Wednesday, February 26, 2020

mushy and emotional

I'm honestly so emotional right now. I don't know if its the health issue stress or just being on my period.... but i'm feeling like extreme feelings of love towards Viking Boy right now. 

He has been so patient and sweet and concerned with me over the past 2 weeks as he realized how much pain I've been in. He has been checking on me, insistent on making some changed in the bedroom as a means to make sure my lady health is as stable as possible, and had been so emotionally supportive. 

I am overcome with gratitude and love for him. I honestly don't even know if i can put it into words... I just want to cry haha


Faerie Lovers (My first attempt at bardic storytelling)

Faerie Lovers (My first attempt at bardic storytelling.. to the tune of "The highwayman" ish?)

One such beauty before her
One such beauty as his
Could scarcely hold her attention
The beautiful elven prince
She'd grown accustomed to beauty
it nearly made her bored
but his eyes caught her attention,
they eyes of an elven lord. 

He brandished his hand towards her, 
her fingers graced his skin.
He stood a full head taller,
her crown met his chin. 
He smiled down at her,
she couldn't help her grin
He took her into his arms, 
she was warm within his arms, 
He took her in his arms, 
and led her to the floor. 

Into the dancing circle,
with many a giggle and glee
they danced to their own music,
their bodies moving free,.
She smiled as he moved her, 
together they came as one
The elven prince before her,
the blue eyed prince before her,
The elven prince before her,
had her heart there on. 

They met each courtly gathering,
their responsibilities ignored,
holding each other closely
dancing evermore. 
They moved and twirled together
their souls paired to the core,
She knew her parting would hurt him,
doing her duty would hurt him,
she scarsley could dream to hurt him,
but knew it must be done. 

She left the dance in haste,
He followed her to the door.
I must leave you, my love
theres a calling I cannot ignore.
He begged her not to do it,
the humans could do as they pleased,
she shook her head and left him,
he fell to his knees. 

Her death was swift and painless,
her soul to move onward.
Born again a human,
teaching them how to love.
He knew he could not live without her,
he would follow her too,
His soul would watch over,
Protect her and watch over,
his love he would watch over,
his soul would guide her through. 

He watched as she grew,
A beautiful lady now. 
He reached out through the veil,
hearing her sweet heart pound. 
He would ever be there,
for her in her human form,
until they danced together,
their feet moving together,
their hands clasped together,
dancing the floor once more. 

She knew her guide was watching,
she would never be alone. 
She was called to love the humans,
her soul still faerie in form. 
She would show them love,
teach them the ways of old. 
She would call on him to remind her,
whenever she longed for home. 

He would be her guide,
she would be his charge.
Together they would complete
the mission of her heart.
Though sadly they were not together,
the souls were barley apart... 
Their love was something pure,
soul to soul so pure,
something that can be so pure...
will last forever more. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Health Cont.

So we are down to 2 main possibilities as to what is causing my pain... both would not have shown up on the ultrasound and both probably would have been able to have been either ruled out or warranted testing for if I had been able to go through with the pelvic exam. So... thats frustrating.

Symptoms of Cervical Cancer
  • Blood spots or light bleeding between or following periods 
    • - yup
  • Menstrual bleeding that is longer and heavier than usual 
    • - yup
  • Bleeding after intercourse, douching, or a pelvic examination 
    • - yup, but not everytime
  • Increased vaginal discharge 
    • - YUP, but I also had an infection?
  • Pain during sexual intercourse 
    • - yup
  • Unexplained, persistent pelvic and/or back pain 

Symptoms of Endometriosis
  • Painful intercourse 
    • - yup
  • Pain (usually pelvic) that usually occurs just before menstruation and lessens after menstruation
  • Cramping during intercourse 
    • - yup and after
  • Cramping or pain during bowel movements 
    • - yup
  • Pain with pelvic examinations 
    • - FUCK YES.
  • diarrhea and/or constipation, 
    • - yes and yes but usually just when i'm on my period
  • low back pain
    • not this one. 
  • chronic fatigue  
    • - idk if chronic but especially on my period.
  • irregular or heavy menstruation, 
    • - yes but also IUD :/
  • painful urination, or bloody urine (particularly during menstruation) 
    • - bloody urine during period but ... everyone has that... its a period... 

