Friday, November 28, 2014

ill mood.


so while shopping i got hit with a pang of lonliness.

then i got reminded that my birthday is in a week.

i'm going to be alone. on my birthday. with nothing to do.

and now i'm just in a foul mood. not even criminal minds really interests me right now.


you know.

i havn't had an actual relationship since jake. which was over a year ago. (october 20th - i had to go look it up to be sure)

yes i dated Mary... but it was never more than friendship for me. i tried to feel more but i didn't.

its been over a year since i was in an actual relationship.


you know they said it would get easier in college.

finding a girlfriend would be easier.

everyone needs to shut their fucking mouths because that is a damn fucking lie.

i'm on dating sites. nothing. just assholes of both genders looking for sex.

i was already lonley and then the realization that i am going to spend my birthday alone pushed me over the fucking edge, i just want to punch somethign and cry.

and this has nothing to do with jake. itys just that i am so lonely and fed up with being alone.

and i'm going to spend this birthday alone. i'm going to spend yule, and christmas, and new years all single and i'm scared that i am going to start getting bitter because this is hurting my heart.

i don't like this feeling.

i'm tired of being lonely.


so.... my birthday is coming up.


friday - 28 - today
fri-5 - birthday

and i have no plans.

at all.



and you know what?

all i want for my birthday?

is a date.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


they totaled my car.

my car. that was in mint condition.

my car. that i only had for a little over a month.

and they are only giving me 3,700.

i'm losing my car.



i am so frustrated.

i loved this car.

and because some idiot wasn't paying attention.

i'm losig my car.


omnia new video

can you imagine how fun it would be to hang out with them for a day? they all look so happy...this video makes me happy lololol

have to love them!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

DnD quizes

okay so according to some quizes if i,as my self, were a character i would have:

14 Intelligence, 13 Wisdom, and 9 Charisma

 7 Strength, 10 Constitution, and 7 Dexterity


also: i should be a shaman....

Monday, November 24, 2014

not feelin' so hot

hey guys..i'm not feelin' so hot...

yesterday i actually had to leave work early because i felt nauseous, dizzy, and like i was going to explode out both ends.

today i;m just dizzy.... but thats how it started yesterday...

i only came to school today because

A. we are starting the religion chapter in cultural anthropology
B. Daily quizzes in Sociology

everything else? i'm sleeping.

Friday, November 21, 2014


Cute girl from anthropology has a boyfriend :/

i found her on facebook, :)

she's trying to raise money for Picaso - a greenville group trying to help fight aids.

thats awesome :)

she has a bf.

good for her.

good for him.

darn for me.


okay so this morning i actually put some effort into my appearance.

  • i put on eyeliner (i was half asleep - but i did it. came out not horrible)
  • i parted my hair to the side, which looks better than my center part i've been having.
  • i wore some pants that would go with the light khaki colored boots i have and that make my butt look good.
and you know what?

idk if she even noticed. 

she looked fabulous. as always. she might have looked at me.

i could have sworn she looked at me, but i only saw it from my perifrial vision. 

and not like a glance at me, like she was actually looking at me.

but maybe not..


and you know what? i saw her in the bathroom about an hour later and was about to ask her to eat lunch with kayla and me, but because we were in the bathroom, i didn't. i was hoping she would be in the hall, afterward, but she was already gone...


so next time i get a movie group together, it won't be a scary movie, i'll invite her. 

**this is the cute girl from societies from around the world that i'm talking about. 

The Azande: Witchcraft and Oracles in Africa

1.  How would you describe the Azande settlements and subsistence strategies?

The homes are supposed to be well kept. They are mud and thatched grass on wooden framework and their upkeep is a daily job. Courtyards are also cared for and valued. The way the house and courtyard looks, its state of organization and visual appeal, reflects back on the family living there. If it is not well kept, then the family is seen as sloppy or not of good character.

