Tuesday, July 18, 2017

job interview

So.... the other night i somehow lost $100 from the store safe. I don't know how. It went missing sometime between 8-10. but it happened.
 i then had a panic attack later that night/morning at like 3am.

i've been super stressed ever since moving into the office. i have had more panic attacks since the move than i have in a while. my stress levels are way too high.

so on impulse i decided to apply to a job posting looking for  receptionist. IT was impulse and i didn't expect to hear anything. they responded this morning and asked me to come in and fill out a paper application. I did. Met the hiring manager, and didn't expect to hear back.

10 minutes later he calls me and asks me a few questions. why was i leaving y current job/what did i mean when i said that "retail wasn't for me". I explained that working customer service was great but the dealing with such large amounts of physical money caused too much stress because when i make mistakes i tend to beat myself up over it.

he then asked me when i would be available for an interview.

guess who has an interview for a full time receptionist job.

let it be known that i don't think i will actually get it due my being in school, but who knows. I know i'm going to rock the interview, but am prepared to hear about scheduling conflicts.

I feel so guilty for even applying, and now going to an interview, because we are so short staffed at the store. but at the same time, somethings got to give. I can't be having panic attacks every other time i close the store.

there is no guarantee that i will get the job... no harm in applying.... no harm in going to interview.

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