Friday, February 22, 2013

You're not alone (song lyrics)

OK, so this is a song i wrote, it is somehwat based off of Britt Nicole's "when she cries", but only a little bit.

walking through the trees,
her hands are scrapped there is blood on her knees,
her tears are stinging in her eyes,
she knows she lucky to even be alive.
Who will here her when she cries?
who will help her to survive?

pretty boy pretending to sleep,
he trie to block out the thoughts but they creep in,
thier voices rise up through the walls,
he tries to ignore the fact thats just down the hall.
but his parent they yell and they scream out,
his world is shaken by the pain and the doubt....

You're not alone, loves!
We are watching over you,
don't hold it in,
let it out!
come to us and scream and shout!
we hear you...
we love you...

we are the trees,
we are inside of you.
It will be ok,
be ok,
you are part of everything...


(soft) run through the forest
set your heat free,
dance in the forest, let your pain sing,
(louder) out
let it fall from your eyes, blessed one, let it fall,
for you are not alone at all!!

you're not alone!
you are not, not alone,
you're not alone!
you are in everything...
we hear you....
we love you....
blessed be.

thats my song :3

mini poem?

spinning, and smiling she twirls around,
the wind is making a gentle woosh sound,
smiles and laughs in joyous bliss,
stepping around the flowers with a narrow miss,
she hears the songs and the fearie voices,
rising through the air,
but then she stops in sudden sorrow,
for she is back at home, and they are not there.

face reality

So apparently, i don't take my future seriously. excuse me? sure i want to be a fearie, sure i belive in magic, sure i hate that i hate the fact that humans mature so freaking fast, but i don't take it seriously? bitch, i stress about it all the freaking time. I've cried myself to sleep because i know how serious it is and i know that in this world today, i don't think i can survive. Not happily at least. and if you are not living happy, then you aren't really living.

i want to live. i want to love what i do. i want to be in love with life. So, if i can't seem to find a way to do that, if i just stay my on nieve perso, i'm not taking things seriously? fuck you. i am taking it seriously i'm just deciding to wait till something presents itself to me... so what i don't know what college to go to? i know what i want to majr in. My major doesn't have very many job offerings? oh well, its what i want to do. i'm going to end up flipping hambergures in order to pay the bills, anyway so might as well spend thusand of dollars learning something i'm passonate about right?

i take things very seriously. i see reality and i say, "just kill me already."

fire and ice

 Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice. 
- Robert frost

I really love this poem. i can't explain why, but i really really do.

fuck reality i'll be a fearie.

When i think bout the futur, its not a good thing. al my goals and dreams are "unrealistic". well you know what? fuck you. fuck you society and fuck you reality. Yes i know that i'm smart, i have so much ahead of me, blah blah blah. What i want to do i can't. i can't travel the world, i can't worck as a documentary show person, i can't be a hippie in this world, i'll get eaten alive. so eat or be eaten right? no. i don't want to be just another person who has a job they hate. I don't care about how much money i make, or even if i have a job. Society says i need one, but you know what? fuck society.

All i really want to do is just go back in time, to when civilizations were simple, where you could openly worship  your gods, and give them offerings and you got apprenticeships and leanred first hand what to do. Where you didn't have to pay a ridiculous amount of money to learn, and living didn't cost and arm and a leg.

Or go back into the time, before humans screwed everything up. Back in the VERY beginning of human's history, back when we were intune with nature, and all her beings and we actually did good.

Today's society just makes me want to blow my brains out (relax, i won't actually do it)... i don't want to live in today's time. i don't want to live in this world, i hate how it has become.  I can't be who i want to be, i can't do what i want to do, i can't learn what i want to learn and still be able to survive.... so tell me, what is the point of living then?