Their subsistence strategy is shifting cultivation. Their main crops would be maize,millet, gourds and pumpkins, manioc and bananas, groundnuts, and beans. Relying so heavily on crops is because they cannot herd cattle due to the tse-tse fly. Although they have so many crops, the Azande do eat meat gathered from hunting - though they do not hunt in dry seasons, they fish.

2.  What type of political organization do the Azande follow and why?

The political organization of the Azande were kind of like clans, only not quite as specific. Only the royal clan really kept their bloodlines tracked, so for anyone else it was almost impossible to track down everyone from their family. Instead they organized into groups as political units, if some people happened to be related in the same group then it was by chance.

Before the Europeans came, the Azande were part of chiefdoms. Each chiefdom was independent from another and all were under a chief from the Avongara lineage. Even though all the chiefs were related, there was a lot of hostility and war going on between the chiefdoms. Each chief would have second in commands called emissaries, who would usually be their sons but were always from the same lineage, to look over and control territories within the chiefdom.

3.  Who is the character "Ture" and what role does he perform among the Azande?

Ture is a character featured the most often in trickster tales told in the Azande culture. He is used as an example for children and his tales are tools to teach them right and wrong. Each tale features an adventure that he goes on to get something, but he usually gets distracted or acts rash and gets into trouble, in which he must find a way out. He often uses trickery or magic to get what he wants but because he is using a negative way or a way that doesn't belong to him (such as magic that is used or belongs to someone else) his plan usually ends in failure. Ture is a teaching tool and supplements "didctic social training". Although they are directed to children the Ture tales are "more than merely moral examples", they have themes that every person can relate to.

The tales also serve another purpose: to teach that in certain situations, rules cannot be applied - some rules can be broke in the right situation. The tales emphasize the middle ground and teach flexibility, as well as knwoing what the moral thing to do is. Each trickster tale, not just Ture's tales, gives an inside look into that culture and it's society.

4.  In your opinion, what can we learn from the Azande culture?

I must admit what i think can be learned from the Azande is biased. I think that the Azande's forgiving look about witchcraft is interesting. But i like how they do not live in fear of it, and if someone is suspected of being a witch they can show good faith that they mean no harm, and then the matter is dropped and forgotten. In America, small communities in the south especially, witches are not so lucky. Once it has gotten out that someone is a practitioner of witchcraft that person is never looked at the same way. Many people instantly assume evil and "devil worship" and often times that witch is ostracized or met with hostility. In the Azande a witch is not always seen as evil, their mangu may be doing harm without them even knowing. Once they show they have no ill will, everything goes back to normal. I think that is something that American culture can learn - giving the accused a chance to explain they have no ill will and no one has any reason to fear, and then the matter should be over/the person continue to be treated the same way as before.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

My native side

first off: watch this,

all 20 minutes of it.

that native video really touched me...
i feel guilty... because i'm not in touch with my native side anymore. i feel like i've been neglecting it. neglecting part of my heritage. i feel so bad.... i've just been focusing on my irish/celtic side. i'll say "yeah i'm irish and native!" fast, but i stopped paying attention to that cultural side of me. this video made me realize that and is one of the reasons it made me cry.

i just feel so guilty.

i am native american. (A Canadian Tribe - but still native american because its in the "americas" as in north america)
I am a pagan, who draws on a more Celtic European side.

I still care for the earth.

I love her.

I hate how we humans are treating her.

I feel for those people in the video...

but i feel like i have no right to be moved so much. Because of how much i have neglected that part of my heritage and because i was not raised on a reservation, hell i can't even legally claim that side of my heritage because i don't have the paperwork.

I am only native american in words it seems. what right do i possibly have to call them my people? I was not raised with natives, maybe when i was very little, but thats it. I don't know much of their culture. I don't own any native clothes or music, other than a cheap wooden flute.

but it is part of my heritage. It is a part of me.

that i have basically forgotten and ignored.

what right do i have to be so moved my those people?

what right do i have to even call myself native american?

I just want someone to forgive me for my neglect...

to fix this feeling of guilt and shame....

to tell me that its ok.


they have their music fighting for their people and the earth.
do i not have the same?

i am working tward the same cause...fight for the earth and all its creatures.

i just... feel guilty i have only been nurturing half of myself. 

