Monday, February 29, 2016

English Assignment - LIT REVIEWS (or lack of)


lack of lit review:

lit review in article -

Law version of lit review -


idk qhere to put you yet:

Sunday, February 28, 2016


I'm at work, finishing up my shift. The last hour. 

I see some friends and say hi. 
I come back and suddenly Corie and denote decide to get on my case. They start but picking everything and Deontae was especially nagging. 

So I get agitated and snap at Deontae and corie pops off with "that's what I've been waiting for all day." For me to speak with "authority". 

That wasn't authority I was using, it was irritation.I don't have to sound like an asshole to speak with authority. 

Her "compliment"  pissed me off almost as much as deonte. 

I really wanted to just tell them both to kiss my ass and just leave. Then and there.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Second thoughts

I really want to talk to frannie. We both know I would do well.I don't know if I'm going to take the job. 
I'm ambitious and I know I can do the job well. 

But I don't think I would enjoy it. Despite how much I complain at work, I really do like my job. Especially as a customer lead... Cashier not so much. 

But that's because a cashier is stationary. I HATE being stationary. 

Office position is also stationary....
So I sent Jenna, an office person who knows I've been offered the position, this:

I really want to talk with frannie. We both know I would do well. That's not the issue. I just don't know if I'm ready just yet... Especially since I already find it difficult to balance 20 hours with full time school... How can undo it with 30 hours??

But then again.. Garunteed hours. More respect. During the day shifts wouldn't be that bad, other than the stationary part.. Ick... And opening doesn't look that bad. Closing is intimidating as hell. And I would be doing it twice a week. 

I'm so torn. 

Moving up

So.... I got offered an office associate job. 
Frannie wants me to really think about it because it is a LOT OF STRESS and a lot more work.... Plus school. My usual shift would be 12-8,12:30-8:30, or 4-12. (After summer I can have opening shifts 7-3)

8 hour shifts, 4 times a week is 32 hours... Garunteed every week.

That's a lot more than my average 18-20... But more $. Less free time for homework... And I'd have to be creative with my school schedule. 

Only schedule classes before 12 and after 3. It's going to be interesting.....

But I'm going to do it. 

Pain in the back

Ok so 2 years ago I was rear ended and hurt my back - I never got it looked at. 

Now every time I hurt my back that pain comes back, but never lasts more than one or two weeks. 

Well about a month or so ago I hurt my back at work and because it was busy I never filed a report. I figured the pain would go away.... It hasn't. And at times it gets very painful... Like a 6-7.

So monday I'm going to the student health center. Maybe they can help. Maybe they can refer me to a chiropractor.... I hope if I'm referred then my insurance will cover it?

I also need to possibly see snout getting new glasses.. Maybe.!

Friday, February 26, 2016


I rally don't understand the stigma against having hair on your body. We are mammals, it's natural. 

I don't shave my arms at all... Nor my nether region (although I trim it). In fact I hate the way down there looks when there isn't hair... It looks like a child and is actually a turn off. 

Legs and under arms? I shave only when I have to. The haur doesn't bother me at all. It's natural and I actually prefer to see hair under my arms, not too long, but present. 

Call me a hippy because I'm ok with my body being natural - for going against social norms- fine. 

I'm ok with being a hippy if it means being ok with my body. 

lesbian pride and rejudice

DARCY IS A WOMAN WHO is bingley's sister - bi

lizzie - feemme lesbo
Jane straight
bingley straight

meet at party

bingleys are ranchers who like to get their hands dirty.... darcy disaproves of the city girls and breaks up jane and charles... etc.


To do today........ ugh it never ends.

  • talk to dr. bunger about study guide....he has corrections. (and an idea for my novel!?)
  • talk to frannie about my vacation. 
  • start on paper for english... due next friday. - i have so much reading to do..... possibly have a library session needed for this.... next tuesday after the study group for bunger exam. 
  • CALL MY PSYCHIATRIC PLACE AND FIND OUT WHEN MY APPOINTMENT IS. this is stressing me the fuck out oh my gosh.

English assignment part...something.

