Tuesday, November 8, 2016


My mother voted for trump.

Don't get me wrong.... like me she despises both major party candidates. But, by some way i will NEVER understand, she decided that trump was the lesser of two evils.

she said not to take it personally, that she just voted for who she thought would do less damage.... and that its okay for us to disagree politically.

she write about its okay for us to disagree....

but how can i not take it personally?

a vote for trump is a vote against basic human rights.
a vote for trump is a vote for straight conversion camps.
a vote for trump is a vote for the repeal of the same sex marriage law.
a vote for trump is a vote for the objectivication of women.

As a woman who falls into the LGBTA spectrum... how can i not take it personally?

I'm so ashamed....
i feel so betrayed....

I just want to cry.

If the gods have any mercy... trump will not win....

i'm terrified.


  1. Trump definitely won't win. :) Don't worry, Lisa.

  2. At least... I hope not. I voted for Hillary myself, and I'm honestly mortified that people would listen to the things that come out of that impulsive man's mouth and think, "that's the man I want as president."

    I usually don't like talking about politics with people because I don't like arguing with people when I know that they won't even consider what I say. This time however, it's an absolute injustice.

    I, too, am ashamed that our country, one that has made what seems to be so much progress in the past 100 years, has shown its true colors. It has shown open racism, sexism and classism.

    I'm ashamed of the faith people have put into someone with no experience as a politician, who opts to attack his opponents with insults instead of arguments.

    Now I'm scared too.
