Friday, January 29, 2016

Religion in Public Schools

I'm all for separation of church and state. I am. If i am at school, don't preach at me and try to convert me to Christianity. HOWEVER i don't think religion should be kept out of public schools completely... you can teach ABOUT a religion and not try to convert people.... but you have to teach about MANY religions if any will be taught at all. this lack of information to students as they are growing is leading to ignorant and religious illiterate people.

Teach it. don't preach it... but for the love of all that is good in the world TEACH IT.

people need to learn about other religions if they want to function properly in the world without being driven by fear and hate.... teach them while they are young to understand others around them and they will develop into well rounded adults... not fearful hate-mongering idiots.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

thinking through college classes

ok so...

i don't need any more science.
no more math.

but i havn't started my minor... thats 8 classes (3 hours each).

OK so... 4 semesters left, if i take 6 classes each (gods help me) then thats 24 classes.
of those classes have to be writing intensive

i need to take

  •  2 more core anth classes (Theory and Methods = both in spring. one next year and one senior both are writing intensive)
  • 1 social science
  • 1 Upper Anth Elective
  • 1 fine arts (hoping for public speaking)
  • KINE = PE.
  • 8 Minor classes
  • 6 Elective classes
  • 2 Spanish classes

thats (5+8+6+2+1) = 22 classes

Next semester i will try to take:

Spanish 3
Motherhood of God 
COM 2410

i also want to try and take 2 classes for my minor....

obviously i can take the intro classes but damn. i wanna knowwwww...

so i'll add:
Intro to creative writing
American folklore (Kitt - this is WI so i'll be good on that front) - count as a humanity?- elective?

KINE -  to be determined
Spanish 3 -  to be determined
Motherhood of God - MWF 11:00 am-11:50 am, BUNGER
COM 2410 - MWF 01:00 pm-01:50 pm, JOYEAS 00214, Brittany Myles Wright Thompson
Intro to creative writing - TR 11:00 am-12:15 pm, Donald Alexander Albright (P), BATE
American Folklore - TR 12:30 pm-01:45 pm, Andrea Kitta (P), BATE

which leads 3 semesters left to take 16 classes left to take over 3 semesters....
Span 4
7 classes for my minor
1 social science
5/6 elective classes

now..... some of the electives i want to take include:
The Paranormal english class
The Brothers Grimm Folktales class
The Alienes and archeology class

some of the english courses i know that should be in the creative writing minor

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

warning... sex post.

So... the other day i slept with Corie.

And i was able to go for a bit... but once again its like i lost interest half way through.

i have come to the conclusion that... i just... don't like sex.
I don't crave it.
i don't think the world revolves around it.
i don't hope for it when i think about having a significant other (although make out sessions are always welcome)

sex is not really my thing....

as weird as that is.

I'm more of a Chimp than a banobo...

Banobo chimps resolve everything with sex and trade sex for favors and such.

The "Standard" Chimp does the same only with grooming and touch rather than sex.

Its interesting how we are just as closley related with both.... in both genetics and behavior. Most people lean towards banobos.... i'm more of a chimp.

faerie sources for story

English Assignment part 3 - paragraph 2

Publication Profile

  1. Publication Editorial Policy
    1.  Politics, culture, business, science, technology, health, education, global affairs, more
    2. Also accept works of fiction.
    3. Focus on events that are still unfolding - in progress
  2. Other titles from the publication (from around the same time)
    1. How Trigger Warning are Hurting Mental Health on Campus
    2.  How Do the 2015 Forest Fires in California and Washington Compare to Past Years?
    3.  The Most Mysterious Star in Our Galaxy
    4.  From ISIS to Russia: How War Changed in 2015
    5. The 2016 U.S. Presidential Race: A Cheat Sheet
  3.  Publication Format, Design, and Purpose
Paragraph 2

The Atlantic's online home page is divided into different genres for the reader so that they can more easily find articles and stories that interest them. This is done in layers that with the top story is given the most space and underneath that are more top stories. Next comes A section for stories in progress is presented, which goes to to show that the Atlantic doesn't just focus on things after they happen, it follows events as they unfold. The section after that are videos on a variety of topics, from socio-cultural to science to politics; often a mix in-between. Political articles follows, then technology, the top 5 most popular articles, photos, and science. The format gets even more detailed by having separate sections for U.S. news and Global news. Business, culture, education, and health  bring up the rear end of the genres being displayed. The fact that the Atlantic not only publishes stories in a written format but also visual and auditory formats allows it's audience to be more wide spread.

Get Published through the Atlantic?