Monday, February 24, 2020

Sojourner: Dedication Page and New Outline.

1) Dedication page:

I would like to dedicate this memoir to a number of people;

To my mother, Nicole, for telling me I wasn't broken and for pushing me to get help. 
To My friend David for connecting me to the best therapist I have ever had. 
To Melissa, my therapist, for allowing me to bare myself and be vulnerable, for telling me I wasn't crazy, for giving me answers, and for helping me realize how to move forward. 
To my friends, the support system I needed in order to push through the hard days.
To my younger self, for being so open and willing to love... I hope I continue to heal your hurts.
To my present self, for finding the strength to live. 

**I have opted to call Melissa by name because of the level of emotional intimacy and trust that had been created on this journey. While I recognize her as my health professional.... I also see her as a friend and someone I trust implicitly. Calling her by name allows me to show my appreciation for her in my own way. 

2) Open letter to the reader (about how I hope this memoir helps them)

Part 1: I feel like I need to really delve deep for introductions. It should be its own part. I am a many faceted person and I think that I have not really shown that... I am too disconnected. 

3) Introductions (mine and Fiona's)
- Add more about myself to my introduction.... I kind of just harped on the process of the title and not really myself....  
  • My childhood and how I grew up 
    • Memory loss.... blank slate for most of childhood.
    • include "little bird" because that will show up in the poems
    • Family dynamic
  • Spiritual aspect of growing up; native animism, church, little people and my faerie faith, god is a girl... paganism.
  • My journey to understanding my sexuality from bi to biromantic gay to biromantic ace  .... reactions.... giving the talks.
  • My school and career goals. Conservation and the desire to "save the world"
  • Bipolar and how it impacted everything... My "other self/ Faerie Self"
-launch into Fiona. - still need to write Fiona's - Everything i know of her, how we are the same and how we are different, sword and sheilf, older sister, means of communication, explanation of 

Part 2:

4) Summary of events and explanation of the memoir as introduction of part 2

5) Down Memory lane... (still in progress... I have only written portions of this)
- abuse vs domineering (need to add a LOT more to, still incomplete)
- the walk/talk (need to revisit with notes written)
- competing with Scarlet and the other girl I will call.... Hannah? - emotional manipulation, making me compete with people not even present
- Tarot Cards.... her readings seemed to try to push me one way... my readings screaming the truth. ** give credit to how much of a positive influence this was and bring it back to fate... tarot cards is how i made all my freinds that I still have today as my support system... meant to happen....
- Swing Set argument 
- The incident (to be written saturday March 7th)

6) Symptoms and  Diagnosis (this will include what therapy has taught me and coping mechanisms as I address each symptom)
- also for change of belief.... how my belief of the purpose of sex changed. totally.
- bring up loss sense of self examples.... WRITING MY OWN GD INTRO. both times I tried I ended up writing the summary and only harping on why I chose the title.. I might need help writing the intro... thats fucking sad. (scratch that.... that was too harsh) *** the difference between i THINK and i FEEL statements!!!
- Altered States.... Fiona.... the realization of memory loss and time confusion
- Relationships and sexuality - how my realtionships were affected, over view of each, hopefully the end.....  also how this affected my views on my sexuality and eventually how my views of sex changed again through my relationships. BRING UP BDSM AS A COPING METHOD AND THEN EXPLAIN ABOUT BDSM. * this is very important as it is the SOLE reason I was able to be sexual again. 

7) Thank you
- go over everything I have learned
- reiterate LIVING as the goal, healing as the process
- Where my life is now and goals for the future. 

8) introduction to coping mechanisms for me: spirituality ( talk about Brigid and Aine... little over views, my relationship to them and how they have helped me), Fiona, WRITING.... 
- the goal of this section is to hopefully show the pattern of my decline during the relationship, but also the growth I have done since then and even as I write the memoir. 
- Put as many poems about my trauma, symptoms, Fiona, healing, spirituality in reference to this topic, sex, poems and thoughts about the memoir and healing process, etc. As I see fit. 

