Thursday, June 9, 2016

Frustrated at Racheal

Okay so I had a beach trip planned for Racheal.

It was going to just be us sisters and maybe Caras friend, so that car wouldn't feel left out.

Well Caras friend canceled but she was still okay to go.

Racheal changes everything by saying she invited her friend Kayla and that they were going to ride separate. 

This kisses me off - I was looking forward to the car ride blasting out music and binding. 
Then after an argument  meant with mom Racheal compromises and now we are all riding in Kaylas car.

Now I'm even more pissed. For several reasons:
- I don't really like Kayla. We were barely friends in Highschool, we were friends out of necessity during freshman year. Now we are back to the occasional hug when we pass by eachother on campus. Distant - that's how I like it. Especially when she is so intelligent but refuses to see or believe SCIENTIFIC fact that humans are primates , because she of her Christian faith.
- I have no control in the situation. In my car I would be driving, I would have a say in the music choice. I don't like anything Kayla listens to but in my car I would be in control.  Kayla is a slow driver and I swear after 2 hours in a car with her I'll be tempted to drown her in the ocean.

I'm pissed and disappointed.

When I asked her why she even invited Kayla, she said that since Cara was brining a friend she wanted to bring one as well. Only cata was brining a friend because she didn't want I barely left out like shebusually does when the three of us get together.

Only even if Caras friend could come, those two would be together and Racheal and Kayla would be together. Where does that leave me? Am I just the fucking chauffeur?

All I can think when I see Kayla is: idiot. A fucking idiot. 

Who believes in evolution but not that humans are primates? What are we then? Human isn't a scientific name.... Wand if we don't have a common ancestor... What was homo erectus? What was homo Neanderthalis? What are Homo sapiens? if we aren't primates what the fuck are we? 

And she isn't ignorant. Ignorance is when you don't know. When you do know but refuse to believe it, that is stupidity. She a ducking idiot. And I'm going to be stuck with her all day tomorrow, miserable and probably by myself. Or alone with Cara as we loath in "saltiness" while Racheal and Kayla hang out together and gush all day. 

it's inconsiderate.

And she had the nerve to tell me she tried to give me a way out by uninitiated Kayla. What the fuck? After the seaman and explosion that she saw at our house over this? Damage is done. To uninvited her would be rude and tacky. 

No Racheal changed the plans and we will all just have to hope for the best. 

Looks like I'll be alone in the ocean. gods give me strength for tomorrow.

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