Monday, January 11, 2021

terrorist attack

**I wrote this a two days after the attack and edited it since I am posting it almost a week later. Forgive me if I missed a time marker. 

Can we just stop and talk about the fact that last week there was a domestic terrorist attack and now its like it didn't even happen?

Wednesday, January 6th, President Donald Trump incited a mob of his supporters to attack the Capitol Building in DC to stop the electoral college votes from being counted, confirming Biden's win, and demand that the presidency be given to Trump. He insisted that the victory was stolen from him and that he had blatantly won. When he in fact blatantly lost both the electoral college vote and by popular vote. He insisted them to storm the building and stop the legal transfer of power. 

The mob of supporters rushed the capitol building, broke through the barley present defences of the capitol police, TOOK SELFIES with some of the officers when they breached the inside of the building, and proceeded to riot inside. Confederate flags were put up inside the building, along with Trump flags, and even a nazi flag... after tossing the American flag to the ground. These were the people that Ivanka Trump called "Patriots". 

Congress members and supporting staff who were not able to evacuate in time had to huddle together, lie on the floor with gas masks, and pray for their lives and safety as the police guarding the doors aimed their guns and waited. One woman trying to break in through a window was shot, and later died - she served as a member of the air force and died a traitor. 

Somehow those that were able to breach the building ransacked, destroyed, and vandalized the building and offices managed to go in and come back out to brag about it to the rest of the horde without consequence. While overall there was little physical violence other than the terrorists fighting DC police with bats, flag poles, and pepper spray - the fear and threat were clear as day. This was a blatant attack on the democracy America is known for. This was a spit in the face of an actual fair election. This was a trump-supporting cult deciding they wanted to start a "revolution" and take the country's leadership by force for the man they idolize and blindly follow. Donald Trump knew exactly what he was doing, did, and only slightly retracted his stance when he saw that this coup attempt would not work. Overall multiple pipe bombs were found, along with molotov cocktails, and illegal guns. 

This was not a protest. This was not a riot. Those things I can understand. 
This was an attack on the legislative branch of the government. This was an attempted seizure of power by force. This was a show of power and intimidation, with words from Virginian Senators and overheard conversations from the mob by the press, insinuating this won't be the last one. This was a start. 
This was a fucking terrorist attack, not a protest. 

The fact that this was handled as anything less fills me with both rage and fear. Rage that extreme violence was brought on those who marched and protested peacefully (and after the violence started turned to riots - INSTIGATED by police and trump supporters taking advantage of causing chaos to slander the enemy) but the most the terrorists met was pepper spray and a little bit of tear gas. Most were able to get away with no consequences. 

Nothing was done to discourage another attack or show of violence and sedition. That's what I am afraid of. They will run off, lick their wounds, and come back worse. This country, which has been going down the shitter since Obama was first elected and the racist and hate filled folk began to make their presence more known. Once Trump was elected in 2016 I knew it was too far gone. Now, even as he has lost this election the IDEA of what he embodied is still going strong and may now only grow stronger as they feel they are facing injustice. 

I need to get my passport and seriously consider moving to another country. This is actually doable for me with my degree, I just have to make sure I have enough saved up to allow me to gain entry; getting a work visa shouldn't be too hard. 

Places to Consider:
US Territories:
- Guam - Visa Needed -  BIG military take over, LGBT safe, BCBS is accepted there.
Am. Samoa and the CNMI are not LGBT friendly nor would I be able to get my meds. 

Majority English Speaking Countries to Whittle Down:
- Austria * - amazing healthcare. Very cold winter but decent summer (think NYC), LGBT safe (  30-80

- Australia *41 low - 91+ weather. good health care. LGBT safe.

- Denmark  - 20F-80F

- Gibraltar - economy based on tourism!? (civil union, but safe), health care... Ehic like autria?

- Malta - big on tourism, Ehic like austria? 40F-90+F

- Netherlands - universal + private

- New Zealand - public - inland 20F, but most is moderate 40F-80

- Norway - once you hit a certain amount, the rest is free. 25F-65F

- Republic of Ireland - public + private - generally stays around 50F year round. 

- UK - universal - 40F - 65

Healthcare, LGBT rights, and Weather are used to whittle this list down at first. 

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