Monday, November 17, 2014


so i'm sitting outside since my class got out early, instead of going to the gay space as i usually do.

its cold and windy, but not unpleasant.

i'm listening to music that i heard over at faeriecon, and then some that i found by the bands that i like.

it creates a nice and relaxing atmosphere.


but pleasant.

2 woodland songs i KNOW they played at the ball were "i remember" and "shadow".... i remember them clearly <3 and they are so beautiful.

i know they played "feast" because it helped me to come up with the setting for a short story.

i've given up on my NaNo... but at least i have a foundation for next year.

to be honest i'm in the erfect mood to write <3

but not sex, blood, and murder.

thats out of my system...

watching "i spit on your grave" has kind of.... pressed pause on the writings in my mind.


i'm in just such a pleasant mood.
the music is so beautiful.
although its not as bright as summer, the fall isn't un-pretty.

i don't want to watch anything... it would change the mood.

don't want to read.

nothing to write.

but it would look odd to just sit here.

the eind is picking up and the sky is darkening.... i might have to go inside now.

have a good day to all who read this <3

Free Bird Fly - Omnia (Lyrics and video)

You're in pain – That's why I wrote this song for you
You're insane – That's why I wrote this song for you
You're in pain – Don't you know this song is about you
You're insane – But you know this song is about you
Don't you, don't you, don't you know this song is about you
Don't you, don't you, don't you know this song is about you

Free bird fly
Although you think your wings are broken
Free bird fly
'Cause living is more than simply hoping
Free bird fly
There's no excuse you've got to try now
Free bird fly
I know you can do it
So let me see you smile now
let me see you smile now
let me see you smile now
let me see you smile now!

Though they beat you down, you get up
Though they beat you down, you get up again
Though they beat you down, you get up
Though they beat you down, you get up again
Though they beat you down, you get up
Though they beat you down, you get up again
Though they beat you down, you get up
Though they beat you down, you get up again

and again
and again
and again
and again
and again
and again
and again
and again
and again
and again
and again
and again
and again
and again

Free bird fly
Take your broken wings and learn to fly
Take this broken world and make it right

free bird fly....

You're in pain – That's why I wrote this song for you
You're insane – That's why I wrote this song for you
You're in pain – Don't you know this song is about you
You're insane – But you know this song is about you
Don't you, don't you, don't you know this song is about you
Don't you, don't you, don't you know this song is about you
Don't you, don't you, don't you know this song is about you
Don't you, don't you, don't you know this song is about you

Though they beat you down, you get up
Though they beat you down, you get up again
Though they beat you down, you get up
Though they beat you down, you get up again
Though they beat you down, you get up
Though they beat you down, you get up again
Though they beat you down, you get up
Though they beat you down, you get up again

and again
and again
and again
and again
and again
and again
and again
and again
and again
and again
and again
and again
and again
and again

free bird fly
Take your broken wings and learn to fly
Take this broken world and make it right
Take these broken wings and fly
take this broken world and make it right
take these broken wings and fly
Take this darkest night and make it bright

Free bird fly
free bird fly
free bird fly
free bird fly

faerieCon pics

as promised....

i took like...100 photos......

so i only uploaded a few...

its joey :D ^

Bad Faerie Day....



JENNY <3 <3

Steve Sic <3


Wanna see my haul?