Organizing the paper:

  1. Fundamental text summary (paragraph 1-3 i think)
  2. Sources that address the questions about major players ( in school - teachers and parents)
  3. Sources that address questions about the issue (religious ignorance - politics)
  4. Compare lit review of scholarly journals - (this could be a good closing)

pretty much make a paragraph per source. 

be sure to summarize each article, how is applies, and talk about the publication of each source in each paragraph. - similar to the first 3 paragraphs. 

Thursday, February 25, 2016


okay so...

i finished my spanish composition. just need to remember to print it out in the morning... VERY important.

I still have my 5 page paper to type up for monday.... that will be my weekend plans.
i'm about half way through the study guide now... should only take one more hour or so... i hope xD

gods i'm so tired.

Things that need to get done

-correct spanish comp
-write up study guide and email it to Bunger 
-volunteer from 1-3

Which gives me 2 hours to do all of this 😭😭

plus i have a 5 page paper due on monday - English assignment

Monday, February 22, 2016

Weird anxiety

I feel like my world is on fire and I'm just.... In the center. I should be panicking. I feel the anxiety in my chest but I'm just void of everything...

I feel like I have so much to do but I'm forgetting all of it. 
Like I'm forgetting to panic. 
But I feel the anxeity in my chest... 

I'm just... Idk.

Afterthought: there is a picture that fits this....


So I woke up early today. 
Got ready in time. 
Was going to leave early so I wouldn't have to rush to school and could pick up stuff for the club bake sale.....

Cara missed her fucking bus.

So I go from being relaxed to stressed and running late.

My hair is a mess.
My anxiety is up.
I'm starving. - makes me moody
And everyone keeps looking at me like I have a third eye on my face or something. STOP FUCKING LOOKING AT ME.

At least don't look at me like I'm a freak.

I'm supposed to hang out with Kennedy and friends today to FINALLY see Deadpool.... If it doesn't get fucking Cancled again.

Either they will or she will... I can already tell.

And even better....they havnt picked a time yet 😑

Thursday, February 18, 2016


“If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.”
― Toni Morrison

i have been inspired to write...

a fantasy pride and prejudice.

i already have snippets in my head....

before my shower i had a tarot reading done with SG and he told me that our love had a rocky start in the past.... i gave him a hard time apparently.  which made me think about my favorite love story, which also had a rocky start: pride and prejudice.

for years i've looked for a fantasy pride and prejudice.... i havn't found one. so: i'm going to write it.

idk if it should be called:

  • A Fantasy's Pride and Prejudice
  • An elf's pride, a faerie's prejudice
  • A Prince's Pride, a Lady's Prejudice
  • Pride and Prejudice; a faerie tale. 

i actually like the last one best i think....


Idk why but I'm so anxious today.

I've already had one almost/low key panic attack.

And now they are setting up for world anthropology day and I can't seem to make myself useful and my anxiety is making my Chest hurt and now I'm hiding in the bathroom trying not to cry.

I know no one is judging me but I feel like I'm in the way and I'm irritating people and there are just so many people... I just wanted to hide. 

So I am. 

Gods my chest is tight...


Today has been long...
I didn't get to see Kennedy since she's sick.

So I dressed up for nothing.

I had panic.... I think because I was around so many people who were stressed and had social anxiety that I picked up and channeled it.

I did a tarot reading with SG and actually got answers from him via cards.

It's been a long day.

But as I look the mirror at the end of it I can't help but see... Although I'm tired... I'm beautiful. 

I actually see myself as attractive. 
This doesn't happen very often and I can't help but apreciate the moment. I look almost ethereal.

Even my naked body, which I usually find repulsive, has a sense of otherworldly beauty to it. 

Once I wash off the make up Off I'll slip back into my human skin I'll see all my flaws and go back to being "pretty".

I'm tired. I'm sleepy. I feel like I've been awake for a week. But for a moment at the end of a long day I feel... Good. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

English assignment part..5?

  • 5+ Pages
    • one page can be on the tension between the teacher's religion vs perfessionalism (Godard's answer)
  • 8+ Sources (at least 1 from scholarly article from database) (woolard and godard)
  • Lit Review style paper - 
  • Due March 4th 

What sources are appropriate to answer which questions?