The Atlantic is always interested in great nonfiction, fiction, and poetry. A general familiarity with what we have published in the past is the best guide to what we're looking for. All manuscripts should be submitted as a Word document or PDF. Succinct pitches may be submitted in the body of an e-mail.
To submit nonfiction, send your manuscript or pitch
To submit fiction, send your manuscript to:
To submit poetry, send your manuscript to:

I think i might try this..... i have a crap ton of poetry i could submit and i emailed my english teacher a copy of "A day in paradise" that i'm thinking of submitting. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


starting writing today... in my fantasy short story rather than my novel... but i'm writing!

started with 1272....
ended with: failure. i didn't get any work done.....

Comm 101

Exam on thursday...

online. at 11-12:15

40 questions - multiple choice and true/false

chapters 1-4

get this done.

Monday, January 25, 2016

English assignment part 2 - paragraph 1

Publication profile:

-summary/Integrating sources (different from paraphrasing)

Paragraph 1 - the summary

  1. Who (author) - in which publication - title
  2. situation - development 
  3. Major players and their roles in the development 

  1. MELINDA D. ANDERSON -The Atlantic - "The Misplaced Fear of Religion in Classrooms" 
  2. fear of religions in the class room leads to religiously illiterate students and this inspires the Writer of the book who is interviewed in the article. 
  3. major players:
    1. (In the Issue)
      • Parents: Some parents feared that if their children learned about another religion, they might fall out of love with their own faith.
      • Public school System vs Educators: Yet educators frequently counter that a public-school curriculum is incomplete without religious literacy, which the American public sorely lacks. According to a 2010 Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life survey, in a country of many faiths and beliefs, there is a stunning absence of knowledge of the world’s religions. And where better to discuss a thorny topic like religion, some say, than in a public-school classroom; they note that discomfort is a natural and essential part of the learning process.
    2. (In the Article)
      • Mrs. Anderson - the article author- interviewer
      • Linda K. Wertheimer - Book author - being interviewed

In the article "The Misplaced Fear of Religion in Classrooms" by Melinda D. Anderson the issue of religion in the public school system is brought forward. The fear of discussing religions in public schools has started to have unsavory repercussions; students are coming out of school religiously illiterate. Many parents are against having religions taught in school because they don't want their children to lose interest in their own religion and convert to a different one. However educators have pointed out that without religious literacy the school curriculum isn't really fulfilling the students and preparing them to go on in life. This issue is what inspired Linda K. Wertheimer to write her book "Faith Ed: Teaching about Religion in an Age of Intolerance", which is whom the article focuses on. Mrs. Anderson goes on to ask detailed questions to Mrs. Wertheimer about the issue at hand.

English Assignment

3 texts that raise a question, topic, or development
-who are the players in the issue?
- which chapter heading from Resent Social Trends does the issue fit under?

Changing social attitudes and interests

Changes in Religious Organization
-stigma against new religions:

  • (not a very good source.... include the fox video of pagan holidays

-religion via atlantic


basically i had to pick out three headings and i need to find texts that fall under them.
- changing social attitudes and interests
-changes in religious Organizations
-Leisure Activities
-The Arts in Social Life

i think i'm going to use these 2:

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

i think.... i might be getting a tattoo.

so... the anthropolysquad (close friends from the anthropology student club at school) got matching tattoos tonight. Darwin's "i think" from his first initial sketch of a evolutionary family tree.

Despite Dr. Bunger's disaproval... i think i want to get it too.

only i want to add to it. make it more personal.

i want to get it under the base of my arm, pretty much on my ribs, going down horizontally.

i think
i feel
i believe

here is why:

Darwin's  "think" Representing the rational side of life.

 Then feel would be in a similar script but it represents the emotional and ever changing part of life.

The same goes for the believe only that would represent the spiritual and personal side of life.

it's in the order that I come to believe things. I think about them. I feel if it's write with my spirit or not. I believe (or disbelieve) it.

its also how i interperate the Numen. I think about things which causes me to feel the numen and have an experience - thus leading me to believe the message.

also, as a friend pointed out: "Especially to remind you at all times to be present in all aspects of life. to nurture your soul/spirit, roll with the emotions, and always think for yourself."

i really like this idea...

but i want to talk to mom about it. get her council... nd talk to Dr. Bunger. I'm curious as to where his anti-tattoo stance comes from, although if i really want this tattoo i will get it even if it means disappointing him.

i love him, but ultimately its my body.

roughly it would look like this

i'll keep playing...