And that dear friends...was

Friday, November 14, 2014

first time.

okay so the world is full of firsts....first kiss. first love.... tonight i had a first.

my first car accident.

i was driving to work and the car in front of my stopped to turn...only...THEY DIDN'T USE THEIR FUCKING TURN SIGNAL so i just bareley stopped in time NOT to hit them....

soi let out this audible sigh of relief and then guess what?


a guy read ended me.

at first i didn't know what happened....

my head got flung forward and then slamed back.

i was kinda dazed and i though i had blown a tire until i realized thats not how the car would have reacted.... someone just hit me.

someone just hit me.

not proud of it....i burst into tears.
after 30 seconds of crying i got ained control of my body and got out the car.

no one was hurt...

mu head hurt but not bad at all. i barley noticed it.

i called my mom, she told me to call 911 who then transfered me to the highway patrol.

thirty minutes later my mom was there.... about fifteen minutes later the cop showed up.

the guy told it exactly as it had happened because i was a bit too shaken up to get my words right.

but because i didn't have a certain kind of insurance....collision?.... my insurance won't fight his to make sure damage is covered.

so me and my mom will have to make sure shit gets sorted out.

its been almost 3 hours since the initial accident.

i've iced my neck and taken some meicine to help with pain...

my neck hurts. my head hurts. i'm not happy...

but i am hppy no one was hurt.



always fun.


i'm going to lose my health insurance.

once they find out i'm working.... they'll drop me.

my friend Juana has the sad once they found out she was 18, in school, and working, they dropped her.

holy shit.

what do i do?

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

matrilineal essay thouhts

  • what i find most iteresting is how women are seen as leaders of the home and social backbone, yet they are in an islamic culture. Islam tend to favor men and yet in this articular culture women are important. That is a very big conradtiction that they somehow are able to live with in harmony and without conflict.
  • adat is their set of rules and belifs that give them guidelines for their daily lif and how to interact with the supernatural. It can be analogous to the ten commandments of the Christian faith. It is what gives their culture its structure and is what keeps it going.  It allows them to combine the natural and supernatural.
  • I think we could learn acceptance and compatibility from them. They re able to combine 2 different cultures, one that is patriarchal and one that is matriarchal, opposites, and yet it works out peacfully. In America we have the first ammendmant which allows freedom of religion, but especially in the south, there is a lot of tension between religions. Christianity is the primary religion of the south and when someone is not of that faith, there tends to be conflict. I think we should learn from their peacful cooperation between religions. 

NaNo Math

okay so by the end of today i need at least 20000 words written.

i can write 1924 words an  hour if i hae good momentum.
i'd say i'd prolly write about 1200 words an hour on average if i have no distractions and interruptions.

i have 13037 words written now.

i need 20000.

so 20000-13017....20-13 = 7.

7000 words need to be written by the end og the day.

thats is about 5.8....6 hours of writing.



not happening.


i am so behind....

Monday, November 10, 2014


so i decided today that i needed to find a patch of woods that i could go to.

guess what.

i did.

the universe is just helping me out! <3

there is a patch of woods on ECU that has a trail...and a few trails that aren't exactly on the trail - if you know what i mean.

i got to explore it a little today, off the trail. it was fun. Carrie was with me. :)

and wed. she is taking me to go see some more woods near by. not on campus, but near it.


i'm so excited.


so one thing that was just amazing about the concert/ball at faeriecon was the fact that i could dance. My kind of dance. i havn't done it in a long time. danced like that.

i want to dance more....

but i can't.

because Cara is not in a sport right now, i have to wait till she is back in sports so i can have the house to myself to dance.

because it makes a lot of noise....with my feet stomping the ground and all.

lots of energy.

lots of fun.

stress releif.

i think its one of the reason's i was so open.

i want to stay open.

Elven Star

the 7 points represent different things.

List 1

  1. power, personal will and determination
  2. unconditional love, wisdom and growth
  3. knowledge and intelligence
  4.  harmony and tranquillity
  5. the powers of mind and science
  6. devotion and honesty
  7. Magick
List 2
  1. earth
  2. air
  3. fire
  4. water
  5. light
  6. life
  7. magic

The elven star, however, the septagram, is similar yet highly different (from the pentagram). While many of its points hold elemental symbolism, it is more complex in the relationship between the points.

Point 1: The Sun. There is apparent fire elemental symbolism here, but also a more specific symbolism relavent to the septagram. The sun is the primary force of life and creation on Earth or most any other world. Without it, elven and humanoid life as we know it would not exist. Its influence affects us in uncountable ways, ranging from climate to psychology to its interaction with other bodies in our system. At the same time, there are the magical symbols associated with the sun: life, energy, creation, fertility, power--but at the same time remember that the sun has its negative aspects as well: drought, extreme heat, radiation, cancer, and so forth.

