Friday, March 29, 2024

Financial Goals

 I don't want or need a high net worth. I really don't. 

I just want to be able to afford a comfortable life. 

Ideally I would want to be able to:

  • Own and operate 1, maybe 2 businesses. (honestly, one might evolve into the second one)
    • Non-Profit if I can. (pay myself a livable salary, keep the business open, & the rest goes back into the community)
    • Interfaith Spiritual services --> Festival vendor & local service
    • Tea with Anubis --> Metaphyiscal Tea & cofee shop 
  • Retirement (which I want to be a semi retirement. I want to ALWAYS be providing interfaith services)
  • Ellie's college/a private savings for her -- if I have a child then it would be for them. 
  • Be able to travel as I want. 
Meaning some investment (Ellie & Retirement), but mostly Cash (living expenses, costs of the business, debt, and travel).

Dream Job:
  • Provide spiritual services at a spiritual health retreat
  • Provide spiritual services at an intentional Community 
  • Provide spiritual services at a local level via small non profit & festival vendor

Spiritual services:
  • Diviniation
  • Crisis Counceling (not a long term councelor. but in emergency - chaplain training)
  • Guided meditations
  • Spiritual Retreat Leadership
  • Private sessions with spirit (this would be tailored to the individual)
  • Custom Spellwork
  • Classes/Workshops
I just want a small office space - like a single storefront; less than 700sq ft. 

  • I don't feel the need to own a home.
    •  Currently I don't have anyone to pass it off to and I don't see that changing. 
  • I don't want to grow my business, I don't need employees (unless I open the cafe). 
  • I just want to be able to save up and afford to be comfortable. I want to work at my own pace & have the financial freedom to do do that

Thursday, March 28, 2024

daily prompt

 I need my five-year old self to know that... magic does exist. 

Those things that you feel, you know, you believe in are real. 

You are loved. 

You are safe in the arms of the gods. 

You are never alone. 

Everything that has happened and will happen  - happens for a reason. 

You have so much joy coming in your future, remember that. 

You don't have to think the way everyone else does. 

***mind you I have no memory from when I was 5 so I don't know how I felt back then***

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Daily prompt

 A peice of clothing that makes me feel powerful is... my warrior queen/dark goddess costume. 

You put that on and suddenly you are 10ft tall and bullet proof. I am afraid of nothing and I am ready to take on the world. 

add in a body harness around the torso and legs? powerfiul. 

The only other thing that helps boost my confidence in a smallwe way is wearing my elf ears. 

Monday, March 25, 2024

attachment and dating

 its becoming clear to me that I have a pattern. 

Its always been hard for me to grow attached to people and then when I do I am 100% the opposite - I am ALL about them. But it takes me a hot minute to get attached  - usually through trauma bonding. 

There was 2 relationships out of my adult relationships that I had a gradually building attachment; with a slower courtship, everything else was kind of an initial interest with no attachment to pressure cooking into an intense attachment - so much that I couldn't let go even though I knew it wasn't healthy. 

So doing what I do... I researched. Apparently its called Fearful - Avoidant Attachment style. 

"People with fearful-avoidant attachment styles may show up to a party [or date] because they want to meet new [people]. At the party [or date], they seek out closeness with other people, perhaps engaging in deep conversations... However, at the end of the evening, they don’t feel particularly close with any of those [people] and won’t reach out to see them again. This is because they have a difficult time feeling intimate with others, platonically and romantically."

^^^^^ that is me to a FUCKING T. 

I can get suuuuuper deep and philosophical and discuss like intense things with people, I can be super compassionate and empathetic, and have just the BEST time. and then be totally fine with never talking to them again. Its why I am AMAZING at first dates but the second one fizzles and by the time the third date rolls around i'm like.. "what's the point?" 

its why I have the 3 date rule. I sort of feel like I owe someone 3 dates - but I can also be like "after 3 dates, I don't see it going anywhere, thanks" and walk away with no worries. 

I also do not initiate any of the dates. ever. I'll initiate conversations (sometime) but I haven't actually felt interested enough to initiate the date. I won't say no to one, but if the date gets initiated before I have developed any interest... its almost guaranteed that it won't change. At least so far it hasn't. 

I like chatting online, but its soooo hard for people to hold my focus. Idk. I want to meet people and connect... but its so hard to actually CONNECT. Conversation is not hard but while the content may be deep the connection to the person is at best surface level. 

I don't want to give up the hope I'll meet someone, but I also feel like it would have to come out of no where. Like...  I need a friendship to turn into a relationship or sort of like with what happened with my first girlfriend where there was initial interest but we both hung out as "friends" before either of us changed the context. 

Dates just have too much pressure and expectation. I don't want to be responsible for that person's feelings if I can't develop an attachment. 

I know what I want in a relationship. But I can't seem to figure out what it takes for me to become initially interested. 

Even if there is initial interest; it still takes a lot of time for me to grow attached  - and in the past it seemed just when I finally let go of any fear in a relationship - it ended. As long as I had a back up plan (in case they left) it seemed they wanted me... but as soon as I stopped constantly planning for the end, they didn't want me anymore. To date, I havn't really seen any good examples of lasting relationships (not healthy ones at least). I havn't experienced any. 

The way things are now, I don't think i'll be able to develop a romantic relationship; not a healthy one.  I will say out of these 5 issues with dating - the first two only happen in the initial "dating" stage, not when in an actual relationship. The last three are true only in a committed relationship - not in the casual "dating" phase. 