9) Another letter to the reader of hope and moving forward, as well as sincere advice. 

Friday, February 21, 2020

more health stuff

okay so....
there is a SMALL chance that i might have endometriosis.... but it would have to be at the beginner stage. 


so i'm gonna have my daughter at 28. What would cause me to remove my IUD and have a kid before I was planning on it (in my 30's)? If there was a risk or reason to fear infertility. 
I was talking with my therapist and she said that sometimes a set date for hysterectomies is put in place for people with Endo or people who are genetically inclined for lady cancers. 

she recommended taking the DNA test that shows what health risks you may have direct risk of having. Which surprisingly 23andme and Ancestry offer. There's also another one that screens for over 175 predispositions and even covers things like alcoholism and memory issues. I think i'm going to get it when I get my tax refund.  

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

doctor results.

Okay so... finally heard back from the doctor.

I have bacterial Vaginosis... which explains a chunk of my symptoms.... 

just not any of the ones i am actually worried about. 

Doesn't explain the cervical pain/painful sex. - every time i have sex
Doesn't explain the ovarian cramps. - almost every day. 

the pain is why I went to the doctor. What I was most worried about happened; my ultrasound was normal. We don't have any answers to my main concerns. 

I am so upset. I am so frustrated. I am so tired of pain. 

The BV should be gone in a week. 
I'm getting a referral to go see an OBGYN because my doctor doesn't think the pain is from the BV. 

I want to scream. 
I have cried. 

I want some fucking answers. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

I am as my Mother (poem)

Life springs from within.
Our bodies mirror the earth
both standing strong.

But slowly we're poisoned,
the pain seeping in,
I already begin to mourne.

To be barren, to see famine
the world would seem to crumble,
With so much life yet to give.

Pain pulses from within
infecting the foundation
of what would bring me my greatest joy.

Unknown dangers harken now,
black liquid replacing our tears,
 - we are polluted.

**Sterilized women,
who cannot give birth..
Strip mine the womb of Mother Earth**

There is always hope,
We are making changes,
I pray that she can be saved.

*** Quoted from the Ulali song "Museum"

Ancestral/DNA Karma?

So apparently if you can understand your genetics and get a genome analysis you can find out all the shit your genetics make you pre-inclined to have/do. fine. that cost hella $. 

apparently you can heal that stuff which has been passed on to you (the Karma) so that moving forward things are easier for you and the next generations. okay sure. Conceptually makes sense. 

So patterns that might fall under ancestral Karma for my family?

- Female health problems
- mental illness
- assault.
- Maybe issues with transportation?

but the only way to know if its a pattern is to know the lives and personality of ancestors.... which... I don't..... at most I can spend the $$ to get names from but how is a name supposed to help me? That doesn't tell me anything about their behaviors or life that would indicate a pattern. 

And Apparently you solve this stuff through chakra work? 

Like i don't understand. I don't get it.  Nothing i can find to read on it makes it any easier to understand, if anything makes it more confusing. I don't see how this stuff can be "cured" or "cleansed". But most of these are genetics... you don't have control over that. Sure you can do spells and send prayers to try to prevent these kinds of things from happening to you or your kids but its not in your control. 

I don't see how you can cleanse ancestral karma. It's just there. 

as for the positive side, the blessings you supposedly inherit in your DNA too...

I got nothing. Can't think of a single thing that's good that can be seen as a pattern except for good looks. 
Every person has their medicine/energy - thats not familial based. 
your magic is tied to your medicine. so... I got nothing. 

Maybe poetry. And thats a strong maybe because thats generic as hell. 

The bad is what it is and theres no good that i can see. 
I don't get the sense of urgency around it nor do I really see the importance of it. 

 It seems important to everyone else so i'm frustrated that i'm not seeing it.  I don't see how it can really affect your life all that much - maybe affect your kids somewhat? I just don't get it and it makes me want to scream. I feel like i'm missing something obvious and it makes me feel stupid. 

Monday, February 17, 2020

Awen (poem)


I open up my heart to you,
silver light streaming in
as soft as a cloud. 

a deep rooted heart beat
stirs my very soul
and inspires me to write. 

