Monday, April 29, 2019

astrology/deity thoughts?

okay so... I'm a Sagittarius sun sign... its my zodiac.

but somehow i'm also a Sagittarius dominant and Jupiter dominant (Sagittarius)..

the female aspect of Jupiter is Jun (Hera)

the Celtic equivalent to Hera is The Morrigan..

guess who is considered the maiden aspect of the Morrigan (who is a triple goddess)?


Fuck yeah makes sense.

I found a really good astrology book in barnes and nobel that I was reading and would occasionally (all the time) show jimmie.

super accruate...but in order to actually have it be super accurate you have to not only read your sun sign but also your dominant signs as well.

so like... I'm sagitarius, sagitarius, sagitarius..... the sagitarius female chapter of the book was 98% accurate and it was very intense to read because it called me out on things I have never articulated to myself, let alone anyone else... but it was there plainly stated in the book.

meanwhile Jimmie (a taurus) was reading the taurus male chapter and said only like... a maximum of 60% was right for him and he didn't even finish the chapter. But he is also a Scorpio and Pluto dominant. so... Jimmie is a scorpio/scorpio tarus.

I feel like he will get a much more accurate feel from the scorpio chapter.

either way... I bought the book. And I figured that we could read the chapters together and discuss what we thought were hella accurate and what isn't accurate. I figured it would be a cutye little date.... which could turn south because the book does NOT shy away from listing ALL of the negative aspects and painting the reader in a negative light. I thought it was funny but Jimmie has the potential to get really upset.

but i am super excited. I think overall its gonna be fun.

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