Point 2: The Wood. Most elves feel a deep connection to forests and woods in general. Trees are considered kin, cousins and brothers. Elves can see a deep secret hidden in the branches of trees, and understand the power and nature of trees and woods. There is also earth elemental symbolism here.

Point 3: The Sea. Many elves also have a connection to the sea, and water elemental powers are very strong naturally. Some may be reluctant to know the sea or feel it, perhaps forgetting the ocean as one of the great forces of many worlds.

Point 4: The Magic. Magic is integral to the lives of all elves, whether it be the simple but profound magic of a snowflake or the more involved (for the elf perhaps) magic of rhymes, runes, visions, and such. It is not only a matter of understanding magic, but of living magic.

Point 5: The Moon. Just as the sun is responsible for our existence, so too does the moon have almost as important a role. Consider how different Earth would be without the moon: to light the dark night skies; to affect the weather and tides with its gravity (it is in many ways a contributor to the dynanism of our weather patterns); and even the magical and physiological effects upon us and others. Without its effects, the cycles of life in our oceans might not have occurred--or at least, not have occured as we have known them to. The way life on Earth exists now is due directly to the moon.

Point 6: The Wind. Many elves also have a strong connection to the wind and air elementals in general. At the same time, the wind is responsible for helping germinate the world's plants and forests--it is the essence of weather, and so much more.

Point 7: Connection. Ultimately, elves must remember the idea of Connection--of our connection to ourselves, others, the world, the land, reality, magic, and the universe. We are creatures of connection, and our power is tied to our connections to all things. This point is the aspiration perhaps of the other points, just as the fifth point of spirit is the aspiration of the pentagram and humanity.


List 3

  1. fire/life
  2. earth/wood
  3. water/sea
  4. Magic
  5. Moon/light/cycles of life
  6. air/wind
  7. Connection/Spirit


okay so... what happened with Cernunnos was called "opening a channel"

i opened a channel with him and thats how i felt him.
and since then i have been sp at peace.... i want to do it again.

thinking about it makes my heart happy... and my muscles relax.

i would love to do it while mediating.

To sit and just feel him.

to have that connection.

be connected with the father deity. father deity.


guys.... as much as i love woolard, i really havn't ever had a father figure. Which is why i'm a bit confused by my admiration of Cernunnos.

i want to portray him at my wedding.
if my wife is open to it.

i'd love to have a light green dress.... or at least have the antlers.

i'm not a masculine person. at all. i am quite girly.
why do i want to channel him so badly?

is it because of my "daddy issues"?

i just feel so...good.

opening a channel with him has me in an almost Euphoric mood. I want to keep it.

i wonder if he would be open to it again.

i know i have daddy issues.
its why i have latched on to Woolard.

even though Cernunnos is a god, and i know he wouldn't actually come to me... a girl can dream right? He showed himself to me once, and i allowed myself to be drawn away.

Now i'm itching to see him again.

to be abel to hug him.

oh what it would have been like to hug a god. who obviously loved me.

i feel warm all over thinking about it.

its comforting....

maybe if i call out to him?

he'll give me a second chance?

i hope so.

but when an i do it?

i don't get to go walking in the woods very often.
especially by myself.

and i know i need to be by myself to do this.


i feel loved right now.

His presence was so gentle.
and warm.
and kind.

i'm sure if i meditate on it, i can derive more, but for now i'm just....happy. loved.

its the same love i felt comming from him when i first saw him in that tree.
i want more of it. to feel more of it.

to show him i love him too, to apologize for allowing myself to be turned away.