Faerie blessing, 
gift of the Sidhe, 
what will you bring?

Words that flow like a waterfall, 
silent as the stars,
as they look down beaming. 

You fill my veins and coarse through me,
causing an ache in my chest, 
you fall from my eyes gently.

You bubble up in my throat,
i do not know if it is to laugh or to scream,
every inhale brings you into me. 

Devine inspiration and echos in my mind,
you stir the fire within my heart,
that Brigid knew was there. 

Blessed Awen, Blessed Imbas
take over my voice and fill my lungs,
move my hands and let all come. 

Open my hears to that i may hear 
those that dwell beyond the veil. 
My heart beats for them.

Open my eyes so that I may see
the beauty in everything around me,
all is an inspiration. 

Move my hands so that I may write
my tongue so i may speak
everything the world brings to me. 

Move my body to the beat of unsung songs,
dancing to a rhythm that only my heart knows
and my soul plays. 

Imbas and Awen, the gift of the glyphs
words are my brush and life my canvas
help me to never stop sharing...
never stop feeling the power of the art.


demon update

Demon update:

So hes not coming back. He came to bring me a warning, apparently had been trying to reach me for a while. 
Amy said he was just a messenger, kind of like a banshee; bring bad news and leave. He touched my ovaries so i take it the warning was about my reproductive health issues... good thing I went to the doctor. 

Just wish they would call me.

Job Hunt for after graduation.

passions and organizations to try and join for jobs once i graduate

- Marine Conservation
- Shark conservation
- Environmental Conservation - Tree Planter Coordinator in Cali?
- Green Planning
- Green Jobs
- Appalachian Mountains Conservation
- Smokey Mountain Conservation
 - Resort Event Planning (move it towards sustainability) 
-Equal Rights non profit
- Female empowerment nonprofits (like education for girls)

- Event Coordinator
- Field Coordinator
- Meetings Coordinator 
- Travel Coordinator 
- Communications and Customer Relations
- Recruiter
- Volunteer Coordinator 
- Planning Manager
-Public Relations Manager
-Special Events Director 
-Education/Community Outreach Manager/Advocate/Coordinator 

Job Websites:

Can also just google Environmental Organizations, Conservation Organizations across the USA, World, or by state and then look through job listings individually and apply. 


so i went to the doctors on friday.

Did a bunch of VERY painful tests. 
the pelvic exam was a bust because it was too painful to even get the speculum deep enough inside to have a look. After 3 times the doctor gave up, insisting that she was "done hurting" me. She did do a swab which was fine until it got to my cervix and surrounding area... then it was incredibly painful. 

I then had to get an intervaginal ultrasound... which also was incredibly painful but because it was a single pieced wand and she had lubed it to the extreme, plus Viking Boy was with me to hold my hand, I was able to push through the pain for the sake of answers. 

It was so painful, everything they did, that i know something has to be wrong. But i'm scared they are all going to say that nothing is wrong, or that they can't figure out whats causing the problems.

Worst case scenario I have tumors. Second worse case is that they have to remove my IUD or I have cysts on both ovaries and cervix. Best case scenario is I just have a really bad infection. 

I find out this week sometime.... but for now.. I'm stuck waiting. 


okay so i have run into demonic energy at least 4 times in my life.
3 times in dreams. (two times I sassed my way into earning its respect even though it could have squashed me like a bug - 1 time it got me and sucked me into a black void.) 
1 time while awake.....last night. 

Last night a "friend" messaged me and asked about black fire in his left side of his body. I saw black flames in my mind and immediately felt the presence of something demonic in my room. I ignored it for the most part but I was getting ready for sleep. Every time I closed my eyes, even to blink, I saw it. 

It had a heavy, sticky, ink-like energy and I could tell it did not intend to hurt me and had something it wanted to tell me. However it had such a negative energy that i knew better than to try to op[en myself up so it could talk to me. Instead I started saying things like "all who intend harm are no longer welcome here" "only love may linger". I called on Brigid too. After talking with EM (one of the best psychics i have ever met) and her sending Odin and Valkyries, as well as calling on my host and ancestors for protection, the presence was removed. I cleansed the room and went to sleep, sleeping peacefully. 