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


I lost today.

i didn't go to class because i feel like a crying fir could happen at any moment and i'd rather cry in the computer lab than in the middle of one of my favorite classes.

i emailed the professor, expecting him to get mad but instead he sent one of the most understanding responses...

so in order to make the day not a total waste.... i will be killing people. hopefully.

i'm going to be writing.

starting out with 7990 words...

lets see how long i can go for and how far i get.

in 2 hours i wrote 1422 words.

not too bad.

drowning and resurfacing

I feel like i'm drowning....
like my bipolar is resurfacing.

My body feels heavier, like i have a weight on my lungs.
Its not a physical ailment, i can breathe fine.

but its not like...incapacitating.

its just.... you know how when puddles freeze, you can see the water underneath? Well, i'm fine. My layer of ice is thick.... but i can feel my bipolar underneath my skin.

My bipolar never left with my getting medication... it only became more manageable. I still get highs (being more reckless with money, more agitated and aggressive)

and i still get lows (apologizing every other word, the physical manifestations, thoughts about death and suicide - not having suicidal thoughts though!!! - just feeling relatively down in the dumps, feelings of hopelessness, crying fits, social anxiety...)

and there really isn't anything that can be done.
i'm taking my meds.... the mood swings aren't nearly as bad as they use to be.
they are manageable.

but i still have them.

and i'm in a depressive phase right now, and i'm feeling it a bit more than i usually do.

it sucks.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Over analyze

So trevor says that the girl is actually very shy...

so i googled.

Based on our first coffee meeting and then last night... its 50/50.

Based on body language while we were at dinner and actually talking face to face...
there was constant eye contact. which is a good sign. Although she did look away alot too... She faced me the whole time, but she was also sitting across fro me....

i read that her arms and shoulders are important...during the dinner she had her arms at her side, not crossed... but after i paid, which seemed to make her uncomfortable, she had her arms crossed... and didn't face me as much. 

She didn't really interact with me much in the bookstore... Which i can understand, she was looking at books lol i'd rather look at books a=than at me too. She still talked to me here and there... but not too much...

during the movie she didn't angle herself towards me.... which as i was told, meant she wasn't interested. However, she had her feet angled in my direction which apparently is a good sign?

so it could be that i just made her a bit uncomfortable by paying for her food, and she was getting more shy?

she wasn't on her phone very often..  which is a good sign i think?

i don't remember if she titled her head when we spoke or if her pupils dilated or anything like that... wish i had paid more attention lol.

she did smile when she approached me in the begining... 

it could be she does have at least some interest, i just made her uncomfortable by paying. 

so ...50/50?


Maybe I overreacted. 

I've talked with some people and maybe the date didn't go as bad as I thought...

And fate is kind.

My friend Trevor has a class with her!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

not interested

so i went on a date with this girl tonight.... only i think i was the only one who thought it was a date.
Although i payed for dinner, it was only because i insisted that i pay. She made sure she bought her own ticket to the movie....

her body language...

yeah. She's not interested in me.

If i was still going to hope i could say maybe she is shy, but nah.

she isn't interested.

i'm kind of bummed because i think she is really cool.....

i kinda had my hopes up.

but oh well.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Jury duty for... a murder trial!???

so i have been summoned to jury duty on febuary 8th. But the only info i can find out about any trial on febuary 8th.... its a murder trial.  Its the farmville murder trial.

and they are pushing for the death penalty.
If it was life in prison - ok fine. but death penalty? i don't want that on my conscience.
i have 2 options.

A - get my jury duty deferred to the summer, since i'm a full time student.
B - at the screening say that i am against the death penalty.

murder is interesting. Trials are not.

i really don't want to go.
i really want, and need (for academic reasons), to get out of this.

gods help me...

Monday, January 11, 2016

First day update

I'm going to like my M,W,F classes.

My english professor looks like the bad guy from the unfortunate events books.

And then I get home.... 

And my day gets bad. Why?
As usual: Cara. Nothing but attitude and animosity.

And then I get something in the mail.... Fucking jury duty. 

First day

First day back and so far.... Spanish doesn't seem terrifying. 

I'm about to start english.... Kinda nervous. I don't know what to expect 

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Thoughts that keep me up at night

It is 4:30 am and after about an hour of sleep my little sisters phone conversation wakes me up (around 3am). Now I can't sleep again.... But who needs sleep when you have dark thoughts to wallow in?

As usual the first thing that comes with any depressive wave is jake.

3 years later and the asshole still has an effect on me. 

I know what I'll say to him next time he's in town and wants to hang out:
"We are not going to hang out. Small contact us fine; a snapchat here or there. But we are not going to hang out unless 
A- someone dies and you need comfort
B- someone hurts you the way you hurt me. I don't mean just a break up, I mean totally breaks your heart. To where you still have a negative effect over 3 years later.
They say you never forget your first love. And they are right. so when you have your heart shattered to the point that you are no longer the same person? THEN we can hang out."

