Saturday, January 28, 2017


I got in a pretty scary car accident today. I'm OK, just shaken and sore. I was driving back to Greenville with Lauren (my girlfriend) when a car from the other lane suddenly came into mine (I think his tire blew but i'm not sure). It was almost a head on collision, i swerved to the side, but we still got side swiped and pushed into a ditch. My car is totaled and locked away in some garage place until monday, i don't know how i'm going to handle all of the different insurance issues (the guy who hit me isn't insured), deal with getting a rental car, figure out getting a new car, all the while dealing with school and work. Plus I have the Flu.

I can't catch a break. 

however we were lucky... i could have realized what was happening too late and we could have been hit head on..  killing Lauren's dog, and severely injuring us both. I was lucky Lauren was there because I was too stunned when we got hit to function... she pretty much pulled me from the car. Once outside i proceeded to have a panic attack until the paramedics arrived. 

Lauren stayed with me the whole day. Cuddled me and comforted me. tried to help me sleep and never left my side. I'm definitely lucky.

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