But the entire time it was there i had a song called "dark road" in my head, which talks about if youre in hell or on a scary dark road, just plow through it and you will be fine. In a way i took tat as the demon didn't intend to actually hurt ot cause pain, but I also felt like it wanted to use me and feed. so. sent it on its way. 

But now there is a chance I pissed it off, insulted it, and it may come back or seek to right what it took as a wrong. So. There's that.  

Valentine's Discussion Board

To put on a word document and submit to blackboard. 

This article is about how to plan the perfect Valentine's Dance.  I actually really like all of the different aspects it includes and things to consider when planning, however it is targeted to schools, so the location isn't discussed because it is assumed to be held somewhere in the school.

As a Cultural Anthropologist I really appreciated the social aspects that are covered in this article, such as making sure  no one feels left out and warning to stay away from specific groups in the name of the event. However it doesn't cover anything in regards to catering or how to book music and entertainment.  It gives examples of different activities that can be included but the only physical or non-conceptual planning that is mentioned is about saving money ahead of time. 

does the exact opposite. It covers the physical and practical side of planning an event such as catering,marketing, and money handling, but mostly ignores the sociocultural aspect. It does however give different suggestions on what to do to attract a focus group. 


Friday, February 14, 2020

Organized to show the doctor and to make sure I don't downplay anything.

List of issues: --- everything has been going on for a minimum of 8 - 10 months

  • - constant PH imbalance 
      • - levels of discharge - some days its normal but most days its ridiculous.  , 
      • smell, 
      • constant yeast infections that i wait forever to get taken care of.
  • - discharge has a slightly different color. (I came in before for antibiotics with this but they really didn't do anything so I chalked it up to the ph imbalance)
  • - spotting between periods and after sex
  • - cramps in the ovaries, 
    • this is a daily to every other occurrence. most of the time its minor like a 1 or 2 so I barely notice it anymore, but sometimes it can spike to like a 4-5 and make it to where I can't walk or move.  Jumps up to like 7-8 when on my period.
    • this has been a steady building and i'm not sure how long its been going on. just steadily getting worse... started with just my period and then started carrying over between periods and has moved to almost every day.
  • Pain during sex and intense cramps after 
    • i have had to stop having sex because it hurt so bad and I was crying
    • the cramps afterward are definitely because of the IUD. 

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Prepartations for Valentines Day!

To do today:

- clean kitchen
- do the dishes
- pick up around the room
- vacuum
- catlitter
- run errands:
     - for dinner:
           - peach moscato
           - pork chops (8-10 of them?) - me, D, Dillion, Jessy, Adam
           - riced veggies - broccoli and cauliflower 
           - mayo
     - for sensation play
           - kissable body dust - adam and eve
           - flogger - mall
           - candles? - mall or crystal connection       

Monday, February 10, 2020

hypothetical move after we get our degrees.

Cost of living = how far the $100 is actually worth and livable wage

livable wage: Having it all — the ability to cover basic expenses, while still having "fun money" and contributing to savings --> all "together" salaries are calculated if we both work the minimum salary.

see if they have any jobs:

all " i have found" is the minimum starting salary, there are plenty that pay higher. ( there are some that are lower for the event planner, but if there was enough above it i started at second lowest) 

Washington, DC
cost of living: 
$100 = 85.54
livable wage: 66,000
- average event coordinator:  46,000 
          - what I have found (green planner) : starting at 40,000  
- average welding salary: 47,000
          - what i have found starting at: 40,000
Together: 80,000 --> we could live comfortably here. 

100 = 87.11
livable wage: 99,971
- average  event coordinator: 49,000 
          - what I have found (green planner): starting at : 36,000
- average welding salary: 48,000
          - what I have found starting at: 35,000
together: 71,000 ---> money would be tight here (depending). 

100= 100.5
livable wage: 93,000
- average event coordinator: 60,000
          - what I have found (green planner): starting at : 37,000
- average welding salary: 43,000
          - what I have found starting at: 35,000
together: 72,000 --> money would be tight (depending).

