Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Baby steps

 okay and theres something I realized/got told this weekend when it comes to my spirituality. 

If everything is levels and I am trying to get to level 100 (shaman level is my ultimate goal) 

I keep trying to start at like... a level 10 because back in highschool thats where I was. That was my natural baseline before life got in the way. 

But I can't start there because... well... I've fallen in skill level. by a lot. so I keep trying to hold myself to a standard that in't obtainable. so I get discouraged and the more discouraged I get the lower I fall. 

So starting at ground zero... My magic is bardic and deity work. so lets go back to the basics... it started with dance, poetry, and prayer. This doesn't have to be full energy work or trance dance, these don't have to be perfect poetry spells, nor des this mean i need full length conversation prayers. 

Just dancing for the joy of it. Little poetry diddys with small intention. Just saying good night to my gods. 

from there I can grow it. but if I start at the minium... I can't get discouraged. and If it becomes a pattern, then I can start adding on. 

But last night I included a little diddy in my petition for Brigid to bless my home and I immediately felt a difference in the prayer/manifestation. Thats where my power lies... in my movement, in my words, in my creation. 

I just have to actually believe in myself. 

that isn't acheived with leaps and bounds.. its done with reliable and steady baby steps. 

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