Friday, May 10, 2024

changing jobs

So it is becoming abundantly clear that I will need to find another job. The work life balance preached here is so back and forth.... I do't check emails over the weekend and my boss says thats a problem. I do check emails over the weekend and thats a problem. 

but I have ADHD. My brain moves super fast. That means I will occasioanlly mis read an email... or have to make a double trip because I didn't realize i needed two of something instead of one. 

But I got written up over it. "failure to communicate up to standards" and whatever else they put on the paper that I didn't get to read. 

$0 rent --> use student load to pay off starting august (can start new job in september/october)

$55 internet 

$100 utilities -- I will pay for electric only but idk what that will look like. 

$400 personal loan 

$400 credit ($200, $200, $50)

$70 Joint membership 

$235 car payment

$90 car insurance 

$15 renters insurance

$376 health insurance

$117 student loans 

$70 pets

$25 subscriptions ($9 hulu, $7 pandora, $1 cloud space,7 peacock)

$80 gas 

$50 savings 

$75 Roth IRA

$300 Groceries

$50 - liquidatable investiments

$100 - misc


2518/x = 80/100

31475.5 before taxes x 12 = 37,770

so 39K a year minimum for a new job. So about 20 an hour. 

But that would't be doable until I got my refund in September. 

$1095 rent --> until sept. oct?

$55 internet 

$80 utilities -- I will pay for electric only but idk what that will look like. 

$270 personal loan 

$150 credit ($80, 30, 40)

$70 Joint membership 

$235 car payment

$90 car insurance 

$15 renters insurance

$320 health insurance (change in jobs would lower it?)

$100 student loans (change in jobs would lower it?)

$70 pets

$25 subscriptions ($9 hulu, $7 pandora, $1 cloud space,7 peacock)

$80 gas 

$50 savings 

$75 Roth IRA

$200 Groceries

$50 - liquidatable investiments

$100 - misc


3050 x 80/100 = 

3812.5 x 12 = 45,750 = 46K minimum. 

I need to look for something that has less moving parts or requires less "critical thinking" since aparently thats where I'm fucking up.... so looks like going back to customer service. 

In the event that I have to take on an even lower paying job...

$0 rent --> use student load to pay off starting august (can start new job in august)

$55 internet 

$100 utilities -- I will pay for electric only but idk what that will look like. 

$270 personal loan 

$400 credit ($200, $200, $50)

$70 Joint membership 

$235 car payment

$90 car insurance 

$15 renters insurance

$320 health insurance

$100 student loans 

$70 pets

$25 subscriptions ($9 hulu, $7 pandora, $1 cloud space,7 peacock)

$80 gas 

$50 savings 

$75 Roth IRA

$200 Groceries

$50 - liquidatable investiments

$100 - misc


2305 x 80/100 = 2881.25 

2900 x 12 = 34,800 = 35K or 17 an hour. 

but that would be in october...

Can I make it that long?


Thursday, May 2, 2024

bruh wtf

 My boss has been a great landlord. He really helpe dme out by not making me pay a deposit when I moved. I was in a month to month lease - just had to give 60 days notice. 

I gave more than 60 days notice. 

I am fully moved out June 10th. 

He's making me pay a full month's rent for June. Only if someone moves in by the 15th will he refund me for the second hald of the month.... HOW IS THAT LEGAL????????

Like what the fuck?????

I will now have to pay two whole fucking months rent PLUS a full month's rent as a deposit in June. 

$1250 - June rent to my boss

$2082.50 - move in costs 

$45 gas for the move; I will be making so many trips at 32 miles round trip that it will be about a tank




I have the move in costs in my savings but this will completley liquidate it. I was counting on only having to pay 10 days worth of rent to my boss. 

What the actual FUCK.