Washington State
100 = 93.98
livable wage: 77,000
- average event coordinator: 50,000
          - what I have found: starting at (green event planner) : 40,000
- average welding salary: 46,000
          - what I have found starting at: 35,000
together: 75,000 ---> just under living comfortably, could make it work. 

100= 91.41
livable wage: 92,000
- average event coordinator: 50,000
          - what I have found starting at (green event planner): 35,000
- average welding salary: 44,000
          - what I have found starting at: 35,000
together: 70,000 --> money would be tight (depending)

100 = 114
livable wage: 70,000
- average event coordinator: 47,000
          - what I have found: starting at (green event planner): 40,000
- average welding salary: 43,000
          - what I have found starting at: 35,000
together: 75,000 --> we could live comfortably here. 

South Carolina
100= 110
livable wage: 66,000
- average event coordinator: 45,000
          - what I have found: starting at (green event planner): 40,000
- average welding salary: 40,500
          - what I have found starting at: 30,000
together: 70,000 --> we could live comfortably here.

100 = 108
livable wage: 62,000
- average event coordinator: 47,000
          - what I have found: starting at (green event planner): 38,000
- average welding salary: 37,000
          - what I have found starting at: 30,000
together: 68,000 --> we could live comfortably here

100= 100.1
livable wage: 68,000
- average event coordinator: 48,000
          - what I have found: starting at (green event planner): 30,000
- average welding salary: 41,000
          - what I have found starting at :30,000
together: 60,000 --> not too far under comfortable

100= 103
livable wage: 64,000
- average event coordinator: 47,000
          - what I have found: starting at (green event planner): 46,000
- average welding salary: 40,000
          - what I have found starting at: 30,000
together: 76,000--> we could live comfortably here. 

Seeing a doctor.

So... I have been having the distinct worry that something is wrong with my feminine health. This almost intuitive worry has been here for a long time... before jimmie and i broke up. Well things are getting worse and Amy finally called me out on how even she is worried.... So I made a doctors appointment.

But I'm worried that since I can think of non-health reasons why these may be happening the doctors will dismiss me. but I made a list to print out when I go, so see if it will help. I'm nervous.  (my appointment is friday morning)

List of issues:

- constant PH imbalance - levels of discharge (at least 10 months, maybe longer), smell, constant yeast infections that i wait forever to get taken care of.
has been going on for like 8 months now?

- discharge has a slightly different color. (I came in before for antibiotics with this but they really didn't do anything so I chalked it up to the ph imbalance)
 has been off and on for about 8 months now.

- spotting between periods and after sex
has been going on for at least 10 months

- cramps in the ovaries, this is a daily occurrence. most of the time its minor like a 1 or 2 so I barely notice it anymore, but sometimes it can spike to like a 4-5 and make it to where I can't walk or move.  Jumps up to like 7-8 when on my period.
this has been a steady building and i'm not sure how long its been going on. just steadily getting worse... started with just my period and then started carrying over between periods and has moved to almost every day.

- there is pain in sex but i also have a large partner so idk if thats significant or not. But I talked with some friends and they said the level of pain isn't normal, even with a bigger partner.

I think I might have cysts which would explain the cramps
but ive chalked most of this up to just ph imbalance issues or my IUD.

however the common side effects of the IUD shouldn't have lasted for more than a year after getting the damn thing.... so logically I would argue against my desire to continue to dismiss what's happening. 

but they might. 

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Sensation play - Sex notes.

To read - all are short:

* I plan to get a flogger and some specific candles. Maybe make a playlist/find music we both enjoy and puts us in the mood?

Types of sensation:
- temperature
- soft/course
- pressure
- vibration
- music
- smell

-I do not like cold. Cool things like breath/blowing or water is fine. (Or necklace chains, pens, etc)
- no butt stuff
-if something is... penetrating give a warning. (Not against it... just don’t do it out of the blue)
- I’m not a big fan of pain... biting should be gentle or used later in the play.

- blindfold <3
- give commands like being silent or still (punishment if not obeyed)
- playing cold fish as a means to switch and play
- I like soft, wet, and warm sensations... but I’m open and adventurous
- edible body paint ;)
- massage oil
- flogger
- fork
- jewelry
- brushes

Can get creative!