  1. Difficulty opening up: Fearful attachers may have a hard time sharing their feelings and vulnerabilities with a romantic partner, for fear of being judged, rejected, or abandoned. They may also fear that their partner will see their flaws and imperfections and withdraw from the relationship.
  2. Mixed signals: Fearful attachers may send mixed signals to their partners, alternating between hot and cold behavior. They may push their partner away one moment and then pull them back in the next, leaving their partner confused and uncertain about where they stand. They often don’t even realize when they are doing this.
  3. Jealousy and possessiveness: Fearful attachers may feel intense jealousy and possessiveness in their relationships, due to their fear of losing their partner. If they are on the more anxious side of the spectrum, they may become overly attached and clingy, demanding constant reassurance and attention from their partner. If they are on the more dismissive side of the spectrum their jealousy may cause them to push you away or withdraw.
  4. Sabotaging the relationship: Fearful attachers may engage in self-sabotaging behaviors that undermine the relationship because of their lack of faith in themselves and others. They may push their partner away in an attempt to test their partner’s loyalty or to preemptively end the relationship before they can be hurt.
  5. Difficulty ending the relationship: Fearful attachers may also have a hard time ending a relationship, even if it is not healthy or fulfilling for them. They may cling to the relationship out of fear of being alone or fear of the unknown, even if it means staying in an unhealthy situation that is causing them pain or distress.
I feel like my only hope is to meet someone organically - but at the same time I really don't have any hope because how the hell am I going to meet someone like that? I don't really go out; when I do I am glued to the only friends I currently have. My boss has said I have to fix my mind set (love myself more, get past my depression, get my trauma in check, stop holding onto past relationships, stop with the "I can't" "I need meds to fix me" mindset).

I need to fix a LOT with myself and I know that I am just not emotionally available for an actual relationship... but I am still so lonely. so so so lonely. I do CRAVE connection and intimacy but I also refuse to settle into something that isn't right. But I won't find someone unless I am open to it. 

idk. I feel like I am a walking contradiction.
I want the attention and the company but I don't want them to get too attached unless I do, and 9/10 I won't get attached. 

I really do need that slowburn reationship. I need that no expectations, open communication, patience, and flexible evolving love. 
Mind you once sex gets involved I want things to be exclusive - but not necessarily a committed relationship. For some reason that seems to be abnormal??  Which is why casual dating hasn't been successful for me. 

I'm too jealous and insecure for truly "casual" or open dating once sex gets involved. 
I'm not emotionally available enough to be in a serious relationship. 
I'm also just way to fucking picky. 

I almost want an exclusive casual relationship with someone who is romantic in behavior? 

But I almost wonder if you take away the pressure of romantic emotions and expectations, but provide security/safety with exclusive physical intimacy if I could feel safe enough to form an attachment with someone?

I think right now I just need someone who is laid back and fun, but has the same overall values as me. Where we can be exclusive to each other without a long term commitment.

I've said that my next relationship, faith would be a corner stone, and that I want to connect with someone spiritually - and swore that sex would not be the glue in the relationship. 

Now? I want respect to be the cornerstone, with a spiritual connection that leads to a romantic one. Sex can come naturally - I just want to make sure that I am wanted for ME and not for my body. 

But how the fuck am I going to find that at all anyway? When anytime I meet someone I instantly feel like I'm just chatting with a stranger that I will never see again. Even if I can agree with someone on important values and on paper they seem right its just like... cold in my chest. 
And I don't know what to do. 

Weekly Goal

Keep the answer there until I acheive it. 

  1. What could I STOP doing
    1. negative self talk
    2. worrying about future job market
    3. only eating one meal a day
  2.  What could I do LESS of
    1. watch less TV
    2. researching "hypothetical" living situations for the future
    3. forced social interaction
  3. What could I do MORE of
    1. drink more throughout the day
    2. Bring snow to work with me
    3. Celebrate little victories 
  4. What should I CONTINUE to do
    1. five minute work outs with Rach
    2. Go to church - gives community & time with the sacred
    3. Have at least 1 social interaction a week that is soothing (darts & Jazz/Isaac)
  5. What could I START doing
    1. Making time for the sacred 
      1. Spiritual Poetry
      2. Lighting Deity candles
      3. readings for myself 
    2. Implimenting a new routine
    3. Eating more


 Another major thing that has been fucking me over is my diet. 

I am so bad with food (when its just me).

So what are my biggest obstacles?

- cooking

- dishes

so lets remove them. 

I'll go back to a grazing and buffet style of meals unless I have a specific reason to cook. When I have the energy to make more put together meals I can (box kits will always be available as well as ingrdients to make hobo stew) 

Groceries to be bought as they run out

  • milk (every 2 weeks)
  • breakfast foods/protien drinks (monthly)
  • eggs (monthly)
  • cereal (every 2 months?)
  • pasta 
  • Feta for pasta (monthly)
  • Rice
  • butter
  • frozen veggies for dog & cooking (greenbeans, brocoli,sweet potato fries, fajita mix, mushrooms)
  • Dry cat food
  • Dry dog food
  • Dog treats
Fresh sides: 

  • cheese sticks (1 month)
  • crackers (1 month)
  • hummus (1 month)
  • Fresh Veggies (carrots, peppers, celery, brocoli) - (weekly? bi weekly?)
  • Fresh fruit (grapes,strawberries, blueberries, manderine orange packs, etc) (weekly? biweekly?)

Buy  from sams - as needed
  • 3 butter chickens (cook all at once & put into freezer)
  • box of stuffed chx breast  
  • Bag of grilled chicken Breasts 
  • bag of salmon fillet 
  • wet cat food (1 month worth)
  • mac & cheese
  • 1 bag shrimp
  • fish sticks

Easy meal prep that requires minimal energy:
- butter chicken & rice (pop into microwave) 
- pop a protien itself in microwave/air fryer & eat with fresh sides & weekly pasta 
- Taco mix (seasoned turkey & rice)
- Eggs & rice
- Japanese Greenbeans & Rice (add ground turkey to make more of a meal?)
- shrimp & ramen


 Okay so I need to get more structure in my life. 

