Thursday, June 16, 2016

Vigil for Orlando

So the other day I went to a vigil for the fallen no wounded victims of the Orlando shooting. I almost didn't because I was scared.

The domestic terrorist attack did its job nd I was almost too scared to go. But with my best friend Taylor holding my hand the entire time, I went. It was beautiful. She cried. I cried. We held eachother. 

I almost gave into fear because I live in the "Bible Belt" where loving another girl means I am the object of hatred. Even holding Taylor's hand we got nasty looks from some people as we walked back to her car. I was scared that someone's her and hatred would come out violently as we honored the fallen from the gay club; it didn't. And there were 6 Greenville police officers that volunteered their time to keep us all safe. 

Ever since the start of the vigil I knew the song that perfectly put into words how I felt for the victims, so I'm just going to leave it here.

or if you prefer the movie version:

And I am left in my tears to wonder how someone could hate so strongly. Hey is not something I understand because I do not hate anyone. I strongly dislike but have no hatred. Why is it so hard for the world to just live eachother? 

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