 What can be done to show parents the importance of teaching world religions to their children?

 What guidelines or assurances can be given to teachers to allow them to give such important information while not having to worry about being attacked for doing their jobs?

what problems can occur nationwide when religious ignorance reaches a political and governmental level and how could it affect America's relations with other countries?

possible articles?

from databases:  - religious tolerance on a global scale

when religious ignorance hits politics:

personal correspondences: teachers and laura

*** his advise: relationship btween views and syrian refugees ---- ADD THIS TO CONSEQUENCES AND POLITICS

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


so plans are once again canceled...

but for a legitimate reason.

Kennedy can't make it tonight because her step-dad is in the hospital and she is on her way to virginia now.

i wish her safe travels and i'l have to find some other time to hang out with her when she gets back.



i'm still not calmed down from my previous post. shit.


i don't think i have been that terrified in a long time.

so i turned bree down last night.
her snapchat last night said "good bye". i didn't know what to think of it.... until this morning.
this morning i read her blog and it said that she welcomed death.

she battles depression.

I flipped shit.
i'm still shaking.
i called her and it rang until i got to voicemail.
i left a voicemail telling her to let me know she was ok...

i was going to leave the same message on her facebook and snapchat but i just saw her story was updated an hour ago....

shit i was so worried.

kinda wanna strangle her right now but that because (like my mom) when i'm worried my relief turns my worry into anger.

but she's okay....

gods please don't let that happen again....

Monday, February 15, 2016

Why do I feel so guilty?

So I had a conversation with bree...

I do love her. But I think we waited too long and that love turned platonic. I love her, I would do anything for her. 

But I know that with how I feel, I wouldn't make her happy.

Even better

Today just got even better! 

Kennedy is coming over tomorrow to watch supernatural and just hang out. 

She has invited me to come hang out at her place tonight! 

And here I was worried I would over crowd her be asking her to hang out so soon xD

Way to wake up

So as always: it got better. 
Woke up this morning to see a snapchat from Kennedy AND all but one class is cancelled. Currently debating wether to skip it or not due to the freezing layer of ice on everything.

Seriously. Mom had to pour gallons of boiling water on our porch so she could even get out to her car.

Granted the roads are prolly not that bad and I have head that way anyway to pick up the steaks I left at work... But but but...

Yeah no.

So I'm skipping, I'll drive up there in the afternoon... 12-ish? (When class ends 😂) and pick up the steaks and some broccoli cheese rice.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day everyone. 

Today sucks. 

I got off work early.... And all I have to do today is just clean and do homework. Ant and all plans I made got canceled.

Plus I don't have the drive to clean since the only reason I was going to clean was that I hoped to invite Kennedy over.

But she seems to be avoiding me ever since a guy friend of mine failed at trying to talk me up... Instead he came off over protective and ugh.

She doesn't even open my text or my snaochat but she responded to him and updated her snapchat story. 


I'm cold, I'm grumpy, I just want to lay diwn and do nothing.

But I have shit to do.

Today sucks.

Thursday, February 11, 2016


so... remember that girl who i couldn't tell if she liked me or not?
well i stopped talking to her and she actually texted me today out of the blue. Asking if i wanted to see deadpool with her this weekend....


and she seems to be activley talking to me right now which is kinda cool...

heres the thing.. i'm seeing a movie with Kennedy tonight.

sooooooooo..... idk.

i'm not very good at talking to multiple people at once.

i'm single so its totally allowed but still... i suaully focus my energy into one person.

but its all int he air right now i guess.


i didn't expect Kristen to make a comeback.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

English assignment to be turned in on monday

  1. Article Summary (paragraph 1)
  2. Publication profile  (paragraph 2)
  3. Paraphrase of 3 furthure articles from the same publication
  4. Proposal Paragraph (3 questions inspired by article and where they lead)
  5. reference list