In the 3 years since that time I have dated as many people. I havnt been in love with a single one. I'm scared I can't fall in love. I've tried... But it's not something you can force.

What if I'm broken? I can have an unconditional platonic love for anyone but what if I can't have real romantic love?
Am I broken?

These are the thoughts that bring a depressive wave so strong not even a cuddly purring and sleepy smokey can cure.

These are the thoughts that keep me up at night.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Idea for story in previous blog

- explains the 5 levels of pleasure 
- what it means to be grey sexual 
-There was only one time I ever saw dmitri angry. I had been asked out by a guy and he picked me up. It went very well until the end. We pulled up to a park and made out, which was fine I guess. Until he decided he wanted to explore past my waist. When I moved his hands back up he tried again. When I pulled away and tried to explain I wasn't comfortable he got angry. Long story short I ended up having to hitch hike since my phone was dead. I was dropped off at the gas station and to my luck it was still open. Dmitri was manning the register and when he saw u had been crying demanded I tell him what happened. He even asked me to explain why I was ok with kissing but not touching. Laughing he said that dating me was like signing up for permanent blue balls. When I agreed he laughed again but asked why I was crying. I then explained how angry my date had gotten and how I was given the choice to either sleep with him or walk over an hour to my home. That's when dmitri got mad.... To make it short and sweet he drove me home and made me give him my sate's phone number. The next time I saw the asshole he had a broken nose and wouldn't look me in the eye.

My main character will be panromantic and grey sexual (good with the sensual and non with the sexual)

Friday, January 8, 2016

Blog and then bed

Why is it, in the warmth and comfort of my bed at night... When I have no pretenses or obligations to uphold and shape my behavior... When I am safe but feel vulnerable that these sad thoughts come?

I know I am amazing and am I fantastic person. It seems the longer I'm single, the more okay I am with it. But for the past few days... I've been... Lonely? Scared? That I won't find someone.

Honestly.. I won't find someone who will make me feel like I did with jake. It's been over 3 years and his impact on me remains. I don't want him anymore... I want the feelings he brought.

The secure, safe, and loving feelings. The ability to talk about anything. How easy it was to play and laugh. Knowing that I would be taken care of and pampered but being able to do it back.

I honestly feel like I won't find a love like that again in this life. I'm scared that I really will be alone... 

And this fear makes me more reclusive which only isolated me and makes it harder to meet others. 

These are the thoughts that come when I am the most comfortable in my bed, alone, and left to my thoughts and heartbeat.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

where dreams began..... (short story? novel? who knows i'm going with it) Part 1?

I smiled as i awoke. Out of the numb darkness came a warmth and pleasantness that settles around me. I felt his arms tighten around my torso and felt the curtains of his golden hair caress my face as he leaned over me.

"good morning princess..." his lips murmured against my forehead. I scrunched my nose at him.
"You know i hate it when you call me that." I didn't. I loved it. Which he knew. His chuckle was such a beautiful sound that i opened my eyes to see him....

but all i saw was my room. The ghost of his laugh leaving my ears i struggled to sit up. My alarm clock read 6:40. five minute till it started screaming. I debated trying to sleep that last 5 minutes to reclaim my sweet dream but knew it was too late. It was very rare to dream about him... my faceless knight. At least i liked to think of him as a Knight. Or a prince. He had only come to me in glimpses in dreams. I closed my eyes despite the awareness that being awake brought.

The Golden wheat colored hair that ran like rivers down his shoulders. his pointed ears that peaked out through the golden curtains. The strength in his arms, which had lean muscles, but defined. I could only imagine that the rest of his body looked the same. I could never keep the memory of his voice alive, but i could recall his scent in detail. It was natural and comforting. But sweet. The closest i had ever come to it was smelling wild honeysuckle in the woods after a rainstorm. I knew he was beautiful, ebe without ever seeing his face. An he loved to laugh...

screaming. Ah yes. The alarm clock,

Groaning i smashed the button to silence the dreaded machine and forced myself out of bed. I usually dressed in bright colors but after dreaming about my elven prince i was in the mood for earthy tones. I decided to wear a tie-dyed green flowy skirt and a tight brown tank top. Naturally, i went with flip flops. My hair? being in a short pixie cut made it convenient. when it became obvious that the brush was no match for my bed head i deiced to add a little moose and blow-dry it. perfect head-out-the-window look. Just my style.

