Monday, March 25, 2019

Work that needs to be done this week

  • Articles for this monday  ---- I'm using my one skippie 
  • Online class Discussian board 
  • Finish Online class presentation script -- to be recorded thursday morning
  • Annotate Interview #1 and start writing the report w/ concise notes -- thursday morning
  • Write more on Medical research paper (20 pages + PowerPoint)
  • Put Elisi's interview on a document
  • Begin Writing paper for online class (15 pages)
  • Next weeks Articles for monday -- Friday
  • Begin summary and analysis of: Gate of the Sun
    (part 1) -  Friday (book is in the mail to arrive soon)
  • Do readings for Amy

Thursday, March 21, 2019


So i don't need to get a masters in accounting unless i want to be a CPA...which I dont. Mrs heather called in Dr. Pratti who works in the business college and he helped me figure out:

I need to get a MBA and use all my electives to get a certificate in finance.

I need to email Paul Russel and say that Robert PRatti is a friend of mine and suggested that i meet with him...

thats who i will talk to about maybe not having to take the GMAT and special adding me in just on my GPA and Resume (which I need to Print off)

OKAY so the base of the MBA is 45 credits; 54 is the maximum needed however if I tack on the Masters certificate in finance that bumps me up to 57. and it all can be done online!!!

looks like unlike sociology its not a once a week thing, it will be every day for an  hour type thing more similar to undergrad.... if i don't do it online. Honestly think I should do a combo of both so that going to campus i can stay motivated and not give in to leisure activities while at home. Or i can make myself go to the library from a certain time to almost work time.

Classes needed for the MBA
*there is a rule about electives but  I want to swap electives out for gaining the certificate

ACCT 6241 - Financial and Managerial Accounting (wish i could take basic accounting but whatevs)
FINA 6144 - Financial Management I
FINA 6204 - Analysis of the Business Economic Environment
FINA 6214 - Government Regulation of Business
MGMT 6102 - Comparative Management
MKTG 6162 - Marketing Management
OMGT 6123 - Quantitative Methods

ACCT 6521 - Accounting for Decision Making
FINA 6604 - Financial Management II
MGMT 6722 - Strategic Management
MGMT 6802 - Organizational Behavior
MIS 6713 - Delivering Business Value through Information Systems
MKTG 6822 - Marketing Strategy
OMGT 6213 - Operations and Supply Chain Management
OMGT 6613 - Management Science

the Masters Certificate in Finance:
FINA 6624 Investment Management - take in summer 1

choose three electives from
FINA 6654 Commercial Bank Financial Management
FINA 6814 Management of Financial Risk
FINA 6824 Portfolio Theory, Construction and Management
FINA 6854 Real Estate Investments and Analysis
FINA 6874 Topics in Finance
FINA 6876 International Financial Management --> summer 1
FINA 6914 Portfolio Management and Operations Practicum --> hands on learning

when it offered:
Fall – FINA 6624, 6824 and 6876
Spring – FINA 6624, 6874 (typically Derivatives) and 6914 – 6914 will be F2F only???
Summer I – FINA 6876
Summer II – FINA 6874 (typically Financial Markets & Inst)

hm. gatta ask about when which electives are offered....

okay so 57 credits.

57/4 semesters...19.

I have to see about summer classes.

In meeting:
-bring resume (ass GPA to it)
- ask about the GMAT test, mention how ive taken the practice on and after studying a bit i'm waiting to take the actual one after pay day.
- ask about summer classes for the certificate

stone bag updated

  • Inside silver bulb: 
    • peridot
    • calcite:  orange sliver - acts as a battery for the stones around it, aids digestion, and amplifyies joy
    • Tanzanite: small black and grey, kinda smokey - great 3rd eye stone, aids in stral travel 
    • quartz - energy boost and purifier

  • Angelite - light blue sphere - aids our connection to our spirit guide and angelic helpers
  • onyx - black stone with white spots -walk in sacredness, helps remove headaches, gently grounds
  • Agate - white with small green/black specks, a patch of orange/brown and a grey patch - helps bring self confidence, self-acceptance, and inner strength
  • infinite - small square shape light grey - amplifies spiritual gifts, makes you aware of new ones
  • Howlite - white with grey lines and cracks - great for the mind (really good for students)
  • carnelian - clear and orange, very smooth - helps with reativity, sexual energy centers and being happy with having a body
  • Lapis Lazuli - Dark deep blue with golden shimmery stripes - increases psychic ability, communicating with higher self and spirit guides, opens, third, eye, increases self expression, cleansing, aligns spiritual bodies, thought amplifier, healing, love, fidelity, eases depression, protection, courage, anxiety and restless tension, increases mental clarity, and illumination
  • Azurite/Malachite - sky blue and multicolored forest themed colors - aids in meditation, dispels conceit and arrogance, calms anxiety, protects, attracts love, promotes inner peace, attracts busniess success, promotes tranquil sleep, magical power, self confidence, mental clarity, stimulates creaitivity, compassion, friendship, dreams, health, healing, intuition.
  • Blue goldstone- black with blue sparkle- reduces stomach tension, physical healing
  • Lavender quarts - lavenderish grey quartz - self love, self esteem, etc
  • Scolcite - big white with pink dots - connecting with spirit and all  chakras (lex)
  • Red Jasper - big red stone given by dr bunger - casting away anxiety, healing from abuse
  • rainbow moonstone - white w/black dots - hope, inner confidence
  • jet - healing and purifying 
  • mystery.... yellow opal? pale yellow - luck
  • citrine - motivation and sense of self 

Monday, March 18, 2019


So. I need to register to take the GMAT test ($250)

if I fail... I will try to argue my case to the grad school because my GPA was so high as a undergrad.