  1. In the article "The Misplaced Fear of Religion in Classrooms" by Melinda D. Anderson the issue of religion in the public school system is brought forward. The fear of discussing religions in public schools has started to have unsavory repercussions; students are coming out of school religiously illiterate. Many parents are against having religions taught in school because they don't want their children to lose interest in their own religion and convert to a different one. However educators have pointed out that without religious literacy the school curriculum isn't really fulfilling the students and preparing them to go on in life. This issue is what inspired Linda K. Wertheimer to write her book "Faith Ed: Teaching about Religion in an Age of Intolerance", which is whom the article focuses on. Mrs. Anderson goes on to ask detailed questions to Mrs. Wertheimer about the issue at hand.
  2. The Atlantic's online home page is divided into different genres for the reader so that they can more easily find articles and stories that interest them. This is done in layers that with the top story is given the most space and underneath that are more top stories. Next comes A section for stories in progress is presented, which goes to to show that the Atlantic doesn't just focus on things after they happen, it follows events as they unfold. The section after that are videos on a variety of topics, from socio-cultural to science to politics; often a mix in-between. Political articles follows, then technology, the top 5 most popular articles, photos, and science. The format gets even more detailed by having separate sections for U.S. news and Global news. Business, culture, education, and health  bring up the rear end of the genres being displayed. The fact that the Atlantic not only publishes stories in a written format but also visual and auditory formats allows it's audience to be more wide spread.
  3.  Religion is not the only thing that the Atlantic wrote about around this time. As any magazine would there were many articles published during that time. As stated early the articles of the Atlantic vary greatly in topics. Such topics found in a similar publication year include how war has changed, mental health in schools, forest fires, and mysteries in space.  In the article "From Isis to Russia: How War Changed in 2015" the article goes into detail about how war has shifted. "From China in Asia to Russia in Europe and the Middle East, and ISIS just about everywhere, 2015 has seen the flourishing of conflicts that exist in a gray zone...."(CITE THIS LATER). The article goes into detail about how war has changed becoming more hybridized, and suing less physical tactics. China for example is using psychological and media warfare. It also goes on to talk about shifting political lines, how territories are changing hands and loyalties shift. In the article " How Trigger Warning are Hurting Mental Health on Campus" the article goes into detail about how "trigger warnings" are starting to get ridiculous. From preventing rape laws to be taught to preventing the word "violating" from being used, even in a non-sexual context. The article goes to say how being over sensitive to possible trigger warning prevents actual healing from trauma. In an article about the environment drought and climate change are considered when comparing the frequency and ferocity of forest fires from 2015 to those of previous years. The article about a mysterious star in our solar system explains how scientists can gather data about other solar systems based on the amount of photons and light, and the frequencies of that light, that comes from the stars that are monitored. One star seems to stand out among the other thousands. Due to the data it seems like the star has the behavior of a new solar system, even though it is a mature one. Many theories are brought forward but one seems to be the focus of the article: extraterrestrials.
  4.  When one really thinks about the issue of religious ignorance there turns out to be several major players involved. On a smaller scale there are the parents who wage their war and the teachers who must try to survive, tip toeing around while still trying to sharpen their pupil's minds. What can be done to show parents the importance of teaching world religions to their children? What guidelines or assurances can be given to teachers to allow them to give such important information while not having to worry about being attacked for doing their jobs? The fear that the  younger generation will sympathize with the Islamic extremists tends to be the focus on anti-religious movement in schools; parents seem to be worried that teachers sugar coating the issue. On the larger scale there is the entire country. Following the example of the fear of Islamic Extremists, ignorance of the Islamic religion has lead to an anti-Muslim in parts of the country. When politics get mixed in some very bad things can happen; which begs the question: what problems can occur nationwide when religious ignorance reaches a political and governmental level and how could it affect America's relations with other countries?  
  5. References: (remember to do a hanging indention in Word Document and link 1 enter below)
  • Anderson, M. D. (2015, October 19). The Misplaced Fear of Religion in Classrooms. The Atlantic.Retrieved from
  • Anderson, R. (2015, October 13). The Most Mysterious Star in our Galaxy. The Atlantic. Retrieved at
  • Graham, D. A. (2015, September 15). How Do the 2015 Forest Fires in California and Washington Compare to Past Years? The Atlantic. Retrieved at
  • Lukianoff, G., & Haidt, J. (2015, September). How Trigger Warning are Hurting Mental Health on Campus. The Atlantic. Retrieved at


English assignment part 4 - summary of 3 other articles

Religion is not the only thing that the Atlantic wrote about around this time. As any magazine would there were many articles published during that time. As stated early the articles of the Atlantic vary greatly in topics. Such topics found in a similar publication year include how war has changed, mental health in schools, forest fires, and mysteries in space. 