I lack motivation. I lack the desire to do thing... but I do desire to be healthier. I do desire to make people not worry. 

I don't know if structure will help shake the depression but I can try. 

What is my biggest hurdle? Fatigue. Why am I fatigued? I'm not getting enough energy from food and sleep - because I'm not getting enough of it. 

I spoke with Kat and want to develop a care plan for myself. 

**If made bold can be re-arranged***


  •  Get up at 7:45am (not 8:15. not 8:30. and actually get up.)
    • Schedule alexa to start playing music at 7:15 gently to slowly wake me up so that its not a harsh alarm that wakes me up from deep sleep. 
    • Let snow out while I...
    • Get dressed, brush hair, brush teeth.
    • Grab a protien drink (be it coffee powder or the premade ones) - make coffee and add supliments to it? 
      • Eat Vitamins
    • Take snow on a small walk while drinking it
    • drop snow off and go to work. / bring her to work with me
  • Leave for work 8:40. 
  • Go to work 
    • do a daily journal
      • graditude (what are you thankful for)
      • Affirmation reflection/self love prompts
    • Daily work load
    • Do at least 1 module (OBOD or classwork)
    • EAT SNACK or lunch if I can. --> starting in June come home for lunch & walk snow
  • When I get home: 4:30-5pm
    • let snow out
    • call rach for fab 5 work out
    • 10 minutes of cleaning  -- do it if you can. 
    • take snow on walk
    • Eat something 
    • Now I can TV/Go hang with friends/dance/school/etc
    • let snow out again
    • feed cats & everyone gets meds -- 10:30 
    • 30 minutes of reading/audiobook
    • HOT shower to relax nervous system if i'm too wired. 
  • Bed by midnight. 
  • Saturday
    • up by 10am
    • let snow out 
    • eat breakfast
    • daily activity
    • Time for the sacred (reading, poem, meditation, ritual)
    • Bed by midnight/1am
  • Sunday
    • up by 8:45
    • let snow out
    • dress, brush hair & teeth
    • breakfast? 
    • leave for church 9:30
    • Get home from church (11:30-1) OR go see mom right after
    • Daily activity 
    • Get home - feed cats & take meds
    • take a HOT shower to soothe nervous system
    • Do my weekly Goal reflection post. 
    • bed by midnight


 Things that cause distress and keep me up at night

  • Anxiety over my job
    • dealing with other people's money
    • making sure I get there on time
    • what am i going to miss this time? 
    • Did i miss somethign with a turn?
    • so many little mix ups
  • Anxiety, fear, shame, betrayal --- PTSD
    • flashbacks with ^ emotions
    • flashbacks with irritation
    • screaming internal voice... need stimulation/ditraction 
  • Constantly thinking about the future
    • will I have job security
    • will i find fulfillment
    • where will I live
    • what kind of life style will I have
    • will I be forever alone? --> avoidant attachment 
  • So lonley but I can't form attachments
    • Rachael, Jazz & Isaac, Chip
    • Everything feels  disconnected - I am the toxic one now
    • Does this make me a bad person?
  • Constant need for stimulation -- anxiety if not. Brain must ALWAYS BE GO GO GO GO 

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Nesting Possibilities

If I were to do something that was semi-permanenet & semi-nomadic I would need to have a home base. Especially if I were to start  a faith-based not for profit business and needing an office space for that. (could then be an official vendor through that business at festivals)

 States that I would consider based off chaplaincy friendliness, queer Rights, women's rights, and weather.

Top contenders:Second tierMid
NevadaCalifornia $$Colorado (chap & $$)
New MexicoConeticut $$Michian (all mid)
OregonDC $$Minessota (mid & cold)
Rhode IslandHawaii $$Nebraska (mid & cheap)
North CarolinaMaryland $$NH (women & $$)
DelewareMA ($$ & cold)NY (cold & $$)
WV (money)Arizona (hot&$$)Virginia (women & $$)
Iowa (cold)WI (mid & cold)
WA ($$)


States that allow tiny homes:

  • Arizona
  • California
    • Eureka, CA
    • Chico, CA
    • Stockton, CA
  • Colorado
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Idaho
  • Indiana
  • Kansas
  • Maine
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • Nebraska
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire
  • New Mexico
  • North Carolina
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • South Carolina
  • South Dakota
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • Washington
States that do not allow tiny homes

  • Alabama
  • Alaska
  • Arkansas
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Hawaii
  • Illinois
  • Iowa
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Maryland
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri 
  • Montana
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • North Dakota
  • Ohio
  • Oklahoma
  • Rhode Island
  • Virginia
  • West Virginia
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming

I could try to get a permanently tiny house or rent a studio apartment. Rent office space. Own a small RV/Trailor camper for when I want to be nomadic. 

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Email to my therapist

 I wanted to reach out and say thank you. 

Life Plan B notes

See which ones require a masters degree, which ones allow master degree credits to transfer, which ones offer a stipend via fellowship, research grant options, which ones are distance vs on site.'

Life plans

Okay so I hate the idea of working a job that is not fulfilling for the rest of my life so much that I had decided if the chaplaincy route did not give me the fulfillment i needed to do it every day for the rest of my life I was going to kill myself. 

Since making that decision the gods have presented alternative options. 

so... life plans. 