If i don't get into the program... I'm still going to leave the sociology program.

It will be the time to get a full time job.

- accounting assistant
-event planner assistant
- bank teller
-librarian assistant
-secretary/administrative assistant
-property management assistant

I could work two part times or work a 12.50 an hour full time.

I could work as a receptionist at the salon D works at part time during the day and Bistro at night until I could figure something else out... such as Dr. Cole expanding.

Massage Envy is hiring for a receptionist.

Look at Indeed, LinkedIn, and facebook!

saving up...

OKAY so i am saving up for several things.

- take the GMAT --> I have the money in savings... I need to take the fucking test and get it over with.
- Money to last the summer with bistro being super slow ---> currently have 500$
------ will probs have to get a second job
- Jimmie's graduation gift
------ I have two years to save up for it tho
- Paying off my credit card
------- I'm finally under a thousand dollars!!!!
gatta keep it going.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Presentation 2 scripts

Slide 1: Viewing the Land - Native spirituality vs Government’s Capitalism 

In this presentation I will explain the different perspectives of how land, and from that - the earth, is viewed differently by different cultures even in our own country.  On one hand we have the native american spirituality vs The United state's government's capitalist views.

Using articles and an interview with a Native Medicine Woman (From the Abnaki tribe) I will present both the views and give a contemporary example of a conflict between these views: The Dakota Access Pipeline.

Slide 2: What are the two perspectives?

- Natives:
Native Americans view the land as sacred. It provides everything that they need to live; clean water to drink, earth to grow crops, and animals to hunt. It is a living force that takes care of them, thus they feel they too should take care of it. It is a spiritual love of the land and a relationship of reciprocity. While different tribes had different territories, the land was never owned or belonged to any individuals.

-  Government:
The American Government views land as something to be owned and thus be used for profit. It is simply a resource to be divided up and used. "Progress" is they goal, even if the land damaged and affected is protected and belongs to others - i. e. Native American peoples.  Examples of this are littered throughout our history, but perhaps the most recent example would be the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Slide 3: Example - Dakota Pipeline

- the scenario
The scene opens in 2016 when it was proposed that the Dakota access Pipeline go through South Dakota and Iowa to get to Illinois. In doing this it would go under several prominent rivers and a lake beside the Standing Rock Souxe Reservation; the natives considered the pipeline a threat to their clean water and sacred burial grounds.

- the protests
In April 2016, Standing Rock Sioux elder LaDonna Brave Bull Allard established a camp as a center for cultural preservation and spiritual resistance to the pipeline; over the summer the camp grew to thousands of people. Violence was a primary method used by the government as a means to clear out the protesters; examples from 2016 being:
-In September , construction workers bulldozed a section of land the tribe had identified as sacred ground a ndwhen protesters entered the area security workers used attack dogs which bit at least six of the protesters and one horse.
-In October, armed soldiers and police with riot gear and military equipment were seen using excessive force to clear the encampment
-In November, police use of water cannons on protesters in freezing weather drew significant media attention.

- outcome:
There have been several negative outcomes after the pipeline was given the go ahead to proceed. There have been several oilspills - multiple within the first six months and one as recent as March 12 2019. the later having spilled approximate one hundred thirty thousand five hundred  (130,500) gallons.

As pipeline workers flood into work camps near reservations to work on the pipeline, violence against natives have skyrocketed. Kidnappings, rapes, and assaults have grown exponentially due to a lack of background checks and abundant racism within the working force.

The pipeline was given a critical deadline given to it in which it was suppose to replant trees to help the land heal -  naturally they missed the deadline.

Many of the Souxe people and those still engaged in protesting are still undergoing harassment and legal issues.

Slide 4: works cited

Sources for Presentation

Presentation 2 and Online Research Paper notes

Presentation for online class 2 --> and paper

OK so it only needs to be 3 minutes long this time.
i'm still aiming for 4-5 slides

12-15 pages double spaced --> 6-7 pages long singe spaced
---> 5 sources

- Native American views of land vs Western Views of land
 example: Dakota pipeline

slide 1: introduction
- topic

Slide 2: Cultural Points of view
- this is what the natives believe
- this is how the US government, like most western views, believes

Slide 3: Example - Dakota Pipeline
- the scenario
- the protests
- the ruling

Slide 4:
- the outcome/aftermath
- bad for the people --> rape and violence
- bad for the land - oil spills ALREADY
- anything good?

Slide 5: works cited

Sources for Presentation

Sources for paper:
 Native American Belief
- Interview Elisi

Dakota Pipeline

All of the guradian articles.... yessss

 Brave NoiseCat -1
Jimmy Tobias
Lauren Zanolli
Nina Berglund
Associated Press
Julia Carrie Wong -2
Sam Levin -3
Oliver Milman - 4

Rainbow Warriors:
- youtube video
- the encylcopedia of nature and religon --> used for the wiki --

Reading for next week: Frog MoYan Notes   - summary pt 1   ---> GOOD FOR THEMES --> good bits of summary in the reviews ---> THIISSSSSSSS Summary + Themes

To do on Monday.