Sojourner: An open letter to the reader

Dear reader,

Please understand that this memoir is a message from the me who has lived life to the younger me, the me who was hurting all alone, and to the me before I experienced fear at the hands of a lover. This memoir is a message from my heart to the hearts of all innocent people who have experienced similar pain and betrayal... and to warn and educate those who have not so that they may avoid the it’s cold and merciless lesson.

I had it easy. There are so many other people, men and women of all ages, who went through even worse than me... and though it may be small comfort know that this memoir serves as my arms. I pray that my words embraces your heart and shows you that you are not alone. Your pain and the weight you carry on your life’s journey is seen and honored. Though my weight is lighter, I can tell you my arms are not strong... this is a weight and struggle that has shaped my life and will continue to do so.

To those who feel like I do, that they got off easy... do not discount your pain. It is not a competition. The weight of your experiences is unique in its heaviness to you... while others may see it as light, you and I may feel as if we will crumble beneath it at times. Know that you are not alone. There are people everywhere that are more than willing to help lift it when things seem too heavy or your arms seem to weak.

This memoir is my voice to myself and to those who suffer in their own hearts, I am with you and you are loved. You are valid.

To those eyes that scan the page, unable to relate to the experiences shared - do not worry or feel excluded. Your heart is just as valuable to me as the ones who seek healing, for I wish to protect you and shield you. Take these words that I give and learn and be warned. Go into the world prepared so that no one can use you or ever make you feel weak and helpless. I pray that the knowledge I can pass from my pen to your page will make you strong and sure on your path.

Dear reader - my heart aches for yours and is hopeful that the ache within me is helpful to you. While this memoir started as a means for me to begin to heal, it is my hope that it does the same for all who read it.

With great love,


Sojourner: Introduction to abuse chapter - not finished but i need a break.

A lot of people find dominant personalities attractive. I always have... the aura of power they give off makes me feel 
safe and secure. Their visible confidence and the "I protect all within my control" vibe is sexy and alluring. I have 
always been interested in dominant people, as are a lot of others out there... however there is a really important 
lesson that I didn't know: there is a very dangerous difference between a dominant person and a domineering person. 
**define domineering vs dominant*

- insert Chart: dominant vs domineering behaviors compared - 

An example of something Domineering that Camilla would do was exert control until she had her way. She did this 
once when things were tense between us by taking me for a long walk to clear the air. She always said that clear 
communication was important, ironically this only applied to what she wanted to communicate. We got into the car 
and she was displeased that I was being distant in my body language. I was close to the door, my hands were either 
in my lap or my arms were crossed, I can't remember which one. I remember being slightly uncomfortable because 
she had insisted on driving and on going for this walk even though it was already getting dark. I get scared 
walking in the woods in low light or night time because I have very poor dark vision. 

When we got there she tried to hold my hand and I was reluctant to do so, we held hands for only a few minutes 
before giving up. I voiced my unease at how dark it was getting but she said that we would walk and wouldn't go 
home until she was satisfied that we were "okay". She mentioned how I wasn't holding her hand in the car and that 
I had been distant lately and she didn't like it. She wanted me to be more affectionate and how I was when we first 
started dating.

 I tried to talk about how things were uncomfortable in the bedroom and how I felt like she was ignoring my 
boundaries but she chalked it up to me "not trusting" her and telling me it was my own fault. She launched into how 
dissatisfied she was in the bedroom and how she couldn't get off if I wasn't getting off. She didn't like how soon I 
stopped her when we were having sex and insisted that if I just let it go longer then I would get past my body's 
weirdness (which is what we called my asexuality before I knew it was an actual thing). She went on about how 
things would just be easier if I started doing more on my own time so that I knew what my body liked and she could 
get me off finally ( she wanted me to masturbate - something I had, and have, no desire to do - this was a constant 
fight we had). 

