Friday, February 22, 2019

messages from the universe

I will never again (okay i will but i am shook right now) doubt that the universe/the gods listen to us and look out for us.

so i have needed to talk to someone for a long time now about how spiritually disconnected i am and how i feel i have lost touch with my magical origins.

I feel disconnected from my soul.
I barley pray anymore.
My spell craft can't seem to go right.
I can't seem to connect with the faeries that are with me... if they are even with me anymore.

The longer i am in this human form... the more human i become.
My body is changing.
I'm losing touch with the divine more and more.

I thought i had pretty much lost anything magical about myself... i had lost myself.
I was talking about it to my friend Jerry yesterday... something in me made me reach out to him about it... and he offered some good advice and sent me a beautiful poem that helped him when he felt lost.

It was a beautiful poem and i could tell it was significant... i just couldn't understand the meaning fully.

then today out of nowhere this guy walks into the computer lab where i have my hours and just starts talking to me. He seems like he can't stay long and when he leaves he says "there is something magical about you.. there really is. I hope you don't lose that, because its special." when I said thank you and hugged him and told him i had actually been feeling disconnected from magic he shook his head and said "you are magical, I can tell." and i started to tear up he laughed and nodded; then he was gone. 

sometimes if you get a message one way but don't understand it, if its important enough the gods will send it to you again in another way.

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