The god of the hunt and all things wild...
creative chaos...
lord of the forests...
green man...
my lord...

i love you.


okay so thr first part was basically a faerie themed flea market.
i only baught a few things, but spent waaay too much money. Everything was expensiv... but everything was authentic and DEF. worth the money.

i'll have pics up soon.

i met a psychic who did a eading for me. Aparently i will have 2 sons. I have a dark haired love interest that i am holding back from, that i should go for . (i don't really have a crush on i mean, there is the cute girl in my first class, but its not really a thing.)
 and apparently my SG is female. But because i'm so blocked in my third eye i felt that she was male.


please no.
if my SG is female and i have been calling her male that is so embarrassing.

plus he showed himself to me as a male,,,,
at least it looked that way in the breif flash of my mind.

but going back to that dream in which i went home i was with a younger girl, who was blonde. what if she is my SG? my little sister from the past life?

see i suspected that maybe my SG and i were married in my previoous life.. or related in some way. idk. i need answers. I need to consult my pendulum and talk with him/her.

but the faerie ball.

Woodland was the first band to play and their second song that they performed.... i lost myself in a trance and guys.... I litterally felt myself as my spirit is. I felt myself as an elf. I was there, with my eyes closed, but could see with my mind. i could feel my ears and my entire body, it felt different than my human one. Guys. i felt myself as a fae. As my spirit is. it was beautiful.

then Omnia. fucking Omnia. i saw them, live. alksjxflWHJFULEGF
it was awesome.

they sound just as good live as they do recorded. and they are all about love and independence and being true to who you are.

def chaotic good.

the actually got called back onto stage... TWICE by the crowd. ad their last song was Morrigan. by that time i was in the back of the room and could actually DANCE. when i say dance i dont mean modern danceing. i mean, my own dance. and i did it in front of people. and you know what? they smiled. they liked it. it was awsome.

and guys this weekend.... i had such a release... i needed it.

that night i was able to pray to Cernunnos and actually feel him listening to me.

last night i imagined talking to him again...

"Though there are many Gods inside your head
And I am only one
Believe in me I'll set you free
To worship me is fun

Because I stand for freedom
The forest wyld untamed
I'm creative Chaos no I just cannot be chained

You people think you're different but to me you're all the same
So if you feel in need of me well you can call my name

Call me Satan call me Satyr
I'm Cernunnos I am Pan
I'm the laughter in the forest
I'm the happy horny one"

I want to call out to him. I want to feel him again. I want to be free. Unchained. Happy.

It was so amazing, to be unrestricted this weekend.

and then last night i actually saw my SG. FELT him (or her...)
and that hasn't happened in a long time. He(/she) held my hand, and then stayed with me util i went to sleep.

I saw him. floating over me... not in any distinct form, but like a mist.

But he held my hand. i felt him.

and i know its because of this weekend. I was able to open myself because of this weekend.

I'm so happy i could cry.... i just don't want to get closed off again.

Friday, November 7, 2014


woolard is in the hospital.
he had a heart stint put in.
i didn't even know it until this morning.
my dad was in the hospital and i didn't know.
i feel so bad....
he says he feels fine and he's okay....
in the hospital.
i want to cry.

Thursday, November 6, 2014


1. What are the available food resource opportunities for the Ju/'hoansi in the Dobe Region?
"Plant foods make up he majority of their diet.... more than a hundred varieties of edible plants..." In a single gathering they can gather enough food to last ten days. The most important plant being the Mongongo nut which is their main source of protein, however they do hunt as well which is about 30% of their diet.

2.  What part of the Ju/'hoansi social organization was most interesting to you?
I was very impressed with how Women are able to be elders and are treated as equals. In many cultures, especially older ones, this is not common.

Their Marriages also interest me greatly. Although first marriages are arranged, a woman can show their displeasure at the wedding ceremony (which involves forcably taking the bride from her hut in a "capture") by fighting, kicking, and screaming. If this occurs, then there is a great chance the marriage will not happen. Also, divorce is not uncommon. This really surprised me when i compare it to other cultures i have learned about this year. These women are surprisingly independent and the fact that Divorce is not frowned upon, and often expected (with first marriages) really impressed me.