I made my way through the house as quiet as possible, grabbing my purse and my car keys and tip toes to the dor as best as i could. My mom had another hour to sleep before she had to head off to work and i really didn't want to wake her up.

Outside it was freezing. The sun wasn't up yet, although it would be soon. I climbed into my car and as i cranked it remembered the volume level it was set on the night before. With wicked fast reflexes i hit the mute button before my eardrums could be sacrificed to the music gods. letting out a sigh of releif i turned to the opera CD i made and slowly increased the volume. I couldn't help but sing along to the sweet voice of Hayeley Westrena. There was something so pure about it. Naturally  i went for the high notes, and to my surprise i didn't crack the glass windows.

It was an hour long drive to campus which allowed me time to slowly wake up and greet the day. My favorite part was seeing the sun rise beside me as i drove; as the light filled my car so did positive energy, Energy that i could sit and absorb for a full hour before coming into contact with other people and their bullshit.

I smiled when i felt the first warm rays hit my face. It was convenient that it was to my side rather than in front of me. That way i could enjoy the sunrise without being blinded. Not that it would be that bad.... the long road from home to campus was pretty much deserted until around 8. As per usual about half way there i stopped at the friendliest gas station i knew. And i mean that sarcastically.

"Hey Dmitri!" i said brightly to the young russian man behind the counter. Dmitri acquired taste. Just like his coffee. I swear the man put magic in it. He was a very pleasant fellow - to look at. He had the deep brown eyes and hair to match, which he usually wore in a ponytail or man-bun. Like a model on some romance novel cover he had the chiseled jaw and cheekbones that could make any girl swoon. He wouldn't even have to open his mouth to get a girls number.. which was a good thing because the second he did everyone would know how much of an ass he is.

He nodded a greeting as he watched me walk around the shop like a hawk. His gaze use to unnerve me, now i just found it amusing. I fixed myself a nice hot cup and made my way over to him and the register.

"see something you like?" i teased winking at him. He scoffed and took my coffeHe looked at the small cup in a mix of shock and what possibly could have been offense.
"You don't want much of my coffee?" he asked, his accent thick.
"I don't get payed till wedensday Dmitri, you know i love your coffee." I said handing him the little cash i had on me.

He smirked and said "yeah you do." and took the cash. Only when he handed me my change he also handed me a large empty cup. "Go get your fuckin' coffee, ребенок." I looked at him an smiled. As rough as he seemed, he only spoke russian to those he actually liked. Or who really pissed him off; although i had never seen it i had heard stories.

"what did you say?" i called behind me as i fixed the large cup. He always called me that although i had no idea what it meant. I was taking Spanish in school, not Russian.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Calling all the faeries

So. I have a theory.

I really think that faeries live amongst us. Solitary or trooping, maybe both. But I believe they are here. I don't think every person I meet us one... But maybe one or two strangers I've seen or met... I felt or sensed something.

Now, the fae love to hear about themselves and might do a search.... And stumble upon this blog. Well. 

Hello and please contact me. I'm trying to reach out to you. 

I have respect and SO MANY QUESTIONS for you. 

I know you are out there. I know.

Gods above maybe I've finally snapped haha. 

But I believe. And I am unashamed. Please, if you are out there, I'm calling. 

With love.

Friday, January 1, 2016

New Years

So happy New Years!!!
New Year's Eve I went to an epic gay bar in Raleigh and had a blast! I got pictures of and with one of the drag queens! It was so fun!

And then New Year's Day rolls around....

Lunch with Mary's side of the family.... Yay.... I love them all. I do. But I feel so out of place. First off when they found out where I went dancing they all had shocked and almost disgusted looks in their faces. It pissed me the fuck off. 
I could feel their disapproval the entire time although they never said anything. Especially from my uncle. 

But when can I expect? He's a preacher... I'm a gay pagan.

I was content to just listen to all the conversation while we ate, lest I open myself to more judgement by any of my answers. Mary tried to make sure I felt included and it was sweet. 

I love them all I do. And they love me. But I feel so judged sometimes. 

And then I posted the pictures in facebook.
And the creepy Russian customer that keeps trying to get me to go see a movie with him starts commenting. It's fine I guess until he makes the comment that I havnt found the right man.

And when I contradict him he basically said "I'm not going to argue with you. I'm older, I know."


And then I sent him this:

And let me explain how he even came to be in my facebook...

He found me on there. AND on several other social media sites. He told me all my different user names in the store saying that I needed to accept his friend request..... 

Well. He had his one warning shot. 
Then he gets blocked.

And if he tried to say anything in the store.... Oooohhhhh it will be interesting.

So thus.... My New Year came and went.