  • A  - Full time chaplaincy; preferrably at a University but Hospital or Prison is also accepted. (I would most likely work with hospice though)
    • the hard part is getting board certified. I have to have a letter of endorsment from a legally recognized denomination (UU - not likely, Circle Sanctuary, Sacred Well)
  • B - College Professor. Part time Chaplain while I work on a PhD in Religious Studies /Anthropology of religion. 
    • Possible disertation ideas:
      • Spirituality in the festival subculture; an ethnography (research grant to pay for my skoolie and expenses????)
      • The study of devotion; ethnography of comparative devotional living (monk, priest, nun, rabbi, preacher, etc)
  • C - A&B will help me to be able to eventually live either full time or part time nomadically in a skoolie/nice RV while being a vendor for different festivals and fairs. 
    • A will provide a method of income no matter where I live. It is my saftey net. 
    • B will provide me the means to be an online religious studies/anthropology professor as a remote form of income, as well as a potential nesting career. Second saftey net.
      • I am currently looking into the idea of maybe getting a PhD in tandem with my M.Div. If I do that then depending on the program I may get free tuition and a living stipend. Devote myself to just school. (this would not be for this year, but the following, so I have more time to research)
    • C is something I think I would truly benefit from. With A&B as saftey nets. Racheal's house, which ever state she is in, as a home base if I ever need to pause for a moment. My days would be filled with school, adventure, spirituality, nature, and various forms of community. 
This would be a 10 year plan. A can be acheived in the next 4 years. B can be achieved within the next 5-7.  C can be acheieved somewhere in that mean time, if not sooner. 

Monday, March 18, 2024

Nomad vs Nest

Okay so I get it; there's perks to both nomad and nest living. If I don't go full nomad with a Skoolie; I might settle for a House rental or even buying as cheap of a home as I can; and getting a camper. 


  • consistency; steady stream of income
  • stability
  • solid community
  • financial security
  • Always have somewhere to come back to
  • shelter from cold weather
  • Familiarity
  • Easier to form relationships
  • freedom -  you can go anywhere
  • escaping the 9-5 life
  • work life balance - you work less, because you need less money, you enjoy life more
  • a lot cheaper!!! Money may be inconsistent but you really do need less of it
  • Festival life: Bartering system, communing with nature, spiritual community
  • You form loose community; you'll see a lot of other nomadic people festival to festival
  • minimalism; you find out just how little you need to be happy
  • you control where you go, when you go, when you get up, when you go to bed

I wonder if there was a way I could do 50/50. Be semi-nomadic. Look into Part time chaplaincy. Or look for a work schedule like... 3 12 hour shift days or 4 10 hour shifts. More days off in order for travel? I want to be able to travel to different festivals as a card reading vendor and enjoy festival life. 

I could also look into Part time Chaplaincy and a religious studies adjunct professor/community college professor.  

I not only want to provide spiritual comfort and counseling, but I want to teach others. These might be things I can offer at festivals? 
  • Connecting to the divine; various methods of meditation & connecting via plant medicine
  • Communicating with the divine; various methods of communicating with the divine
  • The divine within; a course on self love & acceptance through spirituality, spiritual abilities
  • Magic & the Divine; introducing the basic forms of magic, magic through different cultures, types & purposes of spells and rituals

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Alternative cont

 Okay so look.

Nomadic living is actually feasible; it’s something I always wished for but figured only rich people could do it.but that’s not true. 

A lot of nomadic people flow from festival to festival all over the country following the good weather, as vendors. There’s seasonal work to follow the weather as well. 

And worst case scenario? I get a job as a chaplain and park my tiny home on wheels at a mobile home park and rejoin the sedentary way of life again. 

But the way I see it, a bus tiny home is the best of both worlds; I can rent a lot at a mobile home park or lease an annual spot at an rv park, then have the ability to move as I see fit. While also owning my home (once it’s paid off. Same as a mortgage). 

It would be a hell of a lot cheaper than buying a house and it lacks the fear of being stuck somewhere. 

I can refill the water tank at parks, truck stops, and camp sites. I can park for free at national parks, BLM land, truck stops, rest stops, etc. 

if I ever decide I want to buy a brick and mortar home then ill park my bus in the back as a guest house. 

In the meantime; 

-I could keep my Wisconsin residency;  (,Original%20title%20for%20the%20bus )

- register and pay the taxes on the RV when I get it because after that I only have to pay like $100 a year to renew the license plate/tags. (have them mailed to momma)

- Can park the bus on Jazz's land and drive to mom's. 


 Okay notes.

Finance options

  • buy a pre-converted bus with an auto loan; personal loan for motorcycle 
    • If I can't find a pre-made one... maybe I can reach out to Reggie for help? If he will help me with the initial cost and I reimburse him with the loan?
  •  car loan for the bus... personal loan for the conversion ---> too $$ depending. 
  • Home builders loan?

Ways to Earn an income
  • seasonal camp ground work
  • camp counselor 
  • 10 readings a day ($75) 6 days a month would cover $4000. (that's 2-3 festivals a month)
  • freelance writing
  • bartender/server
  • Delivery Driver
  • Virtual Assistant

How to get health insurance, car insurance, etc - South Dakota and Florida are the quickest and easiest state to establish residency, especially for location-independent workers and nomads. South Dakota allows you to establish domicile with a simple process that requires just a receipt for a one-night stay at an RV park.

Class A motor home for insurance purposes. 


I like the size & bed area of; with the drawers built into the wall.

I like the kitchen & bathroom in this.... incendiary toilet could go in the shower to save space.

Take out sofa..... put in small table/desk & bookshelves for shrines.