Summary 1: In the article "From Isis to Russia: How War Changed in 2015" the article goes into detail about how war has shifted. "From China in Asia to Russia in Europe and the Middle East, and ISIS just about everywhere, 2015 has seen the flourishing of conflicts that exist in a gray zone...."(CITE THIS LATER). The article goes into detail about how war has changed becoming more hybridized, and suing less physical tactics. China for example is using psychological and media warfare. It also goes on to talk about shifting political lines, how territories are changing hands and loyalties shift. 

Summary 2:
In the article " How Trigger Warning are Hurting Mental Health on Campus" the article goes into detail about how "trigger warnings" are starting to get ridiculous. From preventing rape laws to be taught to preventing the word "violating" from being used, even in a non-sexual context. The article goes to say how being over sensitive to possible trigger warning prevents actual healing from trauma. 

Summary 3: 
In an article about the environment drought and climate change are considered when comparing the frequency and ferocity of forest fires from 2015 to those of previous years.

Summary 4: 
The article about a mysterious star in our solar system explains how scientists can gather data about other solar systems based on the amount of photons and light, and the frequencies of that light, that comes from the stars that are monitored. One star seems to stand out among the other thousands. Due to the data it seems like the star has the behavior of a new solar system, even though it is a mature one. Many theories are brought forward but one seems to be the focus of the article: extraterrestrials. 

Religion is not the only thing that the Atlantic wrote about around this time. As any magazine would there were many articles published during that time. As stated early the articles of the Atlantic vary greatly in topics. Such topics found in a similar publication year include how war has changed, mental health in schools, forest fires, and mysteries in space.  In the article "From Isis to Russia: How War Changed in 2015" the article goes into detail about how war has shifted. "From China in Asia to Russia in Europe and the Middle East, and ISIS just about everywhere, 2015 has seen the flourishing of conflicts that exist in a gray zone...."(CITE THIS LATER). The article goes into detail about how war has changed becoming more hybridized, and suing less physical tactics. China for example is using psychological and media warfare. It also goes on to talk about shifting political lines, how territories are changing hands and loyalties shift. In the article " How Trigger Warning are Hurting Mental Health on Campus" the article goes into detail about how "trigger warnings" are starting to get ridiculous. From preventing rape laws to be taught to preventing the word "violating" from being used, even in a non-sexual context. The article goes to say how being over sensitive to possible trigger warning prevents actual healing from trauma. In an article about the environment drought and climate change are considered when comparing the frequency and ferocity of forest fires from 2015 to those of previous years. The article about a mysterious star in our solar system explains how scientists can gather data about other solar systems based on the amount of photons and light, and the frequencies of that light, that comes from the stars that are monitored. One star seems to stand out among the other thousands. Due to the data it seems like the star has the behavior of a new solar system, even though it is a mature one. Many theories are brought forward but one seems to be the focus of the article: extraterrestrials.

Friday, February 5, 2016

I chocked

Sooooo I met up with a girl today (it wasn't a date, there was supposed to be 3/4 of us but 2 couldn't make it) and it was pretty awesome.

We had a bite to eat and conversation went well and flowed.... Until I chocked. It was an ugly one too.... Plus I was embarrassed so I laughed which made me choke harder....

Plus she didn't mind when I got insanely excited about stuff. Plus she liked my novel ideas. 

We watched the movie on campus and then walked all the way to my car.... Well until we got lost and her roommate had to drive us xD

But it was fun. 
So even if it's just friends this chick is awesome:)

Proposal Paragraph

  • Questions about the major players in the issue:
  • questions about the issue itself:
  • what do you want/ need to know to answer the question?