3.  What are the major issues for the Ju/'hoansi today?
Health - Because the former diet could no longer be kept up due to restrictions on hunting and their ability to forage, with borders and fences being built, hypertension and heart disease began to show up in the people. Add that with cigarettes and alcohol and the problem multiplies.
Food/Starving - Due to no longer being able to live as they had before the Ju were forced to depend on the government's food distribution programs. When that ended they were left in a very lean state and unable to predict how things would progress. eventually the government would provide rations.
Overcrowding - combining the first two issues with the fact that reservations were basically established that held a thousand people when only desgned to hold 275 people led to other issues such as family violence.

4.  In your opinion, what can we learn from the Ju/'hoansi culture?
I think what we can learn from them is generosity. By working together thy can gather enough food to last for days in just one trip. When meat is accessible, it is eaten in a joyful feast and it is made sure that everyone gets a fair share.Americans like to think of themselves as generous, sending help to other countries in times of disaster, but when it comes to our own people we turn a blind eye as a whole. I think that the teamwork and fair treatment/dispersion of food, which i would call generous, is what we can learn from the Ju/'hoansi.

One other thing i feel we can learn from the Ju is their humility. Although I don't particularly like how they bash and talk down a hunter's kill, i do like how they avoid overly boastful people. In America many people are quick to brag and let any success go to their head. Being arrogant and cocky has actually been a stereotype for Americans in several movies and books that i have read. To be honest i feel this is kind of accurate for American society and culture, which is why their humility is something i think we should keep in mind.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Best Memory

okay so in Societies class, the teacher mention how often we wish our best memories had lasted longer.

i have two... formerly my best memory had been that relaxing day outside, listening to music, burning incense, and just relaxing with Racheal one afternoon.

but the first thing that poped into my head when he said best memory, was the beach trip with Kasey, Kit, me and Jake.

which has made me a bit sad.

i'm over jake. i really am. our relationship is dead. the end.

i just sometimes miss my former best friend.

tat day at the beach, throwing sand and wrestling, and laughing, and it was just pure happiness. that day was pure happiness.

and instead of being happy when i remember it, i feel sad.

which that fact in itself is sad.


Monday, November 3, 2014

this makes me happy.

looking at this picture makes me happy.

look at this,,,,, i mean..AWWWWWWWW

the way Eugene is lookin at her.... and PETER PAN. SOOOO FUCKING CUTE. 

exam #2

okay so i'm taking my second "societies from around the world" exam today... noooo not ready for it

it really sucks that we learned about 2 cultures this time, because i have a feeling i'm going to get them mixed up as hell.

plus i'm driving myslf today, which means i need to keep up with paying the parking meter.

i need to get there a bit early to study and to get my test materials that i forgot to buy last week.


thoth please help me. i need to pass this exam. please. please.please. i love you and thank you.

wish me luck guys.

Saturday, November 1, 2014



okay so i went to a halloween "party" last night.  it was like... 10 people most of who were drinking a LOT and joking around about larking (live action role playing). then a little fire and some singing. it was alright...a bit boring at times, but not bad.

execept will.

he would not let up about me not drinking. several times... asking why i don't drink. did i want a drink. and then at the end, when i finally had enough i ended up getting a challenge. if one of the guys made me a drink that i couldn't taste the alcohol i would drink some, if i could taste the alcohol then they would drink it.

i couldn't taste the alcohol, so i took a few sips and was done.
then will.

kept trying to get me to finish it, kept asking why i wouldn't. he just couldn't understand why i didn't want to get drunk.

pissed. me. the fuck. off.

"why won't you finish it?"
because i don't want to get drunk.
"why don't you want to get drunk?"
because i just don't want to get drunk.

and then FINALLY he backed off. i think he saw that he actually pissed me off when i practically yelled the 'no' at him.

after that i was kinda in a sour mood.

why the fuck can't people just understand i don't drink?
i told him BEFORE we went i didn't drink.
i must have said it like 10 different times that night.
and still he kept on.

it wasn't a bad night... just not my kind of party.