Friday, March 15, 2024

BPD... maybe I do have it?

 Remember how I said I don't think I had BPD because I lack te oscillation between extremes of “idealization” and “devaluation" / extremes between "love" and "hate"?

I don't have it with people. 

But I'm realizing I have it with situations.

 I ricochet to the extremes when it comes to my social life and my job. One day I love my job, the next i'm on indeed looking for something else because I want to fucking quit. Some of that is burn out, but usually theres a situation that occurs that makes me think "i'm so fucking over this, if I don't leave I'm going to fucking lose it." Mind you, my sense of self preservation/need for survival makes me keep my mouth shut. (I've always been this way. Especially around the 4-6 month mark.)

Or I'll be chatting with someone and its fine and then they are trying to make plans. If its planned for a different day its fine, and then as soon as that day arrives I'm so fucking irritated that I have these plans that I don't want to do unless its with certain people (My mom, my sister, Rachael, sometimes Fen). I'm irate that I have to go out and be social... once i'm there i'm generally fine, but the strength of my dread is extreme. Being asked out on a date can feel like a threat, while a moment ago before they asked everything was fine. Or if its last minute plans I have a 50/50 nuetral reaction or again.. irate/revulsion. Its not aginast the person, its to the thought going out and meeting them/leaving home.

Now I do settle down and it passes. 

Some of it is annoyance, some of it is dread, some of it is.. something I can't put a name on so I'll say anxiety. 

But I have noticed it. Its never towards people. Its always situations. 

Does that count?

Sending to my therapist to see what she says. Will update. 

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Meal Delivery?

 Okay so... hear me out. 

I struggle with eating. When I do eat I know its not the most nutritional food.I don't have an eating disorder, its just that I forget to eat, I don't have the energy to cook or I don't want to do the dishes, or theres just nothing I WANT to eat.  *Dishes actually plays a very big role in my not eating. 

I am playing around with the idea of doing one of those meal plan delivery things. It would give me a variety of food, nutritional, and If I order for 2 people that means its 2 meals - dinner and lunch the next day... or two dinners. If I eat twice a day then that would mean I need 14 meals a week. Lets be honest... I dont. On the weekends I eat popcorn and cereal. On wednesdays I tent to get pizza at darts, and usually I don't eat during the day. 

However I will try to do better, especially since I will be living closer to home. I also want to try to develope habits... so cooking for the week on one day (cook all the meals in the box), putting them all in tupperwear, and putting them in the deep freeze. I can take out what I want and plop it in the microwave. 

I'll still buy gorceries, but mostly staples (milk, eggs, frozen veggies for snow, snack foods like cheeze its or popcorn kernals, butter, drinks) as needed. I'll keep a few things in the freezer for easy meals if I run out of meal prepped foods/am still hungry after my portion or want to change it up but I know they will last longer now (frozen baked chicken breasts for salads, pot pies, chicken nuggets). I'll keep pantry staples stocked (rice, pasta, potted meats, etc). 

3 meals for 4 people  = 12 meals. This would be $72 a week. (that works out to be about 312 a month) We'll say 285 for budgeting.  thats 10 HEALTHY meals a week. Plus I'd say an extra $50 for the staples from walmart. $362 = $375. Its also nice because I can pause the meal plan anytime. So If I find that I'm not keeping up and eating all of the food, I can move to every other week, every 2 weeks etc. 

I also have been spending less than I allocated on pets. I probably spend about 70 a month on them, maybe a bit less. 


income: $3087 + 175 = 3262 = 3260

$1095 rent

$55 internet 

$120 utilities -- I will pay for electric only but idk what that will look like. 

$271 loan --> pay it back with student loan (could be until May that i even see financial aid)

$50 (sams club) credit (the rest pay with student loan)

$70 Joint membership 

$235 car payment

$90 car insurance 

$370 health insurance through marketplace

$117 student loans (current is $170 but it will be redone in May; i applied for SAVE program)

$70 pets

$44 subscriptions ($9 hulu, $7 pandora, $1 cloud space, 30 webtoon, 7 peacock)

$80 gas (7 min drive to work, visit milwaukee 3 times a month?)

$75 savings 

$50 Roth IRA

$375 Groceries (meal plan, snacks, staples, substitutes)

$45 - Darts (pizza, 2 drinks, & tip)



With the move... I might be able to afford it. Have 1 day of unpleasantness (cooking & dishes. Will do 2 loads of dishes, tupper wear & utensil then cooking dishes)

Maybe I'll splurge and start buying fresh food as my snacks. (carrots for crunch, grapes for flavor, etc)

We shall have to see. 

I also wouldn't be doing this until I went through most of the groceries that I currently have. I'm just going to be sure not to buy anything but the staples until I've gone through my reserve. 

Falling Snow

 So last night the only thing I remember vividly dreaming about was falling snow. 

A thick blanket of it coated the world around me and I remember being amazed at just how big and fluffy the flakes that were coming down were. They were huge! (in comparison)

generaly if something sticks out and remains in my mind like that from a dream I look into the meaning of it. 

"To dream that you are watching the snow fall represents a clean start and a fresh, new perspective. It is indicative of spiritual peace and tranquility."

Clean and fresh start...

I am feeling more stable. I like this new therapist and think that the new perspective will be finally adressing all the trauma that I hold inside. I've never truly processed it. I don't know how. But I feel like she will do a good job of helping me. 

I'm moving in a couple of months; to a place that already feels more home-y than my current apartment. My current place has always felt temporary and I had to constantly convince myself that i needed to stay. Even before my thuff is there I already feel better about the new apartment. It has carpet which - sigh - will be a lot harder to keep clean, especially with how much snow tends to projective vomit every few months. 

