Tuesday, November 20, 2018


So I found out the reason I have been finding it harder and harder to feel and work with the fae is that I have closed off my heart; I am not open to giving new love or receiving it, and I certainly don’t trust very much anymore.

The way to solve this is forgiveness.

I even wrote a full on ritual spell to do it.
Unlike what I was hoping this won’t be a one and done spell. This is going to be a redemption arc.

Except it has been brought to my attention by the fae, Victoria, Di, and now Michael that I have my forgiveness line up wrong. I wanted to start with the bigger hurts and then move to lesser hurts.

I need to start with forgiveness of self.
Then forgiveness of others.

Meaning this will be at LEAST a two month process.

So I will have to do the ritual at least twice: once with a list of  grievances I have done against myself that I need to forgive, the other a list from others I need to forgive. And then the month following the ritual I take steps to correct the things I need to forgive.

The full moon is Thursday. Since I’m doing this one for my own actions, and it would be a continual thing; I need to do it on Thursday. I will most likely hold the ritual in the bathroom and take a cleansing bath to wash it all off of me. So I need to write a second ritual.

Then the ritual involving others will be the next month’s waning creasant, calling for the end of those feelings.

Two months.
Each day I’m going to try to do a card reading of some sort.

I need to sources more shinies as offerings.

And tonight work should be slow and I’ll start on my new list.

Let’s hope this works.

****esit: the full moon is Friday so I have another full day to prepare.

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