try to eat as healthy as you can, watch what you put into your body
- limit processed sugar intake
- start taking vitamins
- start eating more herbs/using more herbal teas and essential oils for healing

I did not do one monday.

Today I got 3

Atheling: take everything one step at a time, wear responsibilities lightly, be gracious.

*I think she popped up to tell me they aren't mad about what i did yesterday.

The green man: new energy is coming towards and through me. Shape it. Focus on what i want to manifest in my life.

Shapeshifter: don't limit myself to what i think is comfortable. I am capable of a lot more than i believe and I should branch out and explore. "Be ready to change. now is the time to explore what once frightened you and what will become one of your greatest adventures yet"

^^^^ I want to know more about that one. I think I will use my shadowscape cards because something feels non-physical about it. I will also ask my physical deck as well.

queen of swords - honesty, seeing clearly/clear perception, discarding past cocoons and delving deep to find the true face to wear and show the world --> this restates the oracle card pretty much...

king of cups - let the currents of life flow through your veins to cleanse the heart of its burdens.

knight of pents - stay steadfast in goals and do not become distracted?

4 cups/3 cups/wheel of fortune/king swords - do not become lost in your inter reflection, the outside world has much to offer/ develop community, celebrate, and be with friends/ cycles, a turning point, fate/ balance of light and dark, steadfast in morality, a leader?

the lovers R - determining values and struggling with choices.... a contrast in who i was and who i will be?


 2 pents: disorganized, out of balance
3 wands R: preoccupation, rejection
Ace Swrods R: Distraction, Obstacles, Opposition
8 wands R: Crossroads, progress, beginnings
Magician: self confidence, action
9 Swords: anxiety, guilt, regret, despair
Chariot R: energies divided
10 Swords: end of a cycle

^^ i feel like thats the whole break up with jimmie described right there.

4 Swords R/9 Pents R: Upheaval and opportunity/ Financial Loss

^ ouch. which makes sense... I won't have a boyfriend taking me on dates and splitting meals and all that. i'll be on my own financially.

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