I finally stopped trying to defend myself because I was tired of how she flipped it back on me and just started nodding.
I told her i would try harder. By this time we had walked a lot farther than I was comfortable with, we didn't exactly know
 where we were, and it was super dark. Once I started telling her what she wanted to hear she deemed that we could 
turn back and walk to the car... which was miles away. We held hands and talked about mindless nothings on the way 
back, I was just relieved to be going home. I tried to make my body language more open when we were back in the car,
 tried to make my hand and arm relax as she held it while driving so that I wouldn't give away how uncomfortable I was. 

What she did wasn't abusive. It was domineering. She had total control and I knew exactly how powerless I was. I was 
scared on the walk, having to rely on her to be my eyes. I was angry when she kept refusing to turn back, something i 
was to scared to do on my own. I felt helpless and scared, angry at my own helplessness and that her refusal to listen 
to me had gotten us lost. The worst part was that it achieved what I think her goal was the entire time... I felt defeated. 
After that situation I stopped arguing with her so often out of fear she would do something like that again. My already f
ragile self esteem began to plummet almost instantly. The long walk back was almost like foreshadowing on how the 
rest of the relationship would be, Camilla leading the way and me growing more 
quiet and diminished.  

I remember feeling like there was a squirming  weight on my chest... almost like the time I went snorkeling and realized
 my only air supply was through a small tube. I remember it clearly as I write this. I want to call it panic but it's much 
quieter of a feeling... it burns almost as if I am drowning and my lungs are filling with water. I wanted to disappear or to 
wake up and find that what just happened was just a nightmare. I knew that what I was feeling meant that something 
wasn't right but I also couldn't pinpoint what was wrong either. This only contributed to my confusion and sense of 
helplessness. This physical symptom, one I had experienced before when having a depressive episode, should have 
been enough. If a relationship makes you depressed, then it's one that should be ended. I felt bound and obligated to 
her... Looking back I wish I could talk to my younger self. I wish I had talked to someone about what was happening. 

Following our talk, I realized is when our relationship turned even more toxic and I just took the abuse. I started 
dissociating more and more whenever we fooled around in the bedroom. I started faking sounds and traumatizing my 
body to try and last longer when she decided she wanted to have sex - to this day I still can't stop myself from faking 
sounds of pleasure when I have sex. It became a survival method... the more noise I made the less reluctant and 
aggravated she was when I would ask her to stop. I would allow things to go on far longer than was physically 
comfortable every single time... this is what would later cause me to have physically triggered panic attacks and made 
me realize I might have PTSD. 

Camilla up to that point had been aggressive and coercive in the bedroom, but I had been challenging her and standing 
up for myself. With a single power move she broke the fighting spirit that I had... and this is the danger of dating a 
domineering person. Domineering people are far more likely to become abusive.  Common red flags and warning signs
 that abusers give off also align with domineering behavior, including a need for control. Often times an abuser will often
 exert control over how their victim acts and dresses, as well as where they go and who they associate with.  While 
Camilla never said that I couldn't go out with friends, she always made it seem like she should be there with me 
since we were a unit. She occupied all of my free time - something I willingly complied with because I thought it was 
normal to spend every waking minute possible with your partner. Another warning sign that abusers will display is a 
lack of respect for personal boundaries and privacy - going through a partner's phone and making accusations meant
 to manipulate and control the victims behavior in an attempt to prove their innocence. The latter being an example of 
emotional manipulation and abuse. While not all domineering personality typed people go on to become abusers, 
domineering behavior runs parallel with abusive behavior because both lack a very important feature: respect for the 
emotions and needs of others. So, where does domineering cross the line into abuse?

-insert research statistics and quotes here-
*** -- see if I can find this article in the library
Sexual abuse by a woman partner has been reported by up to 50% of lesbians (12).
Psychological abuse has been reported as occurring at least one time by 24% to 90% of lesbians (1,5,6,11,14).

- insert chart-
type of abuse: examples

- physical - common examples ive seen or heard about

-emotional - competing with her loves from the past that she was still in love with, "you cried so i know your serious",
 manipulating me into feeling guilty about stopping sex, complaining about how unsatisfied she was sexually

-mental and verbal  - examples ive seen and witnessed 

-sexual - coercion. ignoring of boundaries. the fight about anal play. "the incident"

this will then launch into symptoms that made me realize I need help.