Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Budgeting without the panic. (new health insurance info)

To start, my bipolar epsiode had but my anxiety on a level 11/10. so, lets look at this in a more clear headed light. 

Also I found out that our bonus pay shows up on the NEXT month's paycheck. so October gave me an extra $300 - which will show up on november's paycheck. 

 income: $3087

$1250 rent and utilities --> not moving. we are never going to get this much space for this cost. 
$271 loan
$75 (25 and 50) credit - I transferred my sams balance to my lowest apr usaa card. 

$35 payment for flight up there to look at apartments.
$70 Joint membership - chiropractor - that can't go. quality of life. this is health care for chronic pain.
$235 car payment - its debt but also equity so not bold. 
$100 insurance 
$30 internet (spectrum)
$285 health insurance through marketplace
$170 student loans 
$200 groceries - need to be very cautious with this 
$90 pets
$20 10 subscriptions ($9 hulu, $7 pandora, $1 cloud space) - I have to cancel my pandora.
$10 humu medicine ($20 every other month)
$160 gas (might have to ask mom for a little help when i visit; plus the office will be moving closer)
$75 savings 
$25 spiritual work book subscription --> a single reading a month would cover this. Just one. 
$25 flight pass --- this is the only one I would pass on if i had to. 

thats $6 left over max on months where we have no bonus. But.... that hardly ever happens. so. I can breath. 

so this month will be tight but next month will be better. Because i'm also going to have to make monthly payments on my snow tires for the next 6 months. 

so - $1000 bonus: $500 to Loan debt and $500 to saving. 

bonus: 300 --> 100 to savings, 100 to checking, 100 to CC debt (25 and 75 per card). 


Math for pets:

34 lb weight watcher blue buffalo last 3 months ($65)  = 22

Dehydrated food (55 last 5 mo)   - 11

wet cat food monthly 25

dry cat food $20 for 2 months = 10

Greenies 32 for 4 months  (if snow doesn't get into them and eat them ALL AT ONCE= $8

Meaty bones = $20 (2 months) = 10


86... round to 90


Starting in January I will need to re-factor. 

1) Work will be a little closer, so hopefully that will help lower my gas a bit. 

2) My health insurance will go up because my current one does not cover long term therapy. And... ideally I would like long term therapy. (more than 10 sessions or spanning more than 6 months)

My new insurance will be:

Anthem Silver Blue Preferred/Broad 4000 (3 Free PCP Visits + $0 Select Drugs + Incentives)

POS - Plan ID: 79475WI0530017


3) We will be getting better bonuses starting January (Feb paycheck) - currently all employees get an even share of 10% of that month's profits. Starting in January it will be 15%. 

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