But honestly its a better fit... its smaller but I actually consider that a plus. Smaller means easier to keep clean. Its better insulated than my current place which means better temperature control. The carpet will actually help keep him warmth and humidity which will make me feel more comfortable, plus my feet won't be so cold. I LOVE the fact that it has pantry, which I think will help me keep trach of my groceries better because its not behind closed doors, its a walk in one. Bathtub which means bathing snow (thanks the GODS she needs it) and I can do ritual baths & self care baths again <3 <3

Not to mention it has a pool, gym, and tennis courts and a friendly staff member I want to be friends with. 

I'm starting school in a couple of months; I registered for classes. I am waiting to find out about financial aid, but that probably won't happen until May at the earliest. Which to me is cutting it close and makes me anxious, but c'est la vie. I found out that you don't have to report your student loans on your taxes because you have to pay it back - you only have to report the grants and scholarships. which ...bruh.... if I had known that I would have saved money in taxes in the past. But whatever. I plan to take an extra $15K in student loans to pay off my credit and personal loan, that will give me some breathing room for my month to month expenses. 

Plus I'll be back in school and school makes me happy. I will have classes on subjects that I am passionate about and find interesting. I will be reminded every day that I am working towards a future that can be fulfilling. 

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Bad date

 Okay so this was probably the worst date I have ever been on (not counting traumatic ones). 

So next time I talk to him I’m going to upfront: 

I always give someone 3 dates before I decide if I want to continue seeing a person or not. I considered all 3 of our dates and have decided that I don’t want to keep seeing you. Thank you for letting me get to know you and good luck in your endeavors.

Not a lie, at all. I do give someone 3 dates. If he asks why: 

It boils down to communication. While the first date went great, the conversation was a bit awkward and forced the second and third date. The last date also showed a lack of clear communication of expectations about the date. 

When we agreed to a movie, I had expected to pay for my own ticket however you said you were buying the tickets, so I accepted that. I was going to offer to buy us a large popcorn in return but was going to wait until we were at the theater. Then you suggested we get dinner beforehand and provided the venue. I expected to pay for my own dinner because I never assume someone else will, however I was a bit taken aback when you asked for me to pay for both of us (since you bought the tickets). (And then we each pay for our own snacks)

This had not been communicated before hand and if I had known you expected this I would have declined dinner because I wasn’t expecting to pay for more than $20 for the night (the total for dinner was $45 after the tip). I would easily have agreed to just buy my own ticket if presented the option. I also was embarrassed to answer you when you kept asking why I wasn’t buying popcorn… because I couldn’t afford it. I had already spent double what I had allocated for the night. 

Then there was the awkward moment after dinner where you asked if I wanted to walk to the theater and I said I was too cold so I’d drive. I was confused and uncomfortable that you expected me to give you a ride to the theater when you had driven your own car to the date. 

Overall there seemed to be a lack of communicating expectations & not enough common interest to warrant continuing seeing you. 


Bruh if it weren’t for the fact that I wanted to see the movie (dune 2, it’s awesome go watch it) so bad I would have just left after dinner. 


 The System

  • Pixie - Praimry - volitile, anxious, hopeful, people pleaser, lonely, fear of abandonment, healer, inferiority complex, creative, bounces between empowered and disenfranchised, compassionate, spiritual, Human
  • Fiona - Secondary - Controled, aggressive, cool anger, calculating, protective, doesn't feel emotions the same way as normal people do, nuturing - LOVES kids, confidant, dommy mommy & has an ego, dark goddess complex, spiritual, Fae. 
  • Flower - childlike wonder, joyfuk, nieve & optimistic, playful, isn't a child but can be very childish, VERY social, sunshine personified, good at taking over in social situations when Pixie is too anxious but usually only once or twice, after that she looses interest. If shes bored - she will leave. Fae. 
  • Siren - Playful, seductive/flirtatious, likes to preen like a peacock, warm goddess complex, she is all talk though -its rare for her to have actual interest. water nymph/siren. 
  • Little - hidden - young child. Doesn't speak. Fear. Always crying. Always scared. Only comes out when we feel TRULY safe. likes to color. Whenever try to remember what happened with the boy she starts crying too hard and Fiona makes us stop. Whenever I try to bring her forward I am seezed with panic. human. 

My Gods

  • Brigid - Life Patron - Healing, Protection/Hospitality, Inspiration/Creativity; Celtic
  • Lilith - Personal Patron - Personal Power, Feminine Rage & Power, Independance, Sex for Pleasure; Sumerian/Spiritual Satanism
  • Demeter - motherly, abundance, crops, diviniation
  • Aine - Love, Romance, Healing from Sexual Trauma, Sex as something pure; Irish
  • Maeve - Tough Love, Protective, Magic, Soverignty, Leadership; Irish 
  • Lucifer - Education, Illumination, Personal Growth, Empowerment,; Spiritual Satanism/Roman (Phosphorus) ----- he helps me regulate my emotions. Ask me about Roe v Wade. 
  • Cernnunos - God of the wild, chaos, nature, the hunt, the dead, The Wild; Celtic
  • Bast - Protection, Joy, Song & Dance, pets; Egyptian
  • Thoth - God of writing, education, knowledge; Egyptian
  • Kuan Yin - Compassionate and Unconditional Love; Chinese/Everyone. 
  • Ancestors
  • The Fae
  • Host of Friends - group of spirits of various types that help me (spirit guides)
  • Svn - primary spirit guide/guardian Angel

My Religion in a nutshell:

I believe that there are 5 elements that make up all things: earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. Spirit is a universal life force that connects all things and are what give life. Spirit is what makes all things including the gods. I do not see spirit as a sentient being; however it is something that all living things can tap into, especially humans. As such I think that every being has divinity within it; its why we are able to heal with just our minds (placebo), manifest, have psychic abilities, etc. 