When one really thinks about the issue of religious ignorance there turns out to be several major players involved. On a smaller scale there are the parents who wage their war and the teachers who must try to survive, tip toeing around while still trying to sharpen their pupil's minds. What can be done to show parents the importance of teaching world religions to their children? What guidelines or assurances can be given to teachers to allow them to give such important information while not having to worry about being attacked for doing their jobs? The fear that the  younger generation will sympathize with the Islamic extremists tends to be the focus on anti-religious movement in schools; parents seem to be worried that teachers sugar coating the issue. On the larger scale there is the entire country. Following the example of the fear of Islamic Extremists, ignorance of the Islamic religion has lead to an anti-Muslim in parts of the country. When politics get mixed in some very bad things can happen; which begs the question: what problems can occur nationwide when religious ignorance reaches a political and governmental level and how could it affect America's relations with other countries?  

Thursday, February 4, 2016

thinking through college.... more detailed.

according to my degree works i need: 21 more credits in my minor

My minor
  • Eng 2815 - 3 (intro to creative writing)
  • Phil 2271 - 3
  • 2 out of : Eng 3830(intro to play writing), 3840 (into to poetry), 3860 (non fiction writing)  - 6
  • one of these: Eng 3330, 3340 (contemp drama), 3410 (into poetry), 3831 (plays from writers POV), 3841(poetry from writers POV),3851 (fiction from Writers POV),3861,4930 - 3
  • 2 or 3 of: - 6
    • Anth 3300 lang and culture
    • Clas 1300, 3300, 3400, 3405, 
    • ENGL 2230(southern lit), 4830 (script) ,4835,4840 (advanced poetry),4850 (advanced fiction),4860 (nonfiction),4885 (digital writing)
    • LING 2710,3700, 3720, 3750, 3240, 3250, 3260,3280,3290,3300,3460, 3570,3630, 3810,3870,3885,4230,4730
    • FILM 2900
    • GRBK 2000, 2010,2400 ,2500 ,2600
    •  HIST 333
    • PHIL 3272, 3331, 3350
    • POLS 3012 or 3045
 anything in bold is something i want to take out of the ones with the choices, highlighted is something that i feel i ABSOLUTELY MUST TAKE

and then there is my
anth requirements:
  • Feild methods -  senior spring - 3 writing intensive
  • Anth theory - junior spring - 3 writing intensive  
    • (writing intensive will be complete)
  • Motherhood of god - 3 credits (will complete the upper level anth electives)

Foundation requirements:
  •  2 more courses in Spanish
  • excersise
  • 1 more social science
  • 6 classes of just random electives
    • any of the bolded minor courses that i don't ended up taking for the minor
      • ENG 3410,
      •  4840
      •  ANTH 3300
    • Aliens class
    • Grims fairy tales class
    • Supernatural engl class

Monday, February 1, 2016

English Paraphrase activity and questions

1.This sentiment carries over into public schools, where teaching about the world’s religions often sparks controversy and charges from some parents and activists that classrooms are an inappropriate place for this discussion.

2.Yet educators frequently counter that a public-school curriculum is incomplete without religious literacy, which the American public sorely lacks.

3.This ongoing ideological struggle is the basis of a new book, Faith Ed: Teaching about Religion in an Age of Intolerance, in which Linda K. Wertheimer, a veteran education writer and editor, examines the friction and sometimes outright confrontation over teaching religion in public schools.

my praphrasing:
Although many parents believe that teaching religion is unbefitting in a classroom, educators feel that keeping religion out of the curiculum is doing more harm than good. spitting out religiously ignorant students. The quarrel between ideas is what Linda K. Wertheimer's new book, Faith Ed: Teaching about Religion in an Age of Intolerance, is focused on.


  1. teachers: ASK TEACHER FRIENDS
  2. parents: what can be done to show parents the importance of religious literacy?
  3. public school system:
  4. issue as a whole:  what are some of the negative effects of America's growing religious ignorance? (interacting with other countries? anti-muslim movement....)