Monday, May 7, 2018

Dinosaurs and heated discussions

Both Jimmie and I were off from work today so we decided to have a date day to the museum of science.

On the way he and I ended up arguing over copyright and legal power and ownership over intellectual properties that writers have on the content they put out.

He and I have very different views.

But it really just boils down to the fact that he’s not a writer, he doesn’t understand and I don’t think he will.

Let’s hope this discussion doesn’t come about again, because if it does it might actually turn into a fight. And not a small one either.

I’m still very heated.

Anyway, we have a lovely day at the museum. We see the exhibits and the science center. I fangirl over the dinosaurs, he fan boys over the space and geology and technology.

It’s wonderful.

Then we go out to eat... and I get sick. It happened yesterday too... after eating I get... bowl issues and intense intestinal pain.

It’s becomming more common.

So we rush home, take a nap, watch a movie, and end up having another discussion.

About this scam music festival called fyre festival. A lot of people got scammed out of thousands of dollars, kept in conditions where they had limited access to shelter, food, and water. Not to mention illegally locked in an airport.

This is horrific. But Jimmie thinks it’s great because all of these people were rich.

As if that made them being robbed okay.

So now I’m going to bed irritated again.

Today had its ups and downs; the date was wonderful and I’m happy I got to spend the day with him, on the flip side I got to see a side of him that I did not like very much. The birth charts weren’t wrong when they said that his life view and mine did not align and it would cause issues.

And to put the icing on the cake: something is wrong with my jaw and it really hurts.

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