We are all divine; the gods are more powerful than us but we are not so humble and lowly in comparison as we are divine beings as well at our core.

Because of the divinity within us and the ability to tap into spirit and use it; I think that any god that has ever been worshipped exists. Now some gods may have many names, but all exist. 

This is similar to hinduism and Barhaman; the main difference (and why I am polythiestic, rather than monistic like hinudism) is that I do not see spirit as a sentient being but rather a force of nature. 

getting better but not there yet

Its so hard now to think of everything that is wrong with me, now that I've finally gotten my trauma back into a box and i'm stable again. 

No more cryng fits. 

The flashbacks had dropped drastically. 

The sleep issues persist but idk if thats just my adhd or general hyperarousal. 

I can still tell that Fiona is more present, as I'm still in a vulnerable mental state with my anxiety and trying to force myself to be social.

I've got a third date tonight with a guy that Fiona doesn't like and while theres nothing wrong with the guy I also don't think I will want to see him again after tonight. Already my palms are sweating at the thought of saying so. Fiona doesn't get it (my hesitation) and she's irritated. 

I know the fear is stemming from the flashbacks. This guy is not Tyler. He has NOTHING in common with tyler. But he reminds me of him and idk why.

I'm so lonely but its so obvious I am not ready for dating. But then I start to feel better and I want to meet people.... and then by the time the second or third date rolls around I want to run for the hills. 

I'm turning into the toxic person. 

Texting people is so much easier. Its safer. Theres no pressure. Once you meet in person though that changes. 

Its just dinner and a movie. I don't need to be so anxious. 


But anyway; I'm no longer walking on a tight rope mentally. I'm not having anymore suicidal ideation. 

I am able to actually be happy and social during the day. 

My anxiety can be triggered and I flip flop in an instand, but OVERALL i am in a much better spot than I was two weeks ago. 

I'm so friggin lonely though. 


so this anaology came to me the other day in a dialoue scene  (naturally I was in the shower and couldn't write it down, so this is going to be FAR less beautiful than it was in the moment) and in our introductory 

"When there is a gaping wound in the middle of a battlefield you slap on whatever you can to survive. In a war you want to heal as fast as possible, however that often traps the pain inside. It throbs and aches, even years later, and the scar tissue is sensitive to the hurts of the world.

But when you make it home, safe from the war, sometimes you have to re-open the scar and bleed out any festering and trapped pain. You force the injury to re-heal slowly, leaving you vulnerable for longer but ultimatley once fully healed you are stronger. 

Your mind has been forced to heal quickly, trapping the pain and pressure inside. I aim to be that saftey; I am here to protect you in that vulnerable slate so that you can re-open your wounds and take the time to heal slowly"

My new therapist said something similar and it made me think of the scene from last week. 

Its funny how the gods give us little signs. 

****I recieve messages from the gods and the fae through the dialogue daydreams that randomly come to me. Later, not too much later, i'll either do a reading or be having a conversation and the same message will show up. 

Friday, March 1, 2024

PTSD - A double Villanelle poem

You can’t breathe behind the mask you show

Having an unseen disorder is like blackmail, 

So you keep it in, no one can know. 

Drowning in shame, the longer you go. 

The screams bubble in your throat - free with one exhale;

You can’t breathe behind the mask you show.

In your career you grow and grow, 

If you crack they see you as nothing but frail, 

So you keep it in, no one can know. 

The flashbacks start, you can feel the echoes

Memories a blur of fearful chaos, there is no detail

You can’t breathe behind the mask you show.

The mask is slipping, quick - crack a joke

You go numb to the world or else you’ll fail

So you keep it in, no one can know. 

Its getting bad again, the madness’s creep slow

Naively you thought you could dodge the assail. 

You can’t breathe behind the mask you show

So you keep it in, no one can know. 

It eats at you, like acid on the brain

banishing away the semblance of rational thought,

playing out like ghosts reliving their death day. 

you’re back in its grasp, drowning in shame

You try to remember the tools you were taught - but

It eats at you, like acid on the brain

You cannot escape it, feeling insane

Their faces, their voices, they scream and taunt

playing out like ghosts reliving their death day.

Emotions, sights, and sounds overcome you in a hurricane

Concentration is lost on the winds they’ve brought

It eats at you, like acid on the brain

Fatigue devours your body, leaving you lame

Flashbacks whisper, stealing the peace you’ve sought

playing out like ghosts reliving their death day.

Constantly alert, unsafe and forever afraid,

Drowning in madness, you scream distraught:

“It eats at you, like acid on the brain!”

You are but a ghost reliving their death day. 

Therapy prep

 I always like to go into a new therapists office with some prep. 

Traumas to cover that I can list right off the top of my head:

  • childhood abuse 
    • physical & mental/emotional (mom & mary)
    • memory loss from childhood... not a good sign. bipolar? osdd/fiona?
      • my suspicion of molestation.... Little interferes every time I try to delve. 
  • Sexual abuse, emotional/mental
    • Corrie
  • Emotional/mental abuse
    • Lauren - learned the "you're broken and only I can love you" trope of manipulation....
  • Emotional manipulation - the birth of my severe abandonment issues
    • The foundary crew (Amy/Jimmie, Brooks/Maggie, Aaron); no relationship will ever last, everything is temporary, and they will always leave. 
  • Emotional Abuse/single example of physical
    • Jimmie
    • "You're too much to handle, and not enough to satify" - burned into my memory. 
  • Emotional/Mental Abuse
    • Dalton - aka "Viking man"
    • jesus christ how do I begin... 
  • Sexual Assault
    • Tyler

Triggers to fearful responses (freeze, fawn)
  • raised voices
  • displays of agression
  • ignoring of physical boundaries
  • feelings of abandonment
  • pain
  • anything dealing with sex
Triggers to anger reaction/fight responses (all verbal.)
  • feelings of being dismissed
  • feelings of being ignored
  • feelings of rejection
  • feelings of being humiliated
  • being disrespected (roasting is fine. being talked down to is not.) - This has always been a trigger with my younger sister but now it is a trigger for any situation courtesy of Dalton. 
  • feeling emotionally attacked/judged 

I have become a HIGHLY reactive person. I admit this. This is toxic and is a trauma response. 

However I disagree with the psychiatrist's "BDP" diagnosis because I lack a very key symptom. 
  • When it comes to relationships I do not have the oscillation between extremes of “idealization” and “devaluation. I have seen this in EVERY SINGLE BPD person I have ever met. I do not have this. 
  • While i do have intense/extreme anger very easily, I do not have EXPLOSIVE anger. 
  • While I say that my bipolar has turned into a "new animal" and I have noticed that I can have mood swings multiple times throughout the day ON TOP of my drawn out episodes; I would argue that it is in connection to my anxiety/panic/hyper arousal. I don't go from hyper manic to deeply depressed in a day.  
While... yes... I do have a lot of symtoms of BPD... ALL of the other symtoms of BPD that I have are also symptoms of PTSD, CPTSD, and ADHD. 
I would also like to say that it is not uncommon for people with bipolar to also have BPD. 

Thoughts... I have copied over some differences between cptsd/ptsd and BPD. I will highlight the parts that apply to me. The parts that do not fit at all will be highlighted in red. Orange is very dependant on situation. 

  • Although both conditions can lead to problems maintaining personal relationships, people with BPD tend to fear abandonment, whereas people with C-PTSD may avoid intimacy or relationships altogether because of ‘feeling somehow unlovable or undeserving because of the abuse they endured’. (I know I'm lovable... idk how to love myself though. not really.)
  • People with BPD are more likely to self-harm, [My self harm is denial of basic needs. I do not cut myself.] than people with PTSD or C-PTSD.
  • ‘While both those with BPD and C-PTSD struggle with emotional regulation and often experience outbursts of anger or crying, those with C-PTSD may experience emotional numbing, emptiness, or a detachment from emotions.
  • Someone with PTSD may be calmed by going to a familiar environment and being reassured that they are safe. This might irritate someone with BPD, who may respond more positively to being told their feelings are valid.
  • People with PTSD are more likely to be triggered by a specific external trigger and think and behave rationally outside those triggers. For people with BPD, the triggers tend to be internal thoughts and feelings, which can be less predictable --> Both fit. 

Another source listed:

  • Intrusive thoughts: Intrusive thoughts can include recurring memories, flashbacks, nightmares, and emotional or physical reactions to reminders of the traumatic event.
  • Avoidance behaviors: People often avoid places or situations that remind them of a traumatic event. They may also avoid talking about anything related to the trauma.
  • Increased arousal: Sleep problems, irritability, heightened anger or anxiety, and difficulty concentrating are a few common arousal symptoms.
  • Emotional dysregulation: This is the inability to manage the duration and intensity of negative emotions. This may also include dissociation and disconnection from those around you.
  • Negative self-view: Shame or guilt are more common with CPTSD than PTSD. With CPTSD, you may feel the traumatic events were your fault or caused by a defect in yourself. These emotions can lead to depression and suicidal thoughts.
  • Difficulty in personal relationships: Trust is difficult for people with CPTSD because they tend to feel that people will inevitably hurt them.
  • Loss of belief system: Your worldview or religious beliefs change.
... My faith (I'm pagan; polythiestic) has never weivered and is how I have survived everything. 

  • view the world in extremes --> I feel like this depends on what they mean.
  • quickly change values or worldviews
  • have difficulty with impulse control --> ADHD symtom. 
  • have impulsive behaviors, such as unsafe sexual intercourse, reckless driving, and spending sprees -- only when Manic or trauma flare ups. NOT a daily occurance. 
  • fear abandonment and go to extremes to prevent real or perceived abandonment
  • experience intense, inappropriate anger
  • have suicidal thoughts and behavior -- ONLY when having a ptsd episode. not regularly. 
  • have a chronic sense of emptiness
  • experience dissociation -...... alters.?

brief - not okay.

 I'll keep it brief - I have not been okay. 

Since the year mark of tyler's assualt last november my ptsd/cptsd symtoms have been slowly cranking up the heat until it started to bubbled over about 3 weeks ago. 

it got bad. 

suicidal ideation bad. 

I did a micro-dose of mushrooms with new friends and it helped. a lot. I no longer feel like i am hemorrhaging madness inside my brain, however I also get the distinct sensation that it was a bandaid put over a gaping wound. 

I do not know how to process trauma. I go mad until something happens that makes me feel like i have a semblance of control and then thats usually enough for me to be able to stuff it all back into a box and not think about it until the next trigger. 

I am not able to fully stuff it into a box. I have tape on the box to keep it closed but its scotch tape - not packing tape. 

So I have therapy scheduled for next tuesday the 5th. To help me process the trauma. 

I am very nervous because I don't want to open the box that already took so much energy to close at all. If it all comes out at once I will drown. 

I was drowning. I'm treading water right